Yu Jun

Chapter 304 Gold Collar

"When it comes to the important matters of the country and the dynasty, when it comes to Xueshi Wu, are they forced to do so in an indecent manner?"

Fu Yan looked thoughtfully at Wu Jin, who was tall and covered Mo Lingfeng tightly: "Are you going to side with General Mo no matter what?"

In this chaotic stage, they were fighting openly and secretly, setting up nets and shielding the oriole, but Wu Jin stayed out of it, sarcastic and obstructed at every turn. Since he wanted to go on stage to sing, then drag him in!
Mo Lingfeng stood behind Wu Jin, listening to the two of them bickering and refusing to give in to each other. Both of them seemed to have reasons, but they also seemed to be hiding their own secrets. Fu Yan's voice was particularly unpleasant, with a "buzzing" sound that kept getting into her ears. .

She remembered Mo Qianlan's words and had to take care of her own heart, and endured Fu Yan's dirty words towards Wu Jin - Fu Yan was the censor, and his strength was in making things happen through rumors, and he was even better at making things out of nothing.

This mouth kept talking, and Mo Lingfeng's head was swollen and he was obsessed with controlling his own heart.

She was standing uncomfortably because the brazier was not far from her and was baking her back. Sweat was dripping from her forehead. There was a layer of fire on the outside and a layer of ice on the inside. The torment made her feel both physical and mental pain.

Anxious, anxious because of Wu Jin's muddy water.

Indifferent, indifferent because of Mo Qianlan's instructions.

It was noisy inside and noisy outside. She exhausted all her strength to stay motionless. When the wind blew over the charcoal fire, the flames and figures wandered all over the wall, shaking her eyes so much.

She moved, Wu Jin noticed her restlessness, and moved accordingly, blocking Fu Yan's gaze.

At this moment, Fu Yan suddenly turned to look at the chamberlain.

He couldn't see through Mo Lingfeng's calculation, whether he wanted to keep the golden collar, or whether he was deliberately delaying it, waiting for backup, and not entering the censor's stage.

"The noble man went to ask for the order quickly. General Mo refused to obey the order. Academician Wu went against the grain and was suspected of treason——"

Mo Lingfeng suddenly picked up the tea cup from the small table, threw it on the ground, picked up a piece of debris, jumped out from behind Wu Jin, jumped towards Fu Yan, knocked him to the ground with his shoulder blade, and put a hand on his chest, The other hand held the porcelain piece and held it in front of Fu Yan's eyes.

"Fu Yan! If you keep making noise, you won't survive today! I'll cut off your dog's head first!"

The servants and guards on the side were so frightened that they did not react for a moment.

Fu Yan fell solidly to the ground, his mind was spinning, and stars were shooting in front of his eyes. Before he could calm down, he saw Mo Lingfeng's piercing eyes, murderous intent, pointing a sharp weapon at him. His back was cold in shock, and he closed his mouth. I dare not say another word.

When Wu Jin saw that the guard seemed to be about to draw his sword, he suddenly came to his senses. He quickly squatted down, grabbed Mo Lingfeng's hand, snatched out the broken porcelain pieces, took out the handkerchief, wiped her fingers, and then wiped her fingers. He stood up with support.

He bent his waist and looked at her fingers, his face was very close to hers. She saw that he was handsome and tall, but there was unconcealable pain in his eyes.

His ambition and dignity were overwhelmed by the conspiracy and calculations of the superiors, and were rewritten by his own selfishness. He is not old yet, but his heart is already old.

Fu Yan got up from the ground, trembling with anger: "General Mo, do you want to rebel?"

"Hitting you is not a rebellion!" Mo Lingfeng raised his hand and took off the golden collar around his neck, handing it to Wu Jin. "I'll give it to you if you want it. To me, the golden collar is a treasure, but to you, it's just a golden lion." It’s just a chapter!”

In "The Golden Lion Chapter", it is said that gold has no self-nature, but depends on the skill of the craftsman, so it has the appearance of a lion.

The same is true for the gold necklace. The gold vessel was connected with Mo Qianlan's love for his sister, and the gold collar came into being. The cause and effect were harmonious. The collar was imaginary, but the gold was real.She kicked away the fragments at her feet and said to the chamberlain: "Young nobleman, please go back to the palace and tell your Majesty the truth about my threat to Fu Zhongcheng just now. How will your Majesty deal with it? I will listen to your orders later."

The chamberlain was hiding by the window, trembling with fear. Hearing Mo Lingfeng call him to deliver a message, he didn't dare to express his anger and walked away. After stepping out of the door, he ran away as if running for his life.

Fu Yan knew that at this critical moment, His Majesty would not punish Mo Lingfeng, so he could only suffer the loss of being dumb. He took the gold collar from Wu Jin, forced himself to calm down, and gritted his teeth and said: "General Mo, are you still afraid that the Yushitai will not be returned to you? As long as you If it comes out, it will definitely return to Zhao intact!"

Mo Lingfeng snorted coldly: "Then let's go."

Wu Jin suddenly said: "It's cold, general, please put on your cloak."

Fu Yan and others had never noticed what Mo Lingfeng was wearing. When they heard this, they realized that she was wearing very thin clothes.

Mo Lingfeng's nose felt sore, and he felt a wave of grievances in his heart. With tears in his eyes, he lowered his head, took the cloak from Nomad Qing's arms, put it on, and walked out.

Outside the gate of the General's Mansion, there was a circle of Imperial Guards, and many onlookers, akimbo, arms folded, lips and tongues wagging, heads and heads wagging, all watching the majestic female general become a prisoner.

Mo Lingfeng climbed onto the carriage without squinting. Fu Yan and Wu Jin rode on horseback, with guards clearing the way in front. Until they reached Yushitai Long Street, there were no more onlookers.

Wu Jin couldn't follow her into the censor's stage anymore and watched Mo Lingfeng walk up the stone steps and into the official gate. Until the two doors closed and even her shadow was swallowed up, he still stared at the closed door.

Since arriving in Kyoto, they have always been like this, separated by doors, people, rights, and conspiracies. Even if they are close at hand, they still look at each other from a distance.

In the silent censor's station, Mo Lingfeng's curse suddenly came out: "Fu Yan! You are worthy of commanding my personal guard! Are you a part-time member of the Imperial Guard or a member of the Forbidden Army?"

Wu Jin raised his feet and walked up the steps. After taking a step, he heard Fu Yan's defensive voice coming from inside: "I'm just doing my duty."

Then there was a crisp sound, as if Mo Lingfeng had hit Fu Yan, and her already loud voice became louder: "Don't come here to tease me, take my gold collar, who will you give it to?" You and I know what's going on! If you take the opportunity to make things difficult again, I'll tell you to get out and see who will leave a name through the ages!"

Fu Yan muttered something, and then became silent again.

Wu Jin stopped, turned around and left again, but still couldn't help but look back. The door of the Yushitai opened again, and the person who walked out was Qi Chang.

Qi Chang was afraid of death and had been taking refuge in Yushitai Jingshe since he identified Mo Lingfeng.

As soon as Qi Chang saw Wu Jin, all his sense of self-confidence turned into a feeling of necessity. His body became half shorter, his steps staggered, and he almost squirmed when he came to Wu Jin.

"Brother Wu," he bowed deeply and buried his head in his crotch, "I had to do it as a last resort. You believe me, I also wanted to survive. I never really wanted to harm General Mo! I think... I can't do any harm if I point out a few words like this. General’s…”

Wu Jin looked at his deeply bent back and said coldly: "On the banks of the Shuo River, the merchants used you to explore the quicksand. It was she who saved your life. It was she who made you beautiful and freed you from slavery. You are an evil person, and you put your benefactor in danger by luck. You are like a rat with skin, but you have no manners! If you have no manners, what is the use of immortality?"

After that, he tossed his sleeves and walked away. When he walked out of Yushitai Long Street, he saw a group of men and women, holding bows and arrows, carrying nets and hooks, riding strong horses, driving fine dogs and flying eagles, from the city. Returning from hunting.

The group of people were young and high-spirited, carefree, laughing and riding horses past Wu Jin.

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