Yu Jun

Chapter 257

Mo's family was in the capital, and they had been letting people go. After Wu Jin returned to Beijing, these people were used by him.

After Wu Jin sent the letter of "Luozi" to Mo Lingfeng, she kept ordering people to keep an eye on the movement of the foreign courier shop in Kyoto, and pay attention to the memorial and military information from Kuanzhou.

If the difference between the Zoushu and the military situation arrives in the capital within four quarters of an hour, they can be ignored. If the difference is too large, the Zoushu must be stopped under the Wazi Bridge, and they will not be released until the military situation reaches Dipu.

He had to make sure that these two things, one in front of the other, could not be separated by more than four quarters of an hour.

Once exceeded, the imperial edict will be painted, recorded, and announced under the emperor's anger. When the military situation returns, the emperor's anger has spread from the palace to the outside.

Even if the emperor withdrew the imperial edict, Mo Lingfeng would be known by everyone to conspire with the soldiers and conspire against the law.

This will become Mo Lefeng's stain and handle.

Political enemies will use this to attack and annihilate Mo Lingfeng, and they will think that Mo Lingfeng's desperate efforts on the battlefield are to make up for his mistakes, to show his loyalty to the emperor, or to expand his own power.

In short, all her achievements stem from her sins first, not for the country and the people.

When the emperor wants to settle his son, he no longer has to worry about Mo Lingfeng's military merits, but he can get the support of his subjects.

As for the secret letter and military situation from Kuanzhou, according to Mo Lingfeng's deduction, the secret letter was slow, and the military situation was a day late, so it was just enough to enter Beijing with the secret letter. The letter has arrived, but the military situation has disappeared.

The members of Mo's family immediately sent the news with whistles, and finally followed the plan that Wu Jin had made in advance, when the secret letter arrived at Wazi Bridge, they created chaos and blocked the way of the secret letter.

Merchants in Kyoto have to pay taxes when they go ashore and cross the bridge. If they pay once when they go ashore, they don’t have to pay in other places, but they have to show proof. On the Wazi Bridge that day, two merchants insisted that they had paid the tax once. , but couldn't produce a certificate, and quarreled with the tax soldiers. One of them pushed the tax soldiers into the river.

After this farce, merchants and spectators in the market had blocked up the Wazi Bridge and hadn't been evacuated yet. Immediately afterwards, another person claimed that he wanted too much and that it was a waste of effort to sell it. He sold a basket of fresh fruit on the spot. Poured out.

Peaches and plums rolled all over the ground, and everyone scrambled to snatch them, crushing a basket of lotus flowers and trampling them into mud.

The flower sellers sat on the ground and cried, the fruit sellers yelled and beat people with arrogance, and the watchers kept fighting, it was no big deal, blocking the senders of secret letters at Wazi Bridge, making it difficult to move an inch.

It wasn't until half an hour later that the members of the Mo family received the news that the military situation had entered the shop to change horses and personnel, and they began to evacuate in an orderly manner.

The courier sent the secret letter to the gate of the palace. It still needs to be questioned and searched layer by layer, and then passed on by the servants layer by layer, and finally reaches the emperor's hands. However, the urgent military situation can go straight in without any interrogation. This time is enough. .

Behind the seemingly coincidence is Wu Jin's precise calculation.

Even if the emperor wanted to check, he couldn't find out.

It is not surprising that such disputes over tax payment abound in the prosperous capital of Kyoto. More importantly, Wu Jin stayed in Hanlin Garden for days and never left the city gate.

In Luodeng Temple, the fragrance of Buddha was lingering, Wu Jin fluttered his nostrils, but couldn't smell anything, and said in a low voice, "It was done very well last time."

The doorman secretly raised the corners of his mouth, a little proud.

Wu Jin straightened her waist, knelt down again, and lowered her voice: "Look at the Duke of Jiyang."


After the two bowed down, they stood up, and the doormen left first. Wu Jin stood where he was, looking up at the Buddha.

The Buddha lowered his eyebrows and narrowed his eyes, without sadness or joy, and looked at the world with a merciless smile.

Wu Jin thought: "What did the emperor replace Wang Yunsheng with?"

The Buddha didn't answer, but just looked at him empty-handed, as if he wanted to save him from this world of mortals.

Behind the Buddhist hall, there are monks who are reciting the scriptures: "In the world of confusion and demons, you can be freed from the world. It is like a lotus flower that does not touch water, and it is like the sun and the moon that do not live in space."

However, Wu Jin was deeply trapped in the world of mortals, acting as a demon, unable to escape, unable to understand the meaning of detachment in the eyes of the Buddha, only full of doubts, she left the Luodeng Temple.

Back home in a sedan chair, he drank medicine and ate porridge, fell into a drowsy sleep, and woke up sweating profusely, his clothes were soaked, and he finally felt much more relaxed.

He asked the old servant to go out and buy hot water, soak it vigorously for a while, and after wiping it off, he felt much more refreshed.

The wind in the yard had cooled down, he sat for a while, got up and went to the study, looking for "Book of Jin" on the desk.

"Book of Jin" was pressed at the bottom. When he pulled it out, he paused and looked at the book on the desk with a frown.


"University" is a book he often reads. When he puts it away, he will pull out this book for easy access. At this time, this book is just like other books, neat and straight, even the gaps are straight.

Someone moved his desk.

The old servant does not enter the study room, and the old servant is illiterate, so if the book is moved, there is no way to restore it to its previous appearance.

There is a pair of eyes watching his every move in the dark.

His heart shuddered, and a layer of sweat immediately appeared on his dry body just now.

He pulled out the "Book of Jin" calmly, sat down in the yard, and opened a page, knowing that the emperor had become suspicious about the Kuanzhou matter.

He pretended to be nonchalant while reading and drinking medicine. When it was dark, he drank a bowl of porridge and ate two candy corners. His symptoms improved quickly, but he just started to cough.

Amid his coughing, the Kyoto restaurants, dignitaries, and merchants lit up their lights one by one, and the Forbidden Palace was also lit up, illuminating a dreamlike Kyoto.

When pedestrians walk on the road, they are not illuminated by these lofty lights. Only the oil lamps in the foot shop glow with yellowish light, blurring the faces of pedestrians.

Wu Jin lit the oil lamp in the yard, drove the mosquitoes away with wormwood, sat in the chair with eyes closed, and listened carefully to all the movements inside and outside the house while enjoying the shade.

Where are those eyes peeping in the dark?
Before he could find out the unusual movement, there was a knock on the door suddenly, the voice was timid and hesitant, as if the heart of the visitor was also hesitant.

The old servant responded, and opened the door swayingly. When he opened the door, he saw the visitor hunched over and covered in ashes. He called "Old Man" and looked into the room: "Brother Wu."

Wu Jin opened her eyes, stood up and looked towards the door: "Qi Chang, come in and sit down."

Qi Chang wore a square scarf on his head, and a gray-blue straight gown. The material was light and breathable, and it seemed to be twisted, but it was uncomfortable to wear on him, and it was wrinkled together.

"Brother Wu," he carried two oil-paper bags, looked left and right, as if he was afraid of being seen, stepped into the yard with a big stride, straightened up as if he was relieved, and smiled flatteringly, "I heard that you are sick, come here look at you."

He handed the oiled paper bag to the old servant: "Here are some nourishing medicines for making soup. You can ask the servants to put some when cooking the soup. It can nourish the body."

"Thank you," Wu Jin ordered the old servant to make tea, "sit down and talk."

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