Yu Jun

Chapter 291 The Uninvited Guest

Prince Jiyang finished the last piece of pork head and said, "Who?"

King Wei said: "The servants of the Mo family passed the exam after getting rid of their slave status. It seems that the master and servant have a deep love."

He stood up and poured wine for the Prince of Jiyang County: "Uncle Wang, it is not convenient for me to stay here for a long time. I will take my leave now. I will need your help then."

The prince of Jiyang County picked up the wine cup and brought it to his mouth. He raised his head and drank the wine into his intestines: "Don't worry, as long as you can pull the man named Wu off his horse, I will do whatever you want!"

King Wei waved his hand: "My nephew doesn't dare to send someone."

He went out with a smile and asked the bartender to deliver two more plates of smoked pig head meat to Prince Jiyang. He walked out of the restaurant and got on the carriage back to the house. On the way, he lifted the curtain to take a look at the moonlight.

The clouds have cleared, the fog has dispersed, the wind has stopped and the rain has stopped, the half-full moon is shining brightly, and there will definitely be no rain tomorrow.

He told his confidants: "Keep an eye on Qi Chang and go see him tomorrow night."

The chamberlain walked outside the carriage and replied in a low voice: "Yes."

At this time, Qi Chang had already bathed and changed clothes. He sneezed hugely and was a little dizzy. His hands and feet were limp. He must have had a cold. He asked his servant to make a bowl of thick ginger soup and bring it to him.

He drank the ginger soup in one gulp, and a spicy taste surged from his stomach to his head. He put down the bowl and wiped his mouth. His nose felt hot, and two nosebleeds fell straight down.

The nosebleed was red and dripping on his clothes. He immediately panicked, thinking that he had not only suffered from typhoid fever, but also had another hidden disease in his body, which was stimulated by cold and heat. His face was pale with horror. He took a handkerchief to stop the bleeding and asked the servant to hurry up. Go and ask the doctor.

It was past midnight and all the medicine shops were closed. The servant knocked on the nearest medicine shop and brought back an old doctor.

The old doctor was thin and had gray hair. He felt the pulse with one hand and twirled his beard with the other. He was silent and didn't know much about his medical skills, but his attitude was very good.

After feeling the pulse, the old doctor talked eloquently about "floating pulse and imbalance of yin and yang". He thought about it again and again and wrote down a prescription, which made people feel that the initial diagnosis was very right.

In the end, the old doctor took the expensive medical money and left. Qi Chang did not dare to be careless and immediately asked his servant to grab the medicine and come back to fry it.

The medicine needs to be simmered over slow fire. Qi Chang couldn't wait, so he wiped away the nosebleed with a handkerchief and fell asleep top-heavy.

When he went to bed, he was preparing to get up in the middle of the night to drink medicine. He also thought that the typhoid fever would be worse tomorrow, so he asked his servant to go to the Hanlin Academy to ask for leave if he could not get out of bed. He also thought that someone would come to visit him, so he asked the servant to buy it early in the morning. Flowers and snacks.

Everything is ready except for a cold.

He fell asleep with his head covered, but he fell into a deep sleep. The servants even called him to drink medicine, but they didn't wake him up. He slept until the fourth watch of the next day. When he woke up, his illness had gone without a trace. His body was as light as a swallow, and there was no trace of a cold. none.

I didn't even have time to drink the medicine, and my illness was cured.

He pulled off his shoes and went to the official room. While peeing, he secretly cursed himself for his poor life. After washing, he packed up and went to the Hanlin Academy for his duty.

After one day, he returned home exhausted. He ate in front of three dishes, picked up a large piece of stewed meat, and stuffed the whole piece into his mouth, chewing it slowly, as if he was afraid that someone would snatch it.

While he was eating, he was thinking about the Prince of Jiyang causing trouble with Wu Jin's family.

Wu Jin did not ask for leave today and looked at ease in the Hanlin Academy. Others commented that he was frightened by the Prince of Jiyang, but he remained indifferent and only prepared for the banquet.

I heard that the prince of Jiyang County was reprimanded by the emperor and fined him half a year of lumi, but he was not punished and went to the house to apologize.

Is Wu Jin really scared?He had never seen Wu Jin be afraid, but why did Wu Jin not fight back?
He swallowed the stew in his mouth and felt that he smelled the smell of conspiracy from Wu Jin's unusualness - the conspiracy that permeated the country. The people involved in it were self-evident, and they were just waiting for the opportunity. Those who were sensitive outside the conspiracy, You will find that the storm is about to come and the wind will fill the building.

From now on, he must be careful about his words and actions and never let himself get involved.

After dinner, he was practicing calligraphy in his study. When the clock was ringing, the servant suddenly came in and reported: "Master, the distinguished guest is here. Please see me."

"Distinguished guest?" Qi Chang stood up quickly, guessing that it was Mo Lingfeng, "Hurry up and boil water to make tea and send it to the guest room."

He cleared his throat, straightened his clothes and walked out.

The courtyard door was open, and there were two figures standing outside. Their faces were shrouded in blue by the night. He stepped forward quickly and was about to bow his hands in salute when he suddenly realized that the person in front of him was not Mo Lingfeng.

A man in rich clothes, followed by a chamberlain.

He was dumbfounded and confirmed again and again. Then he came back to his senses and bowed his hands deeply. There was still confusion in his voice: "Wei, Mr. Wei."

After the ceremony, there was a swarm of playful, generous, polite, polite and serious words, such as "The humble house is full of flowers", "Your Majesty came here late at night, what do you mean?", "I don't know that Your Majesty is coming, but my home is rough and it's rude". The words rolled to his mouth and rushed out. Finally, he was incoherent: "This humble house is humble, but I don't know that the prince's visit will really make me shine."

The chamberlain behind King Wei covered his mouth and smiled. King Wei glanced at him, and the chamberlain quickly suppressed his smile, put down his hand, and stood solemnly.

King Wei smiled and said, "Shi Qi, are you going to invite me in to sit down?"

"Oh, yes, please come in, Your Majesty."

Qi Chang's hands trembled in panic. He was about to move forward when he remembered something was wrong. He stopped and stepped to the side. He took too big a step and hit the door frame with his back, causing pain all over his body. .

He didn't dare to hum, he only felt pain and embarrassment, his face was red, and a layer of hot sweat quickly appeared all over his body. Pieces of his inner clothes stuck to his back, and with the slightest movement, a rush of hot flashes came out.

"Your Majesty, please."

He was at a loss and followed King Wei hand and foot. After entering the courtyard, he stepped forward hesitantly and stood beside King Wei. He stretched his hand to the right and said, "My lord, please come this way."

King Wei followed his finger, picked up his clothes and stepped up the three stone steps. After entering the guest room, he smiled slightly: "Although the sparrow is small, it has all the internal organs."

There is an oil lamp in the room, and there is a complete set of tables and chairs. There is a duck smoker on the small table behind the table and chairs. Behind the smoker is a three-fold screen, and behind it is a diamond lattice window. There is no Open.

Qi Chang moved the chair: "These are worthless things. Please sit down, Your Majesty."

King Wei sat down and a servant brought tea. He lowered his head and looked at the tea cup: "The tea is not bad. Last time I visited your fellow villagers, the tea was crude and ugly, which is why it is really worthless."

Qi Chang thought that his fellow countryman must be Wu Jin. What was the purpose of King Wei mentioning Wu Jin?
Could it be related to Prince Jiyang?

He stood aside with his heart in mind, not daring to talk, and looked at King Wei quietly. When he saw King Wei lowering his head to look at the tea, and then went to look at the refreshments without mentioning his intention, he moved uncomfortably.

King Wei turned to look at him: "Sit down and talk. If you stand like this, it will be difficult for me to talk to you."

Qi Chang sat down respectfully and stared at the table with his head lowered. King Wei looked at the exquisitely embroidered Luo Yi on his body and said with a smile: "Compared with your fellow countryman, Qi Chang is more like a mortal and not like your fellow countryman." , Live like a lonely pine on Mount Tai, facing the high blade above and the abyss below, making it difficult to get close."

Qi Chang replied thoughtfully: "Xueshi Wu is actually an easy-going person and is not difficult to get close to -"

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