Yu Jun

Chapter 225 Mahura

Mo Lingfeng ate the noodles in big gulps, finished the soup in small sips, yawned all over the ironing, looked down, the moon white gauze shirt was a little dirty on the chest, it was Yin Nan who didn't wash it.

She was lazy to get a new one, so she simply took it off, then took off her shoes and lay down on the bed. As soon as her head touched the pillow, she fell into a dark sleep.

After sleeping until dark, she woke up hungry.

Her hands and feet got up limply, and she realized that her whole body was sore. When she lifted up her clothes, she saw that the bruises had turned dark purple, and the area around her waist was even worse.

She found the ointment for bruises and wiped it on her waist, grinning her teeth in pain as she wiped it. After finishing it, Yin Nan heard the sound and poured her a basin of water.

She washed her face, changed into a clean sky blue dress with large sleeves, pressed the front of the skirt with a gold collar, and asked Yin Nan to give her a bun.

Yin Nan is good at cutting hair, but not good at combing it. Even though he has studied hard with his nanny, he still only knows how to do a simplified tassel bun. Even if it is good.

The rear battalion brought dinner—to celebrate this victory, Zhong Jiaqing waved his hand and asked the rear battalion to cook a few buckets of mutton rice to reward the soldiers who participated in the war.

Mo Lingfeng swallowed a large bowl of rice and drank a small bowl of soup.

After eating, she rose to visit her captive.

The captives were locked in a miscellaneous room in the back camp. There were sacks of beans piled up in the room. There was no light, and only the light from the outside fire came in through the unpasted windows.

A small soldier stood guard at the door with piercing eyes—Zell had a broken leg and was wounded by a knife and an arrow.

Seeing Mo Lingfeng, Xiao Bing immediately called out "General" in a spirited manner, held his head high, but because he had just eaten full, he bulged forward and back, and let out a full belch.

The little soldier blushed with shame, wishing he could find a crack in the ground to sneak in, and in fear changed his chest up to his shoulders back, pushed open the door, and moved cautiously to the side to avoid further embarrassment.

Mo Lingfeng saw that he was still young, only about thirteen or fourteen years old, he had just had a full meal for a few days, he was still tall with two spikes and a big belly, and he was at a loss, so he patted him. His shoulder: "Bring an oil lamp."

After being slapped by her, Xiaobing's face quickly flushed red again, his sluggish mood was stirred instantly, he answered "yes" loudly, ran away, and came over with an oil lamp in his hands like a scud.

Mo Lingfeng took the oil lamp and went in alone.

The light in the room was dim, and there were beans piled up to the roof everywhere, and there were scattered beans on the ground. Holding the oil lamp, she saw the prisoner sitting with his back against the beans at a glance.

The prisoner smelled of blood and yellow sand, and his face was dark. Under the cover of this skin color, he also had a face with sword eyebrows and starry eyes. The lines of his face were sharp, his eyes were fierce, and his whole body carried a wild and unruly animal look.

The similarities with Wu Jin are all concealed in the completely different eyes and demeanor, and the demeanor changes at any time, joy, anger, sorrow, and joy are all on the face.

Unlike Wu Jin, who is gentle to everyone at any time, and has never spoken harshly, like a calm pool of spring water, which can be understood at a glance, but can't be exhausted.

Zell raised his head and watched Mo Lingfeng approaching step by step.

He was in so much pain that he was numb, and the figure in front of him was also vague, he couldn't see his brows clearly, only the golden light on his neck could be seen.

He didn't even have the strength to support his head, he lowered his head weakly, and saw Mo Lingfeng's skirt, the embroidery protruding from it, like floating jade balls, scattered in front of him.

Blinking his eyes hard, he saw clearly that it was a hydrangea embroidered with blue-purple thread.

Mo Lefeng squatted in front of him.

A scent suddenly rose from the tip of his nose, his mind was muddled, he forgot his hatred, his family and country, he only knew that he grew up in the grasslands and ran in the desert since he was a child, and he had never seen such exquisite embroidery under the firelight. Like a jade ball, it is full of brilliance.

Mo Lingfeng looked at him, and suddenly smiled, his phoenix eyes raised, like a phoenix spreading its wings, with two bright eyes flashing.

"My Mahora."

He didn't hear clearly.

He only sees this kind of luxury, together with Mo Lingfeng, he is piled with gold and jade, magnificent, unattainable heaven and man, and the Han land in his dream - rich, prosperous and bright.

He watched Mo Lingfeng squatting on the ground, and the hem of his skirt was also scattered on the ground. He quickly reached out to pick up the hem of the skirt, but his hand fell down powerlessly.

"Come here." Mo Lingfeng called out.

Yin Nan was waiting to enter, when the little soldier rushed in first, and stopped behind Mo Lingfeng in a posture of bowing and dying: "The subordinate is here, the general orders!"

"Call the doctor."


Xiaobing quickly invited a doctor from Baozhai Medical College. The doctor came with a hundred medicines and was familiar with the road. First, he cut off two trouser legs, connected the broken legs, put plaster on them, and tied them with two pieces of elm bark. .

Then, the doctor spread out a row of knives like a butcher, and ordered the soldiers: "Stop him."

The little soldier hurried forward, trying to hold Zell down, but he was small, and Zell was a tall man, so he didn't know where to start. He glanced at Mo Lingfeng, then sat down on Zell's stomach, and held Zell with both hands the base of the thigh.

The doctor picked up the medicinal wine and poured it on the arrow wound first. Zell felt drowsy, feeling like his thigh was on fire, and a sharp pain hit him.

The little soldiers on his body made him jump up, and he quickly used all his strength to hold him down.

This movement hurt even the broken bone, although the doctor didn't say anything, he knew that he couldn't move around when the bone was set, so he could only grit his teeth and endure.

When the doctor dug out the arrowhead and applied the antidote to him, he was already sweating profusely. After the doctor treated the arrow wound, he picked up the medicinal wine and poured it boldly on the bloody hole in his hand again.

The pain this time was very unbearable. He kept screaming sharply, but he was always awake and did not pass out.

The doctor cured Ze'er drastically, and hurried back to the medical school. In the cramped and dark warehouse, Mo Lingfeng, Ze'er, and beans were left again.

Mo Lingfeng looked down at Zell from above, his mouth was covered with blood from the bite just now, his eyes were still open, and the light shining from inside was very hard, a kind of unyielding hardness.

"what's your name?"

Zell's lips were pale, and he said nothing—she wouldn't kill him, so he needn't be alarmed.

Mo Lingfeng tilted his head to look at him, seeing that he didn't speak, he squatted down and groped in the sleeve of his right hand with his left hand.

She took out a piece of white caramel and stuffed it into Zell's mouth.

Zell subconsciously wanted to spit it out, but his tongue felt a sweet taste first, and then his lips and teeth were filled with a sweet smell. The sugar water ran down his throat and into his stomach, causing his vain soul to fall to the ground little by little. .

While chewing greedily, he waited for himself to die from the poison.

This devil must have bad intentions.

Mahora: Clay figurines, children's favorite dolls

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