Yu Jun

Chapter 220 Promise

Chapter 220 Promise
Mo Lingfeng bowed respectfully to Zhong Jiaqing: "General Zhong."

Zhong Jiaqing snorted through his nose: "Sit down."

Chong Tao pulled out a chair for Mo Lingfeng, turned around to dig out the low cabinet, took out a small clay pot, scooped out a large spoonful of rock candied walnuts with a spoon, knocked it into a teacup, and made a cup for her: "My aunt sent it, it is very nourishing."

He put the peony cakes in a small plate and put them on the table, and after realizing it, he also made a cup for Zhong Jiaqing.

Chong Jiaqing watched coldly, seeing his grandson's stupid hot face against Mo Lingfeng's cold face, he was dumbfounded, his palms were itchy, and he wanted to slap his grandson out.

However, before he could make a move, You Muqing arrived after hearing the news, and after Zhong Jiaqing's personal soldiers were passed on, he couldn't wait to go straight to the middle account, and handed over to Zhong Jiaqing: "General Zhong!"

Then he turned around: "General Mo!"

Then his eyes rolled around on the sugar water and peony cakes, and while reporting Jinlu's movements, he moved slowly, stretched his arms, pinched a piece of cake, and quickly stuffed it into his mouth.

Mo Lingfeng smiled, and ate a piece, Zhong Tao took a piece and tasted: "Is this stuffed with flowers? What kind of flowers? It's quite delicious."

Zhong Jiaqing snorted coldly, picked up a piece and tasted it, and ate half of it: "It's delicious——"

Before the word "fart" could be uttered, Mo Lingfeng made a sudden move and snatched the remaining half of the cake from Zhong Jiaqing's hand: "Wild pigs can't eat fine bran."

The wild boar was stunned, staring at the empty hands with wide eyes, couldn't believe it, and almost died of anger on the spot.

The grandson of the wild boar "puchi" laughed for a while, and then the laughter stopped abruptly. He squeezed his mouth tightly, but the smile still leaked from the corners of his eyes and brows.

Mo Lefeng stuffed the cake to You Muqing: "You eat!"

You Muqing understood that this pastry has a different origin, so he quickly stuffed it into his mouth, and at the same time praised: "It's delicious, it's really delicious, and the people who buy it have discernment."

Mo Lefeng nodded in satisfaction: "Take another piece, get out."

You Muqing acted resolutely, even eating and taking, rolled out, and when he went out to take a look, he saw Xiao Dou was surrounding Yin Nanda showing courteousness.

Xiao Dou shook his big body, shouted "buzzing" around Yin Nan, and at the same time put Yin Nan's hands in golden light.

You Muqing looked at the two unpretentious gold bracelets, they looked like they were wearing shackles instead of jewelry.

And Yin Nan was full of anger, but Xiao Dou grabbed his hand, unable to touch the knife, he could only bear with rolling his eyes.

He couldn't help but stepped forward to pat Xiao Dou's arm: "This gift is well presented. The little general wears a gold collar all day long, and the soldiers around him wear two gold cuffs—gold bracelets, which are really suitable. The two masters and servants stand in front of the battle, that is——"

He swallowed the words "living target": "Dazzling, really dazzling."

When Xiao Dou heard this, his face was full of joy and his eyebrows were raised: "That's right, I just saw our general wearing a gold collar."

Yin Nan broke free from Xiao Dou's hand, pulled out a sharp knife from his waist, and looked at You Muqing mercilessly, and then at Xiao Dou.

It's inconvenient for her to really kill these two annoying things, but she can stab the dwarf in two or three holes, and then stab the big man five or six times.

As soon as You Muqing saw the light of the knife, he ran away, Xiao Dou also took a few steps back with a smirk, and then ran away.

Yin Nan put away the knife, clasped her left wrist with her right hand, and wanted to pull out the bracelet, but the bracelet was easy to get in and hard to get out, and the gold was soft, so she was too strong, and when she pinched it, it flattened, making it even more difficult to get out.

I can only wait for Mo Lefeng to come out and help her find a way.

She glanced at Zhong Jiaqing's soldier who was watching the bustle, and took a step forward. The soldier trembled immediately, turned his eyes away, and didn't dare to look again.

Inside the middle tent, Zhong Jiaqing finally got over his breath and scolded Zhong Tao out, looking at Mo Lingfeng who was eating peony cakes slowly: "You came to me not just to deliver the cakes."

Mo Lingfeng took a sip of sugar water: "But I really want to send you some cakes."

She picked up a piece of cake and handed it to Zhong Jiaqing: "You eat it. It was sent from Kyoto all the way by the person I like. I want all the people I respect to taste it."

After hearing this sentence, Zhong Jiaqing sighed in his heart, not knowing whether he was sighing for Mo Lingfeng's "like" or her "respect".

She is so complicated.

When talking about liking, she is innocent like a child, and when talking about respect, she seems to be well-educated. She is also naughty and lively, but this is just a thin layer of ice floating on the river. If you believe her, you will die without a place to die.

But in the end, he still took the cake in his hand and tasted it carefully: "Okay."

Mo Lingfeng smiled unreservedly: "Tan Xuan arrived on April [-]th, I think I should leave early to avoid being caught by him."

Zhong Jiaqing frowned: "You want me to cover it for you?"

Mo Lingfeng nodded: "I saw a few words today and thought they made sense, so I'll tell you.

As an official, you should change with the times, change with the trend, change for the country, and change for the common people in the world.

what do you think? "

Zhong Jiaqing didn't answer, just kept silent, and after a long while, he suddenly said: "For the people of Kuanzhou, for the frontier border, I will cover up for you this time, and deceive the saints for you, what will happen after I die?

Qin Fang's death, Wang Yunsheng can't completely dispel the emperor's suspicion. After I die, the emperor will definitely send a civil servant from the Shumiyuan to command the army. Can you keep it a secret?
I can die, but I still have family members, General Mo, the nine clans of the Zhong family, and they will all be buried with you! "

Mo Lingfeng hid his smile, got up and raised his forehead with his hand, and made a big salute: "The general built Gaopingzhai to quell the calamity of the Jin captives, and I will stick to it all my life. As long as the general is alive, I will hibernate for a day and guard this country for the general. If the general is gone, it will be the day when my Mo family leaves the mountain. I swear by my life that the descendants of the Chong family will be in Kuanzhou for a day, and I will protect them."

Zhong Jiaqing said coldly, "Will the Mo family be able to defend Kuanzhou when they come out of the mountains?"

Mo Lefeng nodded firmly: "Yes."

She whispered: "Kuanzhou is the place where the Mo family's bones are buried. My brother and I will also be buried here in the future. How can we let the gold captives trample on us?"

Chong Jiaqing had nothing to say, and he was powerless to deal with the situation. With the loyal thousand elite soldiers in his hands, he was no match for Mo Lingfeng, so her promise was enough.

He waved his hand: "Go away."

Mo Lingfeng said solemnly: "Thank you, General Zhong, for your success."

After finishing speaking, she tilted her head to look at the wine jar, saw that there were still peony cakes in it, and hugged it out like a baby.

On the [-]th of April, Mo Lingfeng returned home on leave due to his injury, and only brought a team of soldiers with him. After arriving home, he shut the door and did not come out.

She was at home, and Yin Bei acted as her ear, spreading news from the outside world from time to time——Wu Yi resold peony cakes for one hundred yuan each, and earned a fortune, opened a sugar shop, made caramel for herself, and also sold some pastries.

The sugar shop was crowded with people. Although the word "No. [-]" was not listed, people in Kuanzhou directly called it No. [-] sugar, and students often came to buy it.

(End of this chapter)

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