Yu Jun

Chapter 270

Chapter 270
The night slowly fell, covering the Mo mansion. A few candles were like a glimmer of light on the sea, which could not illuminate the night. Instead, the trees reflected in the sky, the pavilions and pavilions, and the courtyard were vast and deep, exuding an atmosphere that was earlier than autumn. Cold meaning.

Cheng Ting sat in the courtyard of the second hall, facing the cool breeze, and ate four bowls of sharp rice. After eating, he burped and looked up at the sky, feeling his stomach and heart were heavy together.

He stood up holding his belly and walked slowly to the front hall. He thought about everything that had just happened in the room and closed his mouth tightly to prevent the words from running out as soon as his upper lip touched his lower lip. .

Uncle woke up, he was one of the few insiders.

His uncle asked him to keep it a secret, and if he leaked something, Yin Nan would not hesitate to take action and sew his mouth shut forever.

He saw the big yellow dog lying by the door, so he squatted down, squeezed it, and whispered: "Uncle, I'll tell you"

The big yellow dog dared to be his father, but he didn't dare to pick up on this uncle. He stood up on four legs and wobbled away.

Cheng Ting was dumbfounded, watching the big yellow dog go away, he could only stand up and walk out, while walking, he was secretly excited again.

Uncle entrusted him with a heavy responsibility!

He lived in the cracks of Cheng's family for many years and was tortured. Cheng Taishan didn't know Taishan with his eyes, and thought he was just a master and a master. Now it seems that he is still an uncle with eyesight to recognize heroes.

Cheng Ting, who was still preoccupied just now, immediately gathered all his strength and walked along the avenue to the front hall, turning his wrists while walking, secretly thinking that he would never disappoint his uncle's expectations, if the killer came, he would slap the killer out.

While walking, he heard the intermittent sound of xun, it was the Qiang people brought back by Mo Lingfeng who were hiding under the trellis and blowing xun.

The song is out of tune, and the sound of Xun is hoarse and mocking.

He also thought that everyone in the fortress should learn to blow the xun. When the Jinlu soldiers approached the city, they would all take out the xun and blow them to death.

He walked into the front hall with all kinds of strange thoughts, and Pang Dahai was waiting in the front hall with his clothes on.

"Dahai," Cheng Ting searched for a few unique snacks and wrapped them up, and wanted to bring them to Xu Huiran, "Don't go, you go and change into Mo Fu's clothes."

He turned around and asked someone to fetch him a suit of blue and short brown, and then whispered into Pang Dahai's ear: "Miss Mo brought back a Qiang man with a braided head, and now he should be blowing the xun under the Lingxiao flower stand outside the study, you go there, Sneak up in front of him and don't let him catch you."

Pang Dahai was very loyal to the third master, so he changed into clothes without saying a word.

Cheng Ting lowered his voice: "If you show up, go back out of the house and don't tell anyone."

"Don't worry, third master." Pang Dahai picked up the broom from the corner of the wall and went to Ling Xiao's flower stand.

Cheng Ting watched Pang Dahai tiptoeing forward, and remembered what Mo Qianlan said, "Qiang people are as keen as eagles and can detect everything that is strange."

To force out the killer hiding in the dark, Mo Qianlan only used a Qiang man, Zell. He used Zell as a thread, and with a gentle tug, he could pull the thread of the entire conspiracy.

No one is more appropriate than Zell to "discover" the killer.

Cheng Ting walked out of the front hall, waiting for the opportunity, and at the same time, a trace of doubt flashed in his heart - Mo Qianlan woke up from his lethargy, but he still clearly knew that there was Zell beside Mo Lingfeng. Talk to others?
If Mo Qianlan was not ignorant, but could hear all the sounds outside, then every moment he lay in bed would be a torment.

It's like a sober soul trapped in an inescapable shell, unable to speak, move, or see, leaving only endless loneliness.

In the corridor outside the study room, lingxiao flowers are all over the wall frame, with curly branches and vines, like two dragons facing each other, the flowers and leaves are draped, green and red, under the moonlight and lights, swaying in the wind, Zell sits under the shadow of the flowers, listening to the wind blowing the leaves, Magpies and birds fly, adjusting the tune little by little.

The scene he admired will wither soon.

A servant spread incense in the study, blew out the candles everywhere, put out the incense sticks, closed the doors and windows, and finally put on the copper fish locks.

Even if no one enters or exits the study, servants will always clean it to prevent dust from contaminating the bookshelves and causing pests and ants to infest.

When the servant came out, he also brought out a precious fragrance, passing by Zell, the fragrance swarmed in, overwhelmed the strong smell of grass and trees, and penetrated into his nose.

Even if the servants left, the fragrance still flowed out from the cracks in the doors and windows, blooming flowers all the way.

Zell likes to smell this fragrance very much, and Mo Lefeng also smells this fragrance on his body. When he puts on the armor, he often thinks it is soft flowers blooming on the cold iron armor.

Mo Lingfeng was still unconscious, but he knew she would wake up - the Qiang people knew more about bows and arrows than the Han people. He believed that he had taken out the arrow completely and Mo Lingfeng would not die as a result.

It's just that the second hall is overcrowded, there is no place for him to stay, he can only hide here, please God bless Mo Lingfeng to get better soon.

The smell of potpourri lasted for a long time. A servant carried a broom and placed the fallen leaves on both sides of the bluestone path as he walked. When he passed by Zell, he raised his head and his eyes met Zell in an instant.

Zell had never seen the servant's eyes in Mo Mansion.

The servant always hangs his head, his gaze falls in front of him, no more than three steps away.

This man in blue and short brown, with an ordinary face and a slender figure, quickly lowered his head, and left here with a broom as if nothing had happened.

Zell felt something was wrong, so he got up immediately and chased him two steps away, but the man had already walked into a dark place where the candlelight could not reach, and disappeared in a flash.

He put away the xun and hurried to the second hall, the second hall was brightly lit and smelled of medicine, the servants stood with their heads down, the nurses and aunts had retreated into the west wing, Li Yitie was sitting on the porch of the east wing, thinking about the prescription.

There was obviously no sound, but Zell felt noisy. Yin Bei crossed his arms and sat on the corridor, leaning against the pillar with his eyes closed to relax. When he heard someone coming in, he looked over with lightning eyes.

Seeing it was Zell, he closed his eyes again.

Zell walked to the bottom of the stone steps, took a big step, stepped up three stone steps, stood beside Yin Bei, and lowered his voice: "A fresh face has come in."

Yin Bei raised his head suddenly, his voice raised uncontrollably: "Where is it?"

Li Yitie looked over, and Yin Bei got up quickly to hide the astonishment on his face, and at the same time raised his foot to the window and knocked lightly.


Yin Nan's calm voice came from the window: "Say."

"Someone has come in, please guard the uncle and the girl."


The room was quiet again, and Yin Bei walked up to Zell with a solemn face: "Where did you see it?"

Zell replied truthfully: "Outside the study, when I became suspicious, I disappeared."

"Don't run around." Yin Bei stepped down the stone steps, walked out of the second hall, and whispered to gather people, intending to catch the turtle.

Zell also went out to find those sudden eyes - Mo Lefeng is his enemy, and she cannot be allowed to die at the hands of others.

(End of this chapter)

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