Yu Jun

Chapter 265 Injury

You Muqing limped and waved the battle flag, the surviving soldiers on the top of the city ran down to open the city gate, and Mo Lingfeng walked at the forefront as when he came out, leading the survivors back to the fortress.

People standing behind Mo Lefeng can see a short arrow nailed into the inner side of Mo Lefeng's right shoulder blade, but she is still holding a knife in her right hand, holding on and not falling.

She is the soul of the Mo family army, even if there is only one breath left, she has to hold on.

The ground was covered with mud. She supported Yin Nan's hand and walked with a limp. Every time she took a step, the arrow shaft was rubbed and vibrated by the iron armor, and the wound was bloody and painful.

Her entire back was covered with blood. In just a few short steps, she was sweating profusely and sloppy in the mud. She stumbled and stumbled, her face turned pale immediately, and the pained soul almost came out of her body. Bursts of blackening.

After pausing for a moment, she resumed her steps and walked forward step by step.

After all the soldiers entered the fortress, the drawbridge and door openings of the fortress were not closed—the battlefield must be cleaned up as soon as possible, the corpses of the Mo family army were brought back to be put in coffins, and the corpses of the Jinlu were burned on the spot to avoid causing plague.

Yin Bei ran down from the top of the wall, and when he saw that Mo Lingfeng was injured, he immediately took her from Yin Nan's hands and carried her back to the camp: "A'nan, quickly call the military doctor."

Tired and weak, Mo Lingfeng lay on Yin Bei's back and whispered, "How is the situation at the top of the city?"

Yin Bei replied: "General Zhong and Feng Fan both died in the battle, and more than half of the soldiers died in the battle."

"Go back and watch over your brother." Mo Lingfeng couldn't even sigh, and after instructing Yin Bei, he called out to You Muqing, telling him to keep an eye on cleaning up the battlefield, and let Xiao Dou go to the city to invite a doctor, buy medicine for knife wounds, There is nothing to say about the coffin.

A female military doctor came in a hurry, leaving only Yin Nan in the house. She burned realgars the size of tung seeds into the brazier, smoked the foot bandages, belts, and leaders, washed her hands, and cut off the shafts of the arrows neatly. Clothes, looking at Mo Lingfeng's back.

The seven-inch bow and arrow is short, and the cluster of arrows is small, but the upper end of the arrow is sharp and sharp, and there is a thorn-like iron groove in the middle end, which can penetrate the iron armor and go straight into the body. , if pulled out forcibly, the barb will tear the wound completely, making it irreparable.

To get the arrowhead, you can only cut open the wound with a knife, go deep with your hands, and dig out the arrowhead.

The military doctor took half a penny of the grass black powder, mixed it with warm wine, let Mo Lingfeng take it, and then lightly touched the wound. Seeing that Mo Lingfeng trembled suddenly, but the pain did not stop, he frowned, and added two more medicines. Let her swallow.

After a while, when the military doctor checked the time again, Mo Lingfeng was still in pain.

Grass Aconitum is very poisonous, and no more medicine can be added. The military doctor gritted his teeth and said, "General, we can only take it by force."

Mo Lingfeng nodded, dripping big drops of cold sweat.

The military doctor had never taken a seven-inch bow and arrow cluster before, and when he came forward with a knife, he hesitated for a moment. Mo Lingfeng quickly sensed her hesitation, and reluctantly asked: "Not sure?"

"Yes, I have never taken this kind of arrowhead." The military doctor was about to bite the bullet and stepped forward when Zell's voice suddenly came from outside the door: "I will take it."

He knocked on the door: "I have taken it. The arrow clusters of the seven-inch bow are not easy to take. If they are not handled properly, they will kill you."

Mo Lingfeng's eyes were already full of gold stars, and he no longer cared about any matters between men and women, so he told Yin Nan: "Let him in."

"Yes." Yin Nan opened the door and let Zell in.

In this battle, the one who was unscathed was Zell. When he walked into the room, his body was clean without even a trace of blood.

"Smudge your clothes and clean your hands." The military doctor immediately instructed him to clean his clothes, wash his hands and dry them, then sprayed the knife with spirits and handed it to Zell.

Zell grabbed the knife and looked at Mo Lefeng with complicated eyes.

There is still an old light-colored wound on Mo Lefeng's back, and the new wound that is swollen and turned out looks particularly dazzling at this time, making her no longer have the strength to go crazy at him.

"Do it," Mo Lingfeng sneered impatiently, "If I die, you will be buried with me."

After finishing speaking, she reached out and took the white muslin soaked in spirits, stuffed it into her mouth, and bit it tightly.

Zell swallowed a mouthful of saliva, pointed the sharp knife at the wound, and cut a slender cut downward.

Mo Lingfeng lowered his head, with blue veins on his forehead, clenched his fists and placed them on his thighs, without making any sound, just sweating profusely and dripping profusely.

The military doctor stood behind Zell, watching Zell's every move carefully, keeping in mind the method of taking the seven-inch bow and arrow cluster.

Zell made a vertical cut and then a horizontal cut, put down the knife, poured strong wine on his hand, stretched out two fingers of his right hand, and stabbed them into the wound.

Spread the flesh with your fingers, go down along the arrow, and touch the barb all the way. Two fingers forcibly tore open the flesh inside the wound, like hooks against the tip of the two barbs, and then forcefully hooked up, Hook the arrow out!
Mo Lingfeng snorted, and his whole body twitched, blood spattered, and his head fell to the table with a "bang".

Zell threw down the arrow to wash his hands, and the military doctor immediately opened the golden sore medicine and smeared it thickly on the wound.

Yin Nan stepped forward to take off the muslin from Mo Lingfeng's mouth, Ze'er came back from washing his hands, his back was covered with sweat, his tight strings were slightly relaxed, he picked up the teapot, poured a cup of tea that he didn't know when, and swallowed it , Exhaled a foul breath.

Putting down the teacup, he tilted his head to look at Mo Lingfeng, whose hands and feet were limp, lying on the table with his head sideways, and suddenly found that Mo Lingfeng was still awake.

She endured all the pain soberly and calmly, understood all her situations, and clearly saw the hidden meaning behind the suffering.

Zell's heart skipped a beat.

Originally, he still felt sorry for her, but at this moment, all the sympathy and pity in his heart disappeared, leaving only awe.

She is still that unkillable lunatic!
Mo Lingfeng raised his head, his face was pale, his lips were dry: "Water."

Zell quickly poured her a cup of tea and handed it to her. Mo Lingfeng drank it with a sip, and waved gently: "Get out."

Zell rolled away silently. After the military doctor gave her the good medicine, he prescribed a prescription and went out to grab the medicine for decoction. Yin Nan helped Mo Lingfeng lie on the bed.

Pain swept over him. Mo Lingfeng tilted his head and saw that Yin Nan had also walked out. She was the only one left in the room, so he buried his head in his arms and choked with tears: "Brother, it hurts so much." .”

It hurts so much.

The Big Grass Crow had little effect on her. When Zell made a move, she was in so much pain that her soul stuck to the top of the sky and wanted to fly out several times. However, she would never show timidity in front of others. It only hurt when she was alone. Tears flowed.

She closed her eyes and shed a few tears, she fell into a drowsy sleep, and within half an hour, her back started to burn and hurt.

Not only does it hurt, but the body is also on fire, and the breath coming out of the mouth is full of scorching heat.

She turned her head drowsily and looked towards the door.

The door is closed, bright skylight shines through the rhombus latticework, and the voice of talking comes in from the outside.

You Muqing's voice was as sharp as if someone had stepped on his throat: "Close the city gate? This is inappropriate! Leave us here to fend for ourselves!"

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