Yu Jun

Chapter 301 Inquiry

Chapter 301 Inquiry
Wu Jin looked at Fu Yan who paid attention to his expression: "Fu Zhongcheng, it turns out that torture is also used in Yushitai Prison?"

Fu Yan smiled and said: "If you are in prison, you will be punished. Treat the prisoners with courtesy and you won't be able to ask anything."

"He is General Mo's personal guard, not a prisoner," Wu Jin frowned, "Zhongcheng asked him the same as he asked us. Does Zhongcheng also want to torture us?"

"Of course not," Fu Yan continued to walk in: "I won't bother the Hanlin Academy to talk more about the Yushitai. It's better to go to the Jingshe to inquire."

The Buddhist monastery in Yushitai Prison was originally empty, with only one Buddha statue and a Sumeru throne. Prisoners were often lifted here, waiting for the prisoners to self-reflect in front of the Buddha. At this time, it was converted into an inquiry area, and a high chair and a brazier were placed. If you wait for something, it will appear crowded.

Fu Yan went to sit down in front of the Buddha statue. The Buddha statue was half taller than him. His eyes were slightly closed, and he didn't know who he was looking at.

After Wu Jin and Qi Chang sat on the two chairs opposite, the two leading censors also sat down on both sides, and another supervisory censor sat down next to Fu Yan, spreading out his pen, ink, paper and inkstone, and waited solemnly.

Fu Yan stopped smiling and asked: "Xueshi Wu, in the 25th year of Yuanzhang, you have learned to be a servant in Mofu Zhai. Where were you during the peace talks in July?"

“Digging locust eggs with state students in Hengshan.”

"As far as I know, Hengshan and Zhangjiabao are the closest lines of defense to Jinlu. You are not a student of the state school, but you are going up the mountain at this time. Are you going to dig up insect eggs, or are you giving Mo Mansion a break?"

Wu Jin said: "Fu Zhongcheng, there's no need to ask, I've already done it."

Fu Yan was stunned: "Huh?"

Then a smile appeared on his face: "What does Academician Wu want to recruit?"

The King of Wei only said that the resolution would come today, but did not elaborate on the details. He thought about it many times and thought that the resolution should be with Wu Jin, but now it turned out to be true.

Several pairs of eyes were staring at Wu Jin. The supervisor tightened his pen and prepared to write quickly.

Wu Jin said: "On the surface, I was digging locust eggs in Hengshan. In fact, I was using the students from the state school as a cover to observe the movements of the Jin captives and conspire with the Jing gangsters to disrupt the peace talks."

The supervisor was frightened and wrote without raising his head. The tip of his pen became frayed. He hurriedly picked up the pen and pulled it out with two pointed fingers. He flicked it to the ground and continued writing without bothering to wipe his hands.

Although Fu Yan's heart was agitated,
The censor's heart was agitated, but Fu Yan came back from his joy. He didn't know why Wu Jin suddenly confessed, and frowned: "Who is instigating you behind your back?"

Wu Jin smiled slightly: "King Wei."

"Nonsense!" Fu Yan's heart thumped as he understood Wu Jin's "confession".

He put his hands on the case and stood up suddenly: "You are in Kuanzhou, and the King of Wei is in Kyoto. They are thousands of miles away. How can he instruct you! Stop talking nonsense!"

Wu Jin nodded: "Since Fu Zhongcheng said he is not the King of Wei, then he is not. Why don't Fu Zhongcheng tell me directly who he wants me to confess to, and I will confess directly to avoid the pain of flesh and blood."

After that, he sneered, his dissatisfaction with the torture and forced confessions in Yushitai Prison was palpable.

Seeing that the supervisor was still recording, Fu Yan stepped up to the supervisor, grabbed the bamboo paper he was writing on, pulled it out with force, and threw it into the fire.

After the bamboo paper was burned to ashes, he said coldly: "Scholar Wu, this is not a joke."

Wu Jin said: "I know how to joke, and it's because Yushitai joked first."

He looked at the Buddha statue: "During the time of Taizu, there was no prison in Yushitai. After questioning, the criminals were handed over to Dali Temple, but they were often overthrown by Dali Temple. Yushitai wrote many times, so the Yushitai Prison was established. This is a place of justice and justice. What is the difference between today’s Yushitai Prison and the original Dali Temple Prison?”

Fu Yan looked unhappy and walked back to sit down: "If you insist on making fun of your own future and trying to frame the King of Wei, then I can only report to Your Majesty the truth." Wu Jin said: "How did you know that it was a joke or a frame-up? Isn’t this the case? Why are you so eager to excuse the King of Wei without verification? Is it possible that the Yushitai is already in the pocket of the King of Wei?"

Fu Yan gritted his teeth, clenched his hands into fists, and suppressed the anger in his heart: "What I'm asking today is about the Mo family, and naturally it has nothing to do with King Wei. I ask you, were you under the orders of Mo Jiedu when you were digging for insect eggs in Hengshan? ?”

Wu Jin said concisely: "No."

Fu Yan looked at the bewildered supervisor: "Take note."

The supervisor did not dare to take a breath, picked up the pen again, and wrote quietly.

Fu Yan then asked: "Wang Jinghua identified that when he ordered Qin to enter Kuanzhou City, you were the one who informed Wang Yunsheng that the envoy had arrived at the fort, and then Wang Yunsheng rushed to the fort. Did General Xiao Mo kill the Qin envoy at that time, so? You tricked Wang Yunsheng into rushing to the fort to become a scapegoat?"

Wu Jin's expression remained unchanged. There was no fear of being exposed or anger of being slandered. He just smiled: "Wang Yunsheng was the magistrate of the state at the time. When the envoy arrived in Kuanzhou, he did not send anyone to inform the magistrate to welcome him. This means that it was a secret order and Wang Yunsheng knew it. This is a secret order, why do you still listen to my deception and rush to the fort?"

He smiled slightly: "Are you worried that the embezzlement of military pay will be discovered, or are you guilty of something else and rushed to deal with it?"

Without waiting for Fu Yan to speak, he continued: "In the 28th year of Yuan Zhang, when Yushitai was involved in Wang Yunsheng's case, the file given was that Wang Yunsheng had never embezzled military pay and accepted bribes of less than 30 yuan."


"Why did Wang Yunsheng rush to Baozhai? If Fu Zhongcheng can answer my doubts, I will also answer Fu Zhongcheng's doubts. I dare to tell the truth, do you dare?"

If there was a faint chuckle, Fu Yan's face was completely gone.

If you think about Wang Yunsheng's case carefully, you will know that there are countless connections behind the scenes. Some people contributed money and efforts to save Wang Yunsheng and the Wang family.

If it was confirmed that Wu Jin had tipped off the Mo family, Wu Jin would have the ability to prove that Wang Yunsheng's case was not found out.

Not only this, no matter what Yushitai asked Wu Jin, he would drag Yushitai and the King of Wei into trouble.

Fu Yan stood up again, walked to the supervisor, asked the supervisor to stop writing, picked up the half-written paper, threw it into the brazier, and sat back expressionlessly.

He had been an official for several years and knew how to advance and retreat. Since he could not deal with Wu Jin at this time, he gave up first.

Turning to look at Qi Chang, he leaned back, snorted two rough breaths from his nostrils, and said without any expectations: "Shi Qi, you have been a slave in Mo Mansion for many years, have you ever noticed anything unusual about Mo Mansion?" Where?"

Qi Chang was suddenly called and trembled in fright. When he raised his head, he saw the Buddha statue staring at him coldly. The charcoal basin and oil lamp both made a sound of "Bibi!". His heart skipped a beat for no reason. He stood up abruptly and knelt down. Ground: "Zhongcheng, help me!"

Fu Yan sat upright little by little and looked at Qi Chang in surprise. Later, he realized that he had mistaken the wrong person - it turned out that the difference was not with Wu Jin, but with this inconspicuous, dusty, and timid person. On the little minister's body!

"Who wants to kill you?"

"I, I have been blessed by Heaven, and I dare not keep silent about it. I am afraid that I will be ashamed of Your Majesty... Zhongcheng, save me!"

Fu Yan turned to look at the supervisor and saw that he was hesitating whether to write or not. He coughed heavily. The supervisor reacted and quickly laid out the paper again.

"Say, I will protect your life."

(End of this chapter)

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