Yu Jun

Chapter 236: Passing 5 Levels and Killing 6 Generals

Cheng Ting's close friends racked their brains to greet Mo Lingfeng, but the greeting was very embarrassing, and the originally festive scene almost lost control, and they ran wildly on the serious road.

Fortunately, at this time, Cheng Ting got out from behind the official, and said to his close friends: "It's about time."

"The third master has watched all the hours of his life today."

"It's finally here. If you don't, the third master will have to look at the sundial."

Amidst bursts of laughter, Cheng Ting saw Mo Lingfeng in a dark green collared gown, wearing a soft gauze Tang scarf, holding a folding fan in his hand, looking like a handsome young man.

"Yo," he stretched out his paw, and patted Mo Lingfeng on the shoulder, "Master Mo is planning to join in the fun with me."

As soon as the words fell, he immediately felt the urgency to urinate again. He had just come out of the official room, but for some reason, the more time approached, the more he ran towards the official room.

He can't go anymore, he warned himself - others might think that he is weak.

"Ergou," he whispered to Mo Lingfeng, "why do I always want to make things easier?"

He crossed his legs, with a thin layer of sweat on his forehead, hesitating whether to go to the official room, but the leopard slave ran over and pestered him to go with him to meet the bride.

Just at this time, the best man shouted "Auspicious time has arrived", and the sound of firecrackers rang out outside at the right time.

Cheng Taishan came out amidst the congratulations of his colleagues, and sat on the grand master's chair under the colorful shed.

Cheng Ting jumped up heartbroken, tore off the leopard slave from his body, strode forward, lifted the hem of his clothes, and knelt down in front of Cheng Taishan like a spring onion.

He has grown up so much, except when asking for money, this is the time when he kneels the most.

Cheng Taishan clenched his fists, then let go, and was about to signal Cheng Ting to get out, when he suddenly saw Mo Lingfeng standing behind him watching the excitement.

Mo Lingfeng stood in front, smiling like everyone else, like a carefree and high-spirited young man.

His eye sockets turned red in an instant.

They are so alike—brother and sister, with the same phoenix eyes, dark pupils, with a little inherent indifference.

When he got married, it was Mo Qianlan who went with him to welcome the bride. Mo Qianlan tricked the little girls who blocked the door, and those little girls were not willing to beat them, they all shyly shy away and avoided.

It turns out that so many years have passed, so long that Mo Lingfeng is this old.

Cheng Taishan was a little dazed, looked down at his still powerful palm, and thought that the most destructive thing in the world is not time, but "everyone is innocent, but pregnant is guilty".


"Father!" He yelled emotionally, Cheng Taishan was touching himself, when he suddenly heard his son's abnormal cry, his red eyes immediately turned back to normal.

Cheng Taishan coughed, cleared his throat, and ordered a few ready-made words like the first two sons got married.

Cheng Ting's emotion was like a flash in the pan. After hearing his father's teachings, he couldn't wait to stand up, led his friends out of the house, rode on a tall horse, led a sedan chair with a red mantle and a green cover, and a dragon and a phoenix. go to the government.

Taking advantage of his unpreparedness, Leopard Nu also sneaked out. The eldest brother-in-law grabbed him by the lapel with one hand, picked him up, and threw him into the hands of the nuns sent by the eldest sister of the Cheng family.

When they arrived at the Xu Mansion, the Xu Mansion was full of joy, and Xu Huiran's brothers and family members were all laughing and standing in front of the gate, each with a fire stick in his hand, waiting for the groom to come.

Amidst the sound of firecrackers, Cheng Ting got off his horse. Seeing the battle, he didn't hesitate at all. He opened his mouth and recited a reminder poem—while reciting the poem, Mo Lingfeng and Yin Nan stood beside Cheng Ting, one on the left and the other on the right. Caught Cheng Ting's arm.

The friends behind Cheng Ting also moved forward quietly, rolled up their sleeves, and wanted to work hard for Cheng Ting.

As soon as the make-up poem was finished, the people blocking the door of the Xu family swarmed up, wanting to take the son-in-law, Mo Lingfeng grabbed Cheng Ting, and rushed forward, the young people who came to greet the bride hurriedly stepped forward and gave Cheng Ting his body. Ting blocked a way.

The fire sticks in the Xu family's hands are all handled with care, and it is enough to make a point, but there are several sticks with thick wrists mixed in, and they smashed them down at Cheng Ting.

Yin Nan was holding a handful of small stones in his hand. Seeing someone doing something wrong, he exerted force on his wrist, and a small stone was thrown out, hitting the person's wrist. Before the wooden stick reached Cheng Ting, the person holding the stick let out a cry of pain and fell up the stick.

This cry of pain was inconspicuous in the noisy crowd, and then another stick came out from behind and hit Cheng Ting's head.

Yin Nan leaned back, stretched out two fingers, clamped the wooden stick, and turned it seemingly lightly. The wrist of the person behind who made the move followed immediately, and the person let go at a critical moment, and stared at it fiercely while holding the wrist. Yin Nan pushed and shoved his brother beside him at the same time.

Yin Nan threw two stones and hit the knee of the brother who hadn't made a move yet. The man howled and knelt down on his knees, and was squeezed to the ground by the messy crowd.

Xu Huiran's father and brother also saw that the Ding family's visitors were not friendly, and they had been secretly on guard. Seeing this, they hurried over, seeming to be beating their son-in-law, but actually blocking Cheng Ting and the Ding family.

Mo Lingfeng sandwiched Cheng Ting, Yin Nan took care of the aftermath, and joined the second door, Mo Lingfeng's clothes were in a mess, Cheng Ting was covered in sweat, and the urge to urinate when he went out disappeared, panting and tidying up his clothes, he said in a low voice: "Fortunately I will welcome you once in this life."

He put his two hands together and made a gesture: "Such a thick stick!"

Mo Lingfeng took off the soft gauze scarf that was squeezed crookedly on his head, put it on his head again after straightening it out, and heaved a sigh of relief: "Go, there is still a hurdle inside."

"What kind of fight is there?" Cheng Ting touched his butt with his backhand, "I have rough skin and thick flesh, so I can withstand a few blows."

Mo Lingfeng dragged Cheng Ting up to the platform and walked into the second hall. Immediately there was a bridesmaid in the second hall leading Cheng Ting to go in, stepping over the threshold with one foot, a burst of "wheezing" laughter came out.

A group of maidservants blocked the way, and five beautiful girls held five large wine cups, smiled and asked Cheng Ting to drink before giving way.

Cheng Ting didn't have a lot of wine, and if he drank a few glasses of wine, he might sleep here tonight. Mo Lingfeng helped him drink two, and the girls smiled and moved out of the way.

After finally passing the second hall, before entering the door of the inner hall, suddenly three more women, holding sticks, rushed towards Cheng Ting.

The strength of the stick was not small, even worse than that of the fierce Ding family man outside the gate. Yin Nan didn't pay attention to it at all. He moved his steps casually and tripped the two of them skillfully.

Mo Lingfeng escaped with Cheng Ting in his arms, and there was a sudden burst of noise in the inner hall.

"Oh! What does this look like!"

"Come back soon!"


The shouting became more and more urgent, and the rings on the woman's body also jingled. When everyone looked back, they saw a well-dressed woman coming out of the inner hall, with pearls on her cheeks and a phoenix crown on her head. Wearing a red wedding dress, with a jade ring and jade pendant around her waist, holding a round fan in one hand and a skirt in the other, she walked quickly to Cheng Ting. (end of this chapter)

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