Yu Jun

Chapter 209 Mind

Tang Baitie rushed over, Wu's mother hurriedly wiped away her tears, not to show the joke to outsiders, Tang Baitie checked her pulse, and found out that she was in a hurry and had a deficiency syndrome, so she prescribed a prescription and received the consultation fee , and took Wu Yi back to grab the medicine.

Gradually, Wu's mother gained strength, forced herself to get up, and wanted to go back to her own room.

Wu Jin had no choice but to send Wu's mother back to the house first, then pushed Wu's father over, closed the door, and stood in the yard by herself, looking up at the sky.

The Jade Rabbit ascended to the sky, and the moonlight was like silver, covering his whole body. After standing for a long time, his whole body became cold, and even his heart also became cold.

Ultimately it is a crime of unfilial piety.

Wu's mother turned to Wu's father, before she could speak, tears fell first: "Boss lost his mind because of the girl in Mo's mansion, and just told me that he will never get married in this life."

Wu's father was dumbfounded, the two of them looked at each other like old and stray beasts, feeling old and weak.

"He's young," Wu's father thought for a moment, then whispered, "Kuanzhou City is only this big, and he doesn't know much, so he fascinated a girl for a while. The more we don't allow him, the more fascinated he will be. He, when he goes to the capital to take the exam, if he is on the list, and we move the whole family out of Kuanzhou, his mind will naturally fade."

Wu's mother remained silent, and Wu's father said again: "The capital is under the feet of the emperor, and there must be many good girls. When we find a good girl, he will naturally be willing to get married."

"Boss said that he will wait another three years before entering Beijing. I'm afraid, these three years..."

Wu's father sighed, his face was full of sadness, and he only hoped that there would be no accidents in the past three years.

Wu's mother looked at the things in the house - there were traces of Wu Jin in every corner.

The wheelbarrow that Wu Jin bought for her father, the Wanying Ointment she bought from Li Yitie’s pharmacy, the pears she bought at the fruit shop when she returned home yesterday, and the new jacket that was still on her body, all of them are Wu Jin’s filial piety to her parents. .

He is so kind, he never made mistakes since he was a child, he puts his parents first in everything, he is considerate everywhere, always remembers, and never caused any trouble to his parents.

However, he is too smart. When a smart person rebels, he always shocks the world and makes his parents helpless.

The two fell silent again.

Wu Yi came back with the medicine and went to light the fire again. Wu Jin went into the kitchen to wash the earthen jar and decocted the medicine with a small stove. After half an hour, Wu Yi brought the medicine to Wu's mother to drink.

The family was speechless all night.

In the early morning of the next day, Wu Jin decocted the medicine, brought it to the house, and asked Wu's mother to drink it, then made steamed cakes and cooked rice porridge, and asked Wu Yi to take it to the second elder.

When he went out, he saw that the sky was ashen, and remembering that it hadn't snowed this year, he went to the charcoal shop to weigh three scales of charcoal, carried it home, lit a charcoal basin in his parents' house, and then went out to Mo's house.

On that day, it really snowed.

After this snowfall, the sky turned cold rapidly, the river was frozen, and the war temporarily ceased. Amidst the continuous rain and snow, the twelfth lunar month came quietly.

Wu's mother started to buy things for the New Year, she ran out every day, brought back a leg of lamb today, and brought back a donkey sausage tomorrow. On the twenty-first day of the twelfth lunar month, she bought a lot of hazelnuts, walnuts, melon seeds, and two portable ones in the shop. Full of stuff, slowly walking home.

There was noise in her ears. Amidst the noise, she suddenly heard someone say that she saw the Detachment of Women while picking up horse dung.

The Women's Army has arrived at the racecourse, and the female general is inspecting the soldiers stationed on the racecourse, and will enter the city today.

Mother Wu stopped unknowingly, stood behind the lively group of people who were talking, and listened carefully to what they said.

Everyone talked with great interest and wanted to see the demeanor of the Detachment of Women—the Detachment of Detachment of Women wearing armour, majestic and majestic, but not dressed as a male soldier. Under the soft armor, the shirts are bright and bright, without losing the tenderness of women, which has a special demeanor.

Especially Mo Lingfeng, the leading female general, has beautiful eyes, bright and agile, and although she looks pretty, she has a decisive attitude.

Calculated carefully, Mo Lingfeng has not been home for more than half a year, it would be a pity if he missed it.

I just don't know when the Detachment of Women will return to the city.

Some people also said that they would not enter the city until the evening——Mo Lingfeng seemed to love the azure color when black and white changed, and often rode horses at this time.

While everyone was discussing, Mother Wu suddenly ran towards the racecourse with two things in her hands - she wanted to see Mo Lingfeng!
Running all the way to the gate of the city, she faced the cold wind and looked at the racecourse. Wherever her eyes went, there was snow, and there was no sign of pedestrians.

This place is not like in a city, where there are pavilions and buildings everywhere. When the wind blows, its strength gradually decreases. Here, the wind is unscrupulous and unhindered. Small bloodstains were scraped on the face.

It was cold, and Wu's mother's hands were exposed outside, and within a moment they were frozen white and stiff. She put the things full of hands under her feet, kneaded her hands together, kept rubbing them, and brought them to her mouth to breathe , Both feet also move back and forth.

The sky is getting darker, not because the time has passed, but because it is about to snow.

Wu's mother also became dignified and dull, turning into a cold color between heaven and earth, mixed with burning anger - the more Wu Jin loves Mo Lingfeng, the angrier she will be, because this son is her heaven and earth , In her anger, there is a jealousy that she can't understand.

The two fires were mixed together, supporting her to stand under the red clouds, a heavy snow was blowing down with the wind, and there were many waves, and she couldn't see clearly in front of her eyes for a moment, just a daze.

There was a closed foot shop beside the road. Mother Wu stood on the porch to avoid the wind and snow, and then looked at the racecourse. She waited for a long time, and it was not until evening that the sound of horseshoes sounded outside the racecourse, and a large group of horses and horses were approaching the gate of the city.

The sound of the horse's hooves sank into the snow, and there was not much movement. Mother Wu immediately returned to her senses, her eyes were piercing, and within a moment, she saw a group of women's soldiers trampling the ground full of jade and coming towards the wind.

The leader is indeed Mo Lingfeng.

She hadn't seen Mo Lingfeng for a long time, and at this moment, she recognized the golden lock of longevity hanging on Mo Lingfeng's chest alone, gritted her teeth, and with a thud, she rushed out Kneeling down on the ground, she shouted, "Miss Mo!"

The horse was not walking fast, Mo Lingfeng quickly reined in the horse, stretched out his hand to block Yin Nan, leaned forward and looked forward: "It's Aunt Wu."

She got off the horse, went to Mother Wu, helped her out of the cold wind, and said with a smile, "Auntie doesn't need to do such a great gift."

Wu's mother avoids her hand, bows her head and kowtows.

Most of her clothes were already wet, and the cold air penetrated from Mo Lingfeng's fingertips to her bones, so she took off her cloak, tied it on for Mother Wu, and squatted down: "What's wrong with Auntie?"

Wu's mother looked at Mo Lingfeng in the cold wind, and saw that her wonderful eyes were slightly closed, and the divine light was hidden in them. The soft armor was tied with a new dress, which was a white gown. I couldn't tell what was embroidered on it, but Under the shoulders and above the elbows are auspicious clouds embroidered with silver thread, a bit of blue color is revealed from under the soft armor, the thread seems to be mixed with peacock feathers, under the light of snow, it is brilliant.

The luxurious brocade clothes are worn by the venerable, and Mo Lingfeng wears them on his body, which adds to his aggressiveness. (end of this chapter)

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