Yu Jun

Chapter 128 Unknown

Chapter 128 Unknown
"When you first joined the army, you were a rank-30 Marquis. Up to now, although there is only one dutou with a real job, it is better than many people." Zhong Jiaqing stretched out his index finger and pointed back at himself, "[-] years ago, I used a gourd The merit of He Dajie, killing thousands of enemies, and then transferred to the seventh-rank Wu Yilang, and increased the command, killing fifty iron stupas, is it considered a great victory?"

Mo Lefeng shook his head in frustration: "That doesn't count."

Zhong Jiaqing said with a smile, "You killed the enemy just for promotion?"

Mo Lefeng said truthfully: "Yes."

"I heard that Envoy Mo Jiedu is not in good health," Chong Jiaqing sighed with a trace of heroic twilight, "Your Mo family, in your generation, the population is dying, you are worried that if Mo Jiedu leaves, you will die." Eaten up and wiped clean?"

"Isn't it?"

"Yes, so you want a real job and keep the Mo family? Killing Tie Futu is a contribution you handed over?"


"It's useless," Zhong Jiaqing taught her slowly, "I don't know how Mo Jiedu envoy sent you in, but obviously there is a gap between Wang Zhizhou and Wang Zhizhou, promotion is not easy, and Wang Zhizhou suppressed you , It is really difficult for you to be promoted in a real position. I can decide on a leader, but I can't decide on a commander and a battalion with 500 people."

"Is there no other way?"

"Yes," Zhong Jiaqing smiled kindly, "As loyal as I am, you are ready to die for your country at any time. Sooner or later, you will be a female general who will make the world look up to you."

"Hey..." Mo Lingfeng was neither loyal nor willing to die for his country, so he lowered his eyes, stared at his toes, and sighed regretfully.

A gleam of light flashed in Zhong Jiaqing's smiling eyes, and he showed a little extra sympathy for the poor little girl: "You have been promoted all the way from the false position to the fifth rank. Naturally, everyone knows that when the time comes, who can suppress you?" ?”

He handed the teacup to his mouth again, and took a sip - the army seems simple, but in fact it is very complicated and intertwined, among which Mo Lingfeng only occupies an inconspicuous corner.

"This time, you have made meritorious service in drawing the map and heroically killed the enemy. I will write to the army and request that you be transferred from Zhonghou to Liupin Youwu doctor based on your merit. It is a vain job, and no one will stop you."

Mo Lingfeng thanked Zhong Jiaqing, walked out of the middle tent dejectedly, and returned to his room.

She rubbed the heels of her feet, threw the two shoes to the ground, untied the light armor, and threw herself on the bed.

Stretching out her hands to wipe off the sweat, she turned over and lay flat on her back, squinting her eyes to look at the chess ceiling above her head. The wooden boards were one after another, square and square, to form a simple but huge chessboard.

There are black dots all over the chessboard, Mo Lingfeng stretched out his index finger, felt a little empty, and pressed the three words "Zhong Jiaqing" on the chessboard in his mind.

Doctor Youwu, the sixth rank, is even better than she thought.

Closing her eyes, she drifted off to sleep.

Mo Lingfeng fell asleep and turned upside down. In his dream, he vaguely heard the screams of fighting, as if the gate of hell suddenly opened at night, releasing ghosts and ghosts, and taking away the ghosts who were unwilling to leave.

This voice only appeared briefly in her dream, and then she felt someone squatting beside her bed—the smell of Yin Nan's bloodthirsty smell, and the smoky smell of You Muqing grilling and eating.

So she calmed down and continued to sleep.

When she woke up again, it was already noon the next day.

She sat up in the midst of the steaming heat, staring dazedly at the edge of the bed with her legs hanging down, her bare feet inserted into her shoes.

Yin Nan had been a maidservant for a long time, knowing that she hadn't woken up like this, he brought her a cup of herbal tea from the table, and then narrated the big battle last night in a straightforward manner.

As soon as Zishi arrived last night, the Jinlu army sent troops. Fortunately, the village was already prepared, and the second village in the rear also sent troops in time to repel the Jinlu.

Mo Lingfeng drank tea slowly, fluttered his nostrils, smelled the strong smell of blood and the oily smell of burning torches, and knew that last night was not a dream, but a real enemy attack, so he woke up completely - so dangerous, they are only as good as gold The captive army arrived half a day early.

She handed the tea bowl to Yin Nan: "Clothes."

Yin Nan took two summer socks and handed them to her first. She curled up one leg and kicked it on the side of the bed, put on the socks slowly, then put on the other foot, pulled on the shoes, put on a goose-yellow cross-neck gauze shirt, and wore the same color The large gauze silk sash tied a twisted waist.

After putting on this outfit, there was already fine sweat on her forehead, and after putting on the light armor, her temples were already wet.

Putting on the gold collar, she stretched her waist: "What time is it?"

"It's just past noon."

Mo Lingfeng touched his flattened stomach, walked out, pushed open the door, all eyes were chaotic soldiers, some from the original village, and some from the back village, countless injured, sitting or lying down, Waiting for healing.

The military doctor of the School of Medicine led his disciples to check them one by one. Those who were slightly injured were given golden sore medicine, and those who were seriously injured had the medicine applied first, and then transported to the medical hospital in the rear for slow treatment. Its effect - let it run its course.

The fervent treatment made people feel an unspeakable restlessness in their hearts. They couldn't stand or sit still. A lot of sweat and blood poured out together. Those who were seriously injured quickly withered and died.

Mo Lingfeng passed the wounded without looking sideways, and walked to the rear camp.

There is a large stove in the back camp, the pot is full of medicines, and another small stove is set up for cooking. The white heat is like a fire. There is a sweaty soldier standing behind the pot. Seeing Mo Lingfeng, he immediately shouted With a sound of "Modutou", the lid of the pot was lifted at the same time, and two of the best white flour steamed cakes were taken out, put in a bowl, and a pinch of white sugar was twisted and sprinkled on it.

The Left Route Army knows that Xiao Dutou eats steamed cakes with sugar.

Yin Nan took the bowl, Mo Lingfeng was so hot that he couldn't stop sweating, and he had no appetite for the two steaming pancakes. For the sake of the sugar, he managed to finish it, and went back to drink a big bowl of tea .

After drinking the water, she saw Zhong Jiaqing watching from the top of the fort, and ran up like a little sycophant.

Chong Jiaqing was arranging the deployment of the defense, and glanced at Mo Lefeng from the corner of his eye, and was accustomed to her being around him, so he ignored her and continued to talk to several commanders.

Mo Lingfeng wiped away his sweat.

The inner garment was already soaked with sweat, sticking to the back. After the hot wind blew, even the gauze shirt felt damp, the sweat soaked the forehead hair, and the eyelashes were clustered.

While listening to Zhong Jiaqing's words, she looked into the distance, and when she was looking, suddenly a strong wind blew up, stirring up the yellow sand and covering the shadow of the sun. Zhong Jiaqing yelled, and all the people on the fort head squatted down, Clinging tightly to the stone wall, the people in the village also rushed to cover the wounded soldiers.

The wind became stronger and stronger, and it became a strong wind. The large and small sand dunes disappeared, and the village was almost shaken.

Mo Lingfeng buried his head to avoid the wind and sand, and suddenly felt that something had fallen on his head, and he quickly reached out to grab it, but he didn't expect that what fell on his head was a living thing, which was still moving. She was startled immediately, and he couldn't let go of his grip , to see what it is.

(End of this chapter)

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