Yu Jun

Chapter 244 Silly

Chapter 244 Silly

The sound of the lone goose startled the people in the house.

Wu Jin bent one knee and knelt on the ground with the other, reaching out to caress the frostbite on Mo Lingfeng's face.

Under the firelight, people's shadows overlapped, snow shadows fell from the window paper, and the cold wind penetrated through the gaps, blowing away the charcoal gas in the room, leaving only a faint fragrance.

Wu Jin heard the sound of his own heart beating like thunder, and the fragrance came from Mo Ling's windbreaker belt, and the flowers of the four seasons bloomed in his heart one by one.

He whispered: "I only hurt my back, and it's already recovered."

Mo Lingfeng asked fiercely: "Where is the person who set the fire?"

Wu Jin smiled and said, "In Yushitai prison."

He heard footsteps coming from outside the house, let go of his hands and got up, and while opening the door, he said, "Eat something."

The foot shop is not far from the Tongpan government office, there are often people drinking at night, the food in the shop is simple, the advantage is that everything is prepared, and there is always one.

The man followed the old servant and Yin Nan to send five food boxes. Yin Nan held the food box in his left hand and a big meat bun in his right hand. When he crossed the threshold, he stuffed the remaining food into his mouth and hiccupped .

In this short period of time, she ate a whole drawer of pork buns, rolled her eyes so much that she choked, and her head was dizzy. At first, she felt that she was leaking everywhere and empty, but now it was so full that it almost spilled out of her throat. .

"Girl, hiccup, the hot water is so hiccupping."

Wu Jin stopped her endless hiccups: "Got it."

He walked to the door, signaled the waiter and the old servant to put down the food box, and told the old servant and the waiter to go out and wait for the hot water to come. He went back and forth twice before entering the room with the food box.

Uncovering the lid of the food box, he placed mutton soup paste, dry sugar stove, lamb haggis, canned stewed meat, pork knuckles, and a pot of nectar water on the table, and placed bowls and chopsticks for Mo Lingfeng.

Yin Nan was salivating over this table of dishes, but he almost drowned in the waves of steamed stuffed buns, there was not a single gap in his stomach, so he was powerless about it, so he could only sit behind Mo Lingfeng and watch.

Wu Jin scooped up a bowl of mutton paste for Mo Lingfeng: "Try it, there is glutinous rice in it."

Mo Lingfeng took a spoonful and stuffed it into his mouth, nodded, picked up the bowl and drank it, Wu Jin handed her another cake: "I was going to send it to you, but I didn't expect this cake to be insufferable." Let it cool, the sugar inside will freeze together, and the skin will change its taste.”

When Mo Lingfeng heard the word "sugar", his eyes lit up immediately, and he quickly took a bite. It was really sweet and crispy, and he didn't feel like eating much, and he ate the cake.

Wu Jin held the chopsticks in her right hand and gave her a pair of chopsticks to steam meat, and held a spoon in her left hand to scoop up a spoonful of haggis soup for her. Both hands refused to give in to each other, scrambling to put it in the bowl, but these two things could not be put together ——The steamed meat is covered with paste, and it will change its taste when it is put into the soup.

He was at a loss for a while, and finally Mo Lingfeng bent down, snatched the steamed meat from his chopsticks, stretched out the bowl, and asked him to put the haggis soup into the bowl.

Yin Nan rolled his eyes in the back, hiccupped at the same time, and said to himself: "Such a fool can also get the first prize? It's a sign of national ruin!"

Wu Jin endured the big white eyes, cleared her throat, and said to Yin Nan: "There is a couch in the cubicle, go and have a rest."

Yin Nan also felt that it was too hot here. I don't know if it was because the charcoal fire was too hot, or for some other reason. In short, he felt uncomfortable when he stayed here, so he simply got up and went to the cubicle to close his eyes and rest.

Along the way, her sleep was piecemeal, scattered, and even when she was taking a nap, she was always awake. At this time, she went to the couch with a belly full of buns, closed her eyes, and Before I had time to cover something, I fell asleep in the dark.

It was as if deep down in her heart she knew that this place was safe, and Wu Jin would step forward to protect Mo Lingfeng if there was any trouble.

When Wu Jin heard that there was no movement in the cubicle, she used her chopsticks to push her elbows away: "Tomorrow morning, I will take you to the pier to eat fresh fish noodles. Shuozhou has been plagued by locusts for three years, and now only the pier is still lively."

Mo Lingfeng asked: "You didn't go to the bank? Why didn't you see a few servants?"

As early as when Wu Jin arrived in Ningzhou, Mo Lingfeng asked Yin Bei to send him the pair of cards from the bank, and he could withdraw them as he wished.

Wu Jin replied: "That's enough. I can't support so many people by myself, so I only hired an old man to watch the door, and a cook to cook tea and rice. The cook was away for the past two days, so I came from the foot shop. ordered meals."

He pinches her elbows: "You eat."

He asked again, "When are you leaving?"

"Why are you going?" Mo Lefeng smiled and ate meat, "I'm already here, and you still want me to go? There is no door."

Wu Jin also laughed, and while laughing, she had mixed feelings. After being separated for almost a whole year, now that Mo Lingfeng is close in front of her eyes, the parting is close at hand.

His eyes were moist, and he poured her a glass of honey water, seeing her looking at the sugar oven twice, he smiled again.

She is already a big girl, she is majestic, able to lead the Mo family army to fight the enemy, but she is still addicted to sweets, and afraid of insect tooth pain, she hesitates to look at a piece of cake, with a solemn expression.

After hesitating, she quickly shifted her gaze to other places.

Seeing her like this, Wu Jin felt both love and pity in her heart, and at the same time she was terrified—it was already thrilling for her to take the desolate and uninhabited short-cut road. In addition to the heavy snow along the way, he read in the tabloids that the depth of the snow could reach Bachi, if by any chance, the two of them fall into the snow together, it is really unbearable every day, and the earth is not working.

He took a sugar oven in his hand, broke it in half, and handed the half with more sugar to Mo Lefeng: "Eat it."

He ate the other half slowly, tasting the sweetness with Mo Lingfeng.

After eating, hot water was delivered, Wu Jin cleaned up the leftovers on the table, found a smoker cage, put it on the charcoal fire, so that Mo Lingfeng could smoke his clothes, and found a brand new handkerchief, wrapped a gold collar for Mo Lingfeng, Finally, he took his own clothes and went out of the house.

He went to the official room along the corridor, washed with cold water, shivered from the cold, changed into brand new clothes, put on a hood, ran to the study to tidy up, and ran back to wait outside the gate of the main courtyard.

Four quarters of an hour later, after Mo Lingfeng finished bathing and changing, Yin Nan also woke up, tidied himself hastily, and followed Mo Lingfeng out of the courtyard.

The snow has stopped, and there is a thin layer of snow on the ground, one step at a time.

Yin Nan glanced at the brand-new Wu Jin who was wearing it most of the night, and thought of what Yin Bei scolded Xiao Dou, and thought it would be no exaggeration to place it on Wu Jin at this moment: "Sexy fox!"

Without knowing it, Wu Jin took a step forward, walked towards Mo Lingfeng, and said in a low voice, "You're tired."

Mo Lefeng nodded: "Where do we live?"

Wu Jin also knew that this was her residence, and it was inconvenient for the two of them to live here, so she replied, "The study."

He hastily explained again: "Although the inner house is big, the only places I often go to are here and the study room. The other rooms are locked and musty, so they cannot be lived in. I have already tidied up the study room, and the bedding is all new."

Mo Lefeng reached out to hold his hand, blocking his long-winded explanation.

Wu Jin's words immediately vanished, and she grabbed Mo Lingfeng firmly, and led her to the study.

In Shuozhou, where there is no one to control them, they can boldly hold hands and walk around the spacious yard.

(End of this chapter)

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