Yu Jun

Chapter 281 Failure

Nomad Qing looked at the confrontation between Mo Lingfeng and the man in black, and his heart almost dropped from the sky into his stomach.

He stood there with a blank expression for a moment, then quickly recovered and walked towards Mo Lingfeng.

He didn't know that Zell had made a foldable crossbow, and he didn't know that Mo Liangfeng carried it with him.

Perhaps it was because they had no knowledge that Mo Lingfeng deceived the person behind the scenes.

He slowly approached Listening Wind and whispered: "Girl, keep this?"

There were countless dangers on their way to Kyoto. If they could find out if there was any back-up plan, things would go much smoother.

And this middle-aged man in black seemed to be the leader of the three.

The man in black breathed a sigh of relief and was surprised to find that his hair was wet. He opened his mouth and said, "Leave me alive, I can tell you."

Before he finished speaking, a crossbow arrow burst out.

In the silence, only one string sound was heard, and then there was a short "swish" sound. The lingering sound was not lost, and the arrow cluster was submerged into the body of the man in black.

In the widened eyes of the man in black, Mo Lingfeng put away the black crossbow without hesitation: "Kill them all. Don't believe a word the enemy says."

Nomad Qing was stunned. Before he could speak, Xiao Dou had already raised his knife and killed the shopkeeper who was pinned to the ground. Then he got up and went to find the young man whose life or death was uncertain. When he saw that the man was just lying on the ground unconscious, he also killed him with a knife. life.

Xiao Dou finished killing everyone neatly, then walked up to the man in black, grabbed the arrow shaft, pulled out the crossbow arrow that was mostly buried in his body, rinsed it in the water tank, and handed it to Mo Lingfeng: "Girl , your arrow.”

He performed a series of movements smoothly, with only a tail behind his butt to help him wag.

Nomad Qing rolled his huge white eyes, squatted down, reached out and touched the chest of the man in black. After finding nothing, he touched the man in black all over his body. In addition to his hands full of blood, he only found a bag of broken silver coins. .

Blood quickly formed a pool under the body, and he threw away the money: "Girl, do you want to dispose of the body?"

"No, go and ask the envoy to come over. Just tell him that he was attacked. The origin of the enemy is unknown, he has nothing to offer, and he is not a golden prisoner. I'm afraid it's just a little trick that will cause trouble."


Mo Lingfeng stared at the corpse and smiled silently, knowing exactly who his master was.

On the fishing boat next to the warehouse, a dark figure squatted on the bow, taking the fight into his eyes. As the lights gradually turned on and the order hurriedly came out of the inn, the dark figure sank to its knees, and then shot straight into the water, with a slight splash of water. Splashing, the movement is similar to that of a big fish.

After entering the water, he jumped upstream, swam dozens of feet, climbed up a small slope, and walked towards a broken house in the forest.

He was extremely fast and entered the house in a few steps. He put on a clean short brown suit, took out a lead rod, wrote the word "failure" on the paper, and added "everyone knows, waiting for orders." Eight characters, put away the lead rafter, stamped it with the seal of "Wudesi", rolled the paper into a small roll, stuffed it into a bamboo tube, grabbed a pigeon from the cage in the corner of the house, tied the bamboo tube to the carrier pigeon, Go to the door and ask Fei to go out.

There were two sounds of "coo" in the darkness, and the carrier pigeon headed towards Kyoto and soon disappeared.

After the early morning court session on the first day of August, Huang Yiren, the Wude envoy of the Wude Department, entered the palace to meet the saint. The emperor dismissed the servants and saw Huang Yiren alone in the palace.

Huang Yiren lifted his robe and knelt down to report to the Ming Emperor the failure to assassinate the Mo brothers and sisters.

After hearing this, the emperor scolded: "Incompetent!"

Huang Yiren did not dare to argue and said in a low voice: "If I send more people, I will definitely end this matter before entering the capital."

The emperor gritted his teeth: "Everyone already knows, how can we settle it? This time the county magistrate can settle a confusing case. If he fails again, how can he prevaricate it? Someone has assassinated the general guarding the border again and again, and everyone in the world will be suspicious! I told you to do it secretly - idiot!"

Huang Yiren said: "When she enters the capital, I will do it myself to ensure that nothing goes wrong." The emperor threw the beads in his hand at his face and said angrily: "How stupid! Nothing is foolproof in the world! Once she enters the capital, she will be a loyal minister. Good general, if you dare to attack my loyal ministers at the feet of the Emperor, you will be punished with death, and I will not be able to protect you!
He looked at the top of Huang Yiren's head and was extremely disappointed: "When she enters Beijing, I want to know everything she says and does. If she makes any mistakes, don't come to see me! Get out!"

Huang Yiren walked away in shame. The emperor sat in front of the case, his chest rising and falling eagerly, and stars shining in front of his eyes. He picked up the tea cup with trembling hands and took a sip before slowly calming down.

Missed opportunity.

He already knew that the Mo brothers and sisters depended on each other and built a high wall to block out any prying eyes.

Only by killing one and leaving one alone can they crush their hearts when they are full of hope and think they can win the next game, causing them to completely collapse and lose, and thus try to extract the wealth of the ten states.

The Mo family cannot stay, and the wealth of the ten states must be recovered before the country can be stable again.

Everything he did was not for selfish reasons, but for the benefit of the country.

Since Wude Si is unavailable, wait until Mo Lingfeng enters Kyoto before taking action.

After sitting for a long time, he coughed and shouted: "Zhang Yuanlin."

Zhang Congfeng, who was guarding the door, immediately opened the door and entered, waiting for instructions.

"Call the prince and the king of Wei to come and discuss welcoming General Guide to the capital."


On August [-]th, Mo Lingfeng arrived outside the city of Kyoto. The emissary took Mo Lingfeng personally and entered the city first. After the emperor read it, he summoned the returning generals to enter the city at midnight on the [-]th. The prince led hundreds of civil and military officials to welcome him.

The capital has been preparing for a long time to welcome General Guide and his entourage. At [-]:[-], the prince stood upright outside the banquet, with a majestic crown, an eleven-beaded crown, red, yellow, green, white and black jade, and the three lights shining on his robe. , it’s scary to look at.

The King of Wei and hundreds of civil and military officials stood behind him, also wearing royal crowns, motionless.

The prince waited for a long time and his legs were numb. With the help of his chamberlain, he climbed up the tower and looked into the distance.

He squinted his eyes, looked through the jade curtain, and first saw the situation below the city tower. His eyes were immediately pierced by the golden light, and he couldn't help but close his eyes and blink out a few tears.

Too dazzling.

Under the city tower, more than a thousand forbidden army armors reflected the sun, their spears shot out like a forest, picking out dots of golden light. The moat had undulating patterns, golden scales, and several kinds of brilliance mixed together, casting on the city wall, mottled and dazzling.

The chamberlain on the side wiped away the water stains from the corners of the prince's eyes. The prince opened his eyes and turned his gaze to the civil and military officials.

The eyes are full of purple color, the wide robes and wide sleeves are slightly swaying in the autumn wind, and everyone has a dignified and calm posture.

He looked at the King of Wei again and secretly said that the military power of Kuanzhou was not in the hands of His Majesty. After this war, there were both Mo family forces and the emperor's forces in the army. The two forces overlapped and competed with each other. , has also become a hot potato.

If you reach out at this time, your hands will be burned.

He is the first heir of the clan and the crown prince who has been awarded the title of treasure. Even though His Majesty expelled the King of Wei to restrain him, he is still the one who belongs to God's will. He has been educated in royal ways since he was a child and is more calm than the King of Wei.

The King of Wei wanted to get involved in the current situation in Kuanzhou, and he just had to wait for the opportunity and wait for the opportunity to act.

After seeing King Wei, his eyes suddenly moved and he looked at Wu Jin, who was standing among the courtiers.

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