Yu Jun

Chapter 268 Brother and Sister

Li Yitie carried Mo Qianlan back to the cubicle, Yin Nan raised his eyelids, glanced at Mo Qianlan, and then lowered his eyes in no surprise—even if Mo Qianlan crawled out of the grave, she would not be surprised .

Mo Qianlan glanced at her: "Guard the gate."

He didn't want people to know that he was awake - Mo Lefeng was already powerful, if he was awake at this moment, it would undoubtedly disturb the emperor.

Yin Nan removed the small table with the empty medicine bowl, moved over a grand chair, and then went to stand at the door, not letting a single fly in.

Li Yitie put Mo Qianlan into the chair, and cursed secretly in his heart: "Don't die! Let's see if it can reduce the fever or make more meat!"

Mo Qianlan rested his hands on the armrests of the chair, tried his best to control his body, and slowly leaned forward, looking at Mo Lingfeng in front of him.

The cross cut by the arrow wound on her back turned into a boning knife, piercing his heart with one knife, and crushing his heart in an instant.

A mouthful of blood gushed out of his throat, his tongue was still stiff, unable to swallow, the blood spilled out from his mouth, dripping all over the skirt of his clothes.

Li Yitie sighed silently and wiped him with a handkerchief, but his clothes were still dirty.

Mo Qianlan didn't notice this at all.

He only stared at Mo Lingfeng, and saw Ah Yao, whom he held in his hands like jewels and treasures, turned into a colorless person, with a hideous wound on his back, like a big mouth, silently devouring her life .

A layer of plaster was sticky on the wound. Based on Mo Qianlan's understanding of Li Yitie, there must be painkillers in the plaster, but Mo Lingfeng was still in pain, so painful that he couldn't sleep peacefully in his dreams. Raving.

Mo Qianlan bent down as much as possible, raised her right hand, tremblingly placed it on top of Mo Lingfeng's head, tried to mobilize her tongue, and made an indistinct voice: "Ah, brother is here."

Mo Lingfeng was extremely uncomfortable in the drowsiness. A fire was lit from the inside out, trying to burn her into coke. There seemed to be a red-hot soldering iron stuck in it on her back. She wished she could turn her back and burn her pull out.

She couldn't feel Mo Qianlan's hand on her head, and she couldn't hear Mo Qianlan calling her, just moaning unconsciously.

Mo Qianlan tried to reach out to hug Mo Lingfeng, but as soon as he moved, the whole person slid out of the chair, as if the jade was scattered all over the ground, and he couldn't hold it together.

He knelt on the ground with both legs, one hand clasped the edge of the couch, tried his best to prop up his upper body, staggered close to Mo Lingfeng, and pressed his forehead against Mo Lingfeng's.

Being pressed against his cold forehead, Mo Lingfeng felt better, tilted his head, rubbed against Mo Qianlan's forehead, whimpered twice, and hot tears flowed from the corners of his eyes.

Mo Qianlan moved his fingers and wiped her tears clumsily. While wiping, he looked at Mo Lingfeng's swollen face and knew that her wormy teeth were also aching due to her frailty.

"Ah... Do you have a toothache?"

Li Yitie stood aside and said, "The worm tooth medicine can't go in."

Mo Lingfeng didn't open his mouth, and when he fed the medicine, he poured it in little by little, and the insect medicine couldn't go in at all.

"Medicine." Mo Qianlan struggled to speak, and Li Yitie struggled to listen. After hearing this, he quickly took the insecticide and applied it on Mo Qianlan's index finger.

Mo Qianlan whispered in Mo Lingfeng's ear, "Ah, open your mouth, be good."

Mo Lingfeng frowned, but slowly opened his mouth.

Mo Qianlan's heart was cut like a knife - Mo Lingfeng had many worm teeth when she was young, and it hurt when she touched it. Every time she wiped the worm tooth medicine, he hugged and coaxed her to apply the medicine.

Ah Yao will always remember him.

He couldn't see where the worm teeth were, but he remembered that Mo Lefeng's lower left tooth was the most painful, so he controlled his fingers to wipe it there.

When Mo Lingfeng was in pain all over, a sharp pain suddenly came from her teeth, hitting Tianling Gai directly, she snorted heavily, bit down subconsciously, and closed her mouth tightly.

Mo Qianlan's fingers were immediately bitten by her, and Li Yitie said "Oops", and quickly reached out to pinch Mo Lingfeng's cheeks, but Mo Qianlan shook his head.

"No, she hurts. It's okay"

He moved closer, stroked Mo Lefeng's cheek with one hand, and said softly, "Ah, open your mouth, the good boy is your brother, don't be afraid."

Even though it was still hot, his body was still cold. Mo Lingfeng rubbed his palm again and again, and slowly opened his mouth a little.

Li Yitie grabbed Mo Qianlan's hand and pulled out his fingers. He saw a few teeth marks on his fingers. The bite was so deep that the skin was already bleeding.

It's a good thing if it didn't bite off.

Li Yitie let go of his hand, for some reason, his eyes turned red, he wanted to cry, he quickly raised his head, turned his eyes vigorously, blinked again, and blinked back the tears.

He thought that these two brothers and sisters were Kassapa and Ananda who were beside the Buddha.

The same body and fate, the same spirit and branches.Ananda put his palms together and Kasyapa raised his eyebrows.Just one sentence, no outsiders are allowed to know.

Regardless of her fingers, Mo Qianlan brushed back Mo Lingfeng's messy temple hair. Seeing that she was only wearing a belly wrap, she was afraid that she would get a cold in addition to her serious injuries, so she pulled the scarf up to cover her shoulders.

He looked carefully again, and saw that the gold collar was taken off, and the handkerchief was wrapped and placed aside so that it would not hurt her, the bun on the head was tied loosely so that it would not make her uncomfortable, and the socks were newly made summer socks, clean and soft , then looked back.

In the end, he used a finger to lightly brush Mo Lingfeng's eyebrows.

The little girl has grown into a big girl, with long black eyebrows, thick eyelashes, spread under her eyes like a fan, straight nose, angular lips, slightly raised, forbearance and grievance.

He hadn't looked at her for a long time and hugged her.

Reluctantly letting go, he turned to look at Li Yitie: "Let's go."

Li Yitie carried him out of the cubicle, put him on the bed behind the screen, made him half sit and half lie against the head of the bed, and bent over to take out a row of silver needles.

Before making a move, Mo Qianlan suddenly asked: "If I stay awake, how long can I live?"

He slowly found his tongue.

Li Yitie's hand that took the needle trembled - Mo Qianlan's body was already at the end of its strength, if he no longer had the desire to survive, it would be useless even if Da Luo Jinxian came.

"Up to three months."

Mo Qianlan thought about it carefully: "Are you trying your best?"

Li Yitie became annoyed, and scolded him in a low voice: "I will try my best to make a good coffin for you! It is better to pour medicine on a stone than to drink it!"

In order to keep Mo Qianlan alive, he worked hard and even deceived the king, but Mo Qianlan didn't care about his own life, and asked the date of death with his mouth.

Zhao Shiheng has already left, and if Mo Qianlan leaves, he will have no friends who know everything in Kuanzhou, and he will not even be able to stay in Kuanzhou.

Mo Qianlan smiled apologetically: "Sorry."

With a sullen face, Li Yitie took a deep breath: "Less than half a year."

Mo Qianlan nodded: "That's enough, keep it secret for me for now."

He chose this path for Mo Lingfeng, and he already knew the hardships and hardships involved, but he still couldn't bear it.

He is going to help her walk for a while.

Just have to go quietly for a while.

There was silence in the room, only the sound of low breathing remained, until Mo Lingfeng let out a quick gasp, the silence was broken.

Mo Qianlan lowered his voice: "Is the arrow clean?"

Having said that, he couldn't help but look up into the compartment.

In fact, he sat on the bed and couldn't see the compartment at all, but he still wanted to.

His eyes were blocked by the wall, but the shocking scars on Mo Lefeng's back could appear in his mind.

The next chapter is more in the evening

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