Yu Jun

Chapter 298

At this time, the Shuo River in Kuanzhou had frozen, and the war horses no longer drank water here. However, the suspension bridge from Kuanzhou to Baozhai was often lowered to allow Tan Xuan to travel back and forth between Kuanzhou and Baozhai.

There are still soldiers patrolling the racecourse, but they are not the Mojia army, but the Jeju garrison.

In the fortress, Yin Nan sat at the door and wiped the knife. Mo Lingfeng was far away in Kyoto, so she was distracted and wiped the knife without any distractions.

The cold wind brought the smell from the direction of Jinlu, which was the smell of horse dung, yellow sand, withered grass, and pig iron. It blew over the chess-like roof ridges of the fort, and brought noisy sounds into Yin Nan's ears.

Since Mo Lingfeng left, the fortress has always been noisy.

Tan Xuan and the two deputy governors from Jeju were always whispering. The whispers between them were like drops of water dripping into the originally calm lake, alarming the entire lake.

Zhong Tao came out of the tent and found Yin Nan: "The knife is not stained with blood, why should it be wiped clean?"

Yin Nan turned a deaf ear and couldn't stop rubbing it.

Zhong Tao stepped forward, intending to snatch the fine cloth from her hand. Halfway through, Yin Nan looked at him, and he quickly retracted his hand, folded his hands across his chest, and hid his two palms.

Squatting down and sitting on the threshold, he lowered his voice and said, "General Mo doesn't allow you to act on your own initiative, and he didn't say that you are not allowed to kill people. Now people are tempted. If you don't kill chickens to scare monkeys, are you still waiting for Tan Zhizhou to continue to win people's hearts?"

Yin Nan collected the fine cloth and picked up the knife to take a closer look.

The knife was made of iron with a snowflake pattern, and it cut off the hair when it was blown. It reflected her emotionless face, giving her a fierce look. In fact, her mind was empty and she was not thinking about anything.

Zhong Tao followed suit and said: "Besides, how can the rectification of military affairs be regarded as a matter of motivation?"

Yin Nan looked up at the sky and saw that the white clouds in the sky were like floating catkins, being blown away by the wind, and his thoughts also dispersed.

Zhong Tao sighed - he was not Mo Lingfeng's personal guard, so no matter how many he killed, it would be useless.

Before he could finish sighing, Chang Long's men all came to Yin Nan like a whirlwind: "Deputy Commander Yin, go to the left route army quickly. Commander Ji of Jeju wants to break his staff, Brother Chang!"

Zhong Tao stood up suddenly: "Why should he!"

"He said that the iron swords in Brother Chang's camp are a reward from the army. They should be handed over to the middle account. Tan Zhizhou will first open the printing paper and distribute it to each camp. They are not allowed to be paid at will. Anyone who breaks the contract will be executed!"

"Nashu? Where did the imperial court get the iron and steel? They opened the general's granary, and now they even want to rob the iron and steel swords!"

Zhong Tao stepped forward, took two steps, and suddenly turned around and asked Yin Nan: "Tan Xuan's faction is so confident, are you still one of the generals?"

Yin Nan stood up with his sword in hand, full of murderous intent, and glanced at Zhong Tao: "Don't act out of emotion."

The three of them walked towards the left route army together. Zhong Tao secretly said that if Commander Ji insisted on killing Chang Long, he would have to resist today!

He looked at Yin Nan again and wondered why Mo Lingfeng kept Yin Nan instead of Nomad Qing.

Yin Nan's mind seemed to be in chaos forever. Every time it became clear, it would definitely be the time to see blood.

However, the situation in the army was complicated. After Mo Lingfeng left, Tan Xuan's faction quickly entered the fortress, took away all the documents from the confidential documents office, gathered people's hearts, opened the grain depot, and looked at the military pay, creating a mess.

Yin Nan still adhered to Mo Lingfeng's order and would never take action.At this time, the left army was in disarray, and the two sides were facing each other. Ji Tongzhi's side had a small number of people, but he was full of momentum, and his words were arrogant and loud. Chang Long's face turned red and his neck was thick with anger. The seven-foot tall man actually burst into tears.

There were also a few soldiers among them. Although they were Chang Long's subordinates, their eyes were evasive and furtive. It was obvious that this incident had something to do with them.

When Zhong Tao approached, he only heard Commander Ji leaning against the pillar, shouting "military punishment", asking his left and right to take Chang Long down, and then kill him with a stick.

He had a cold face and was about to step forward when Yin Nan suddenly stepped forward quickly and approached Ji Tongzhi.

Everyone only saw a flash of cold light in her hand, and then heard a loud sound. When they looked closely, they saw that her sharp knife had been brushed against Ji Tongzhi's ear and inserted into the pillar behind him.

The blade of the knife sank into the wooden pillar like cutting tofu, and the handle of the knife shook gently, making a soft "buzz" sound.

A strand of black hair on Ji Tongzhi's temples fell down his shoulders and scattered to the ground in the wind.

The crowd fell into silence. Ji Tongzhi stared at the cold face that suddenly enlarged, shaking like chaff. He put on his pocket tremblingly, and at the same time moved his steps away from this knife that cuts iron like clay.

Yin Nan pulled out the knife, wiped it on his sleeve, took a step back, and warned himself without hesitation: "Don't act out of emotion!"

At the same time, her eyes glowed with bloodlust, she stuck out her tongue and licked her lips, as if she could no longer hold back. As long as someone acted rashly, she would clean up the military affairs on behalf of Mo Lingfeng.

Everyone saw that she looked like she was about to lose control, and they didn't dare to say anything - Yin Nan was highly skilled in martial arts and had a brain disease, and no one dared to provoke her.

Yin Nan suppressed the desire in his heart and looked at Zhong Tao: "Remember all the names."

Zhong Tao frowned: "Remember who?"

Then he came to his senses and nodded sharply: "Don't worry, no one will be missing."

Ji Tongzhi had come to his senses, and after hearing this, he immediately pointed with his riding whip in the air: "Your military discipline is loose and you have a dignified military command. How dare you hide iron swords secretly, call your friends and party, and rely on your meager achievements to achieve great success in the army?" You are domineering in the army, you deceive your superiors, and you don't want to repent, and you openly hold grudges and take revenge! Do you still have Tan Zhizhou in your eyes? Is there still His Majesty? I will definitely report to Zhizhou and punish your crimes!"

Zhong Tao, Chang Long and others could understand his long speech, but Yin Nan could not.

There was a "buzzing" in her mind, and she cut off the beginning and the end. She only heard the words "iron sword" and "criminal punishment". She raised her hand and pointed to a deputy general next to Ji Tongzong: "You also have a snowflake knife, why?" No punishment?"

The deputy general sneered: "Mine is not Nashu."

Zhong Tao reacted very quickly and said: "Who said ours is Nashu? We were all captured from Jinlu. You have never gone into battle to kill the enemy, where did you get the iron and iron from!"

While he was surprised at Yin Nan's endurance, he shouted: "There is no snowflake knife in the court, you must be colluding with the ship dealers! Okay, it turns out that the thieves are shouting to catch thieves, and you are the thieves who despise the emperor's favor and collaborate with the enemy and the country! Come on!" People, take them down!”

With the sound of "take it", Mo Jiajun, who could no longer restrain himself, immediately rushed forward. Tan Xuan's group started to resist one after another, and there was chaos.

Soldiers wearing the same armor now became two distinct groups, attacking and cursing each other.

Zhong Tao was especially angry. Gaoping Village was protected by his father Zhong Jiaqing with all his life. If Mo Lingfeng, who was fighting side by side, was here, he would have no complaints. Tan Xuan, a civil servant, could only talk about war on paper. Why should he do it!
What does this person named Ji mean?
Unable to swallow his breath, he drew his sword and faced him. Ji Tongzhi also raised his sword to fight back.

The two of them were going back and forth, the two swords were full of cold air, fighting against the cold wind, refusing to give in to each other, like a horned eagle tearing up a rabbit hole, knocking down the wooden stakes, weapon racks, and rows of spears standing on all sides to the ground. (End of chapter)

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