Yu Jun

Chapter 238 God

Back at Mo Mansion, Mo Lingfeng went to the second hall first to see Mo Qianlan.

The second hall was brightly lit, the door was wide open, a large bucket of hot water was brought in, and an aunt came in with a basin of snow-white handkerchiefs. Mo Lingfeng stood in the courtyard without going in.

The door was closed, and she walked back and forth in the yard twice, her head was dizzy, and she thought to herself: "Brother, Cheng San is a fool."

The nanny urged her to drink the hangover soup, so she left the second hall and walked to the Changsui residence. While walking, she took out the xun and started whimpering and blowing.

The sound of Xun and the sound of the wind are mixed together, like the dull and melodious sound of flowing water under the frozen Shuo River.

There is no tune, just listening to it is calming, the hustle and bustle sinks into the bottom of the river, leaving only the resonance of the river bed and the thick ice.

Zell also heard the sound of the xun.

He was sitting in the house drinking wine, but when he heard the sound of xun coming from afar, he leaned on a wooden stick in one hand and held the jug in the other. With his injured leg curled up, he jumped outside the house and down the corridor. Across the road, he was sitting on a wooden bench, drinking while waiting for Mo Lingfeng to come.

Liquor can relieve pain, he walked too much today, his injured leg hurts from time to time, and Mo Lingfeng is not in the mansion, in this huge mansion, for some reason, there is an unbearable quietness.

With two mouthfuls of "Gudong", he saw Mo Lefeng walking while blowing.

Putting down the flagon, he didn't take the stick, the nanny was about to go forward to chase her away, Mo Lingfeng waved her hand, let the nanny take the maids back to the Changsui residence first, put away the xun, walked to Zell and sat down .

Yin Nan hiccupped, pulled out the sharp knife, and stood on guard after Mo Lingfeng took five steps.

Zell picked up the stick, leaned against his feet, and handed the jug to Mo Lingfeng: "Your wine is good."

Mo Lingfeng waved his hands, his eyes were blurred and hazy, with two blobs of carmine on his cheeks, leaning sideways on the pillar: "Enough is enough."

"I heard they said that you went to drink a wedding wine," Zell withdrew his hand, "Chinese people are particular, they must use the best wine, but unfortunately I didn't taste it."

Mo Lefeng smiled: "Yes."

Zell brought the spout to his mouth, raised his head and drank the wine in the jug, then threw the jug into the grass, raised his hand and wiped his mouth with his sleeve: "What are you blowing?"


"It's like the sound of the wind," Zell looked at the night, "the wind blows through the bonfire, the wind blows through the dome, blows from the earth to the sky, close to God."

"Your god is Shiraishi?"

"Baishi is the incarnation of god," Zell said piously, "every god except Vulcan."

He turned his head to look at Mo Lefeng: "It was the first time I saw you, and I actually liked you very much, so I gave you a white stone, do you want to keep it?"

Mo Lefeng said truthfully: "Throw it away."

Zell immediately lowered his head and closed his eyes, folded his hands together, approached his mouth, and babbled a long series in the language of the Qiang people, looking like he was asking God for forgiveness.

After he finished speaking, he looked at Mo Lefeng: "If you abandon Baishi, you are abandoning God, so God will not protect you, your brother."

He realized that his words were wrong, and quickly stopped talking, but Mo Lingfeng's eyes turned cold in an instant.

An elm leaf floated into the porch, making a hollow sound.

She said coldly: "You carry Baishi with you all the time, why didn't God protect you?"

"God has protected you," Zell said in a low voice, "I am still alive, and I can still drink and eat meat, which is God's protection."

"No," Mo Lefeng laughed, "The reason you survived is because I spared your life, so your god is me."

Zell was stunned for a moment, and stood up holding the pillar in shock: "How can you compare yourself to a god!"

A burst of anger suddenly surged in his heart: "This is disrespect to the gods!"

"So what if it's disrespectful, will it really punish me?" Mo Lefeng didn't care, his eyes were slightly closed, "Your god is just like the clay puppets in the temple, they are all man-made."

The alcohol was surging in her heart, and her indifference and contempt for everything in this world flowed out little by little with the alcohol, and there was no concealment between her words.

And this kind of understated contempt is enough to defeat Zell who respects everything as a god.

This is revenge worse than a sword.

"If Sakyamuni is really the body of a god and Buddha, the monks will not be hesitant because of his death, and Shakyamuni will not have to pick up flowers. He will pass on the supreme Dharma to Kasyapa, and let Kasyapa be the great support of the monks.
You see, monks also know that the extinction of the Buddha is death, and there is no trace to be found. The so-called becoming a Buddha is just a lie.

Your ancestors were even more stingy. When they created gods, they only used a white stone to deceive you. "

She lowered her head, bent her back step by step, picked up the dead leaves on the ground, and held them in her hands. She raised her head and smiled brightly at Zell. Her eyes were shining brightly from the fire, and the golden collar around her neck was also added. The luster seems to be the magic weapon she holds.

Seeing her smile, Zell was stunned for a moment, then came back to his senses, furious, and a long string of Qiang language came out of his mouth, and soon realized that Mo Lingfeng couldn't understand, so he hurriedly changed to Chinese.

"Nonsense. Of course your gods are fake, but our gods will never be fake. Our gods are born of the wind, trees grow, and the earth is born!"

Mo Lingfeng got up, approached Zell, faced him, and waved at him: "Squat down."

Zell didn't know why, but he still leaned on the pillar and squatted down angrily.

Mo Lingfeng stretched out his index finger, tapped it on Zell's forehead, and pushed it forward. Zell was squatting on one leg, caught off guard by her finger, and immediately fell backwards, turned down the corridor, and fell Seven meat and eight vegetarian.

Immediately there was a heart-rending pain from the broken leg.

He struggled to turn over and sat down on the bluestone slab: "You can't argue with me, so you want to do it?"

Mo Lingfeng stepped on the bench, jumped down the corridor, squatted in front of him, shook his head and said: "No! This finger just tells you that I can overthrow you or kill you. Your life and death are not yours. The illusory god I believe in, but me."

She smiled and said, "I am your god."

Zell immediately said: "You are not a god, you are a devil!"

Mo Lingfeng sighed: "I won't tease you anymore, I will find another white stone for you and come back."

Zell didn't know why she changed her face so quickly, frowning, smelling the alcohol on her body, guessing that she was drunk.

He suppressed his anger: "You don't need to look for it. If you don't believe in God, the white stone you found won't work."

Mo Lingfeng said in a low voice: "Then I will believe in your gods, and ask your gods to protect me in all battles and my brother for a long life, okay?"

"Really?" A smile unconsciously appeared on the corner of Zell's mouth.

"Of course it's fake." Mo Lingfeng's eyes and voice were full of oppression and bewitchment. She reached out and grabbed his skirt, forcing his upper body to approach her, "Look, I not only control your life and death, but also Manipulating your emotions, two questions can make you fly into a rage, two lies can make you smile."

Her eyes became cold and stern: "I am your god, you believer, you should respect God very much, God doesn't want to hear any more words about your brother from your mouth, otherwise—"

She loosened his skirt, smoothed the folds, and said lightly: "God will make you lose your tongue, and you will never be able to speak."

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