Yu Jun

Chapter 295

Chapter 295
The King of Wei picked up a green-skinned orange and peeled it open carefully: "Kuanzhou affairs have always been done flawlessly. Only these two things are the ones I know there are flaws in but don't know where they are. But there are two Here, even if you don’t understand it, it doesn’t matter.”

He peeled the orange cramp, split it into two, and pushed it to Qi Chang and Wang Jinghua respectively: "With two people helping me, if you can't figure it out, it doesn't matter. As long as you understand it, it will be fine."

Qi Chang took the half of the orange and looked at the King of Wei. He saw a meaningful smile on his face, which was soaked in the blood-like sunset. Strangely, there was no ambition or desire in his dark brown pupils.

Just normal.

He planned carefully and calculated painstakingly to win the throne and the country. Under such a huge temptation, any emotion seemed redundant.

He didn't covet this position from the beginning. It's just that he and the prince were the only adult princes. In order to weigh the situation, the emperor gave him the opportunity he coveted, and single-handedly brought him to his current position, allowing him to see how tempting the supreme power is. .

Calculating and being calculated, played out countless times on the chess board, this game is just as ordinary as before.

Qi Chang looked away and asked in a low voice: "When will you attack?"

King Wei thought for a while: "Let's celebrate the Double Ninth Festival. The nine-nine will return to its true nature, the first yuan will begin, good days will come, and good luck will come."

From this day on, the weather became colder and colder day by day. On the evening of the eighth day of September, there was a light snowfall, but it did not affect the excitement of the ninth day of September at all.

It was a freezing day, but scholars and scholars wore hairpins, chrysanthemums, and cornucopia, climbing high with pots in their hands. Dandy boys, leaning high on the red railing, slowly admired the shadows of flowers, their eyes reflecting the beauty. The poor, their families were broken, and they were mowing the grass by the lakeside. Also break a handful of wild chrysanthemums.

There is also a dinner party in the palace, but it has been very quiet since Mao hour. Wu Jin, a bachelor of the Hanlin Academy, lectured in Zishan Hall. The Crown Prince and King Wei attended the lecture. The other three princes were still young and were not included in this.

A case has been launched in Zishan Hall. Opposite the prince's desk stood Wu Jin. Behind Wu Jin were several senior Hanlin Academy officials, standing in two groups, calming down and focusing on teaching.

Wu Jin has already talked about the first chapter of the Annals of Emperor Xuan in the "Book of Han" - after a severe drought, the emperor sent ambassadors to support the loan and were poor, the eunuchs lost food and ministers, the Yuefu reduced people, and the envoys returned to agriculture. Send letters to the valley, transport them to Chang'an warehouse, and help the poor with loans.

Wu Jin's voice was loud and loud, and Liang Chen was moved by the sound. The prince and the king of Wei sat at attention, listening intently.

The two of them had memorized this volume of "Book of Han" by heart, and the great scholars in the court had also talked about it before. However, because Wu Jin was familiar with the affairs of the people, he knew that during a severe drought, "there will be no crops for thousands of miles in the bare land, and the wild people will eat each other with hunger everywhere." "", he also knew that returning to agriculture is not something that can be summed up in one word. The four words "zhendai and tired" are just an article. The prince and the king of Wei were fascinated by this.

After speaking, the prince still had something to say and had a long chat with Wu Jin, when suddenly there was the sound of rapid footsteps outside.

King Wei raised his eyebrows, with a fleeting smile on his lips. He calmly opened the book on the table and read "The Chronicles of Emperor Xuan" carefully.

The prince frowned and looked outside. Outside the door, Zandu quickly went down the stone steps to greet the visitor.

The person who came was Zhang Chongfeng, a regular attendant of the emperor. The admirer raised his hands and said, "Zhang Chongfeng is here in a hurry. Is there something urgent?"

Zhang Gongfeng nodded: "Someone is drumming at the gate of the palace. Your Majesty summons His Highness, Prince, and Scholar Wu to the Wenzheng Hall."

When the admirers heard that it was His Majesty's summons, they quickly went inside to deliver the report. The three people who were summoned immediately arranged their clothes and went to the Wenzheng Hall.

In the Wenzheng Palace, Yushi Zhongcheng was already there. After everyone saw the ceremony, the emperor pointed to the imperial edict held by the chamberlain beside him: "Let's all take a look."

The chamberlain handed it to the prince first, then several people read it in turn, and finally handed it to Wu Jin.

"A certain person named Wang, named Jinghua, from a second-class household, currently lives in Kyoto City, three miles away from the prefect's office. He has no health problems. Now he is grievances against his father, Wang Yunsheng, and is suing Mo Qianlan and Gui, the governor of Kuanzhou. German general Mo Lingfeng.

On July 25th of the [-]th year of Yuanzhang, the imperial court and Jin Lu discussed the oaths between the two dynasties in detail in Zhangjiabao. Mo Jiedu, in order to seek personal gain, communicated with Jin Lu and rebelled against the Party Jing, and leaked the details of the peace talks, causing the peace talks to break down.

On August 28, the 26th year of Yuanzhang, the imperial emissary Qin Fang arrived in Kuanzhou and discovered that the Mo family was colluding with the shipwreck merchants. In order to cover up others' eyes and ears, General Mo killed the emissary and forced my father to cover up for it. My father refused and the Mo family robbed. He knew the seal of the state, fabricated memorials, forged evidence of corruption, and put the blame on my father.

Both of these can be verified.In the battle of Gaopingzhai, Mo Lingfeng used this victory to hide his true intentions, so he made contributions to Liang.

The Mo brothers and sisters, who appear to be loyal ministers and good generals, are actually owl owls who harbor evil intentions, collaborate with the enemy and betray the country, control Kuanzhou, and steal the country for rebellion.

The common people are begging the emperor to carry out this work. I sincerely inform you.

On the ninth day of September in the 30th year of Yuan Zhang, Wang Jinghua issued a warrant. "

Wu Jin handed the imperial edict into the hands of the chamberlain. For some reason, he felt as if a boulder had fallen to the ground.

finally come.

The emperor silently moved the chess pieces in his hands and placed a piece on the chessboard. He wanted to use this piece to solve the big problem of the Jiyang County Prince - the best time was when the military pay, food and grass were spread out on the table.

The emperor's eyes scanned everyone's face, stern and solemn, and finally fell on Wu Jin: "Wu Jin, what do you think of this matter?"

Wu Jin bowed his head and replied: "The imperial court has laws, and there are people who drum and set up stones. The censor is asked to receive instructions and hear about them. I think we should follow the law."

When the emperor heard this, he turned to look at the prince: "Where is the prince?"

The prince pondered for a long time and then said: "This matter is related to the life and death of the country and the dynasty. It cannot be ignored, but -"

He frowned: "It's just that General Mo did meritorious service in the battle at Gaopingzhai. If we attack General Mo just to clarify the truth, I will probably cause criticism from the world."

The emperor nodded and said to Yushi Zhongcheng: "This matter needs to be investigated, but don't go after Xiao Mo. Start with the relevant people and make sure to get to the bottom of it. Don't let the pillars of the country be tainted by villains."

Censor Zhongcheng accepted the offer, and the emperor looked at Wu Jin: "Wu Jin, you and Xiao Mo are old acquaintances. You go out of the palace and tell Xiao Mo that she can stay in the palace with peace of mind, and I will restore her innocence."


Such a big event did not occupy the emperor's energy too much. When a group of people came out of the Wenzheng Palace, the prince walked towards Wu Jin: "Xueshi Wu, General Xiao Mo is a man who is galloping on the battlefield. Now he is trapped in a corner, and he is afraid of complaints in his heart. , but Your Majesty is afraid that she will feel uneasy after hearing the gossip outside, please give some explanations to Xueshei Wu."

Wu Jin nodded and said: "Your Majesty's words, I will definitely bring them to you."

The King of Wei sneered silently and said to Zhongcheng, the censor: "Zhongcheng, please don't live up to His Highness's cherishing of talents. It is best to ensure that General Xiaomo is safe and sound."

After that, he walked away. The prince sighed and shook his head, and walked towards the East Palace.

Censor Zhongcheng and Wu Jin were silent all the way. They left the palace gate and said goodbye at noon.

After a light snowfall yesterday, it was extremely cold. Wu Jin walked through the noisy street with his hands in his sleeves, but he walked out covered in heat - he walked too fast.

Slowing down his pace, he bought a pack of pine nut and chestnut cake that had just come out of the shop. He held it in his hand and involuntarily walked faster - it was cold, and the pine nut and chestnut cake also got cold easily.

Slowing down again, he held the pine nuts and chestnut cake in his arms, walked towards the general's mansion step by step, and knocked on the door of the general's mansion.

"Wu Jin, Hanlin Academy, please see General Mo."

(End of this chapter)

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