Yu Jun

Chapter 308

The sun is getting brighter, and the inside and outside of Zichen Hall are filled with golden light. Wu Jin's voice echoes in the hall, and when it reaches the outside of the hall, it is not sharp or harsh, but clear and smooth, making people awe-inspiring.

The dead hearts of the ministers finally stirred up a little wave, surging silently in the palace - they read poems and books, wrote about the world, and used the supreme means to gain a foothold in this turbulent court, but because of Wu Jin's " Martyrdom” and sighed.

Although he died nine times, he still has no regrets.

This trivial restlessness was immediately noticed by the emperor on the golden platform.

His anger was only suppressed but not dissipated. The Ninth Five Supreme Being, who had never been disobeyed by anyone, was now stabbed directly by Wu Jin, and the thunderous fury was already brewing in his heart.

He concluded that Wu Jin was standing up for Mo Lingfeng, and more likely for the Crown Prince, to make the world believe that "this seat is not worth it", and the so-called "martyrdom" is just a high-sounding statement!
Who else is Wu Jin’s accomplice?
His eyes swept over his two sons and ministers like a hawk, and his eyes were like a carving knife, engraved on their bodies, making them helpless, frightened, and terrified from the bottom of their hearts.

The emperor finally looked at Wu Jin, with only one thought in his mind: "Kill him!"

Father and son are connected, or the conspirators are connected, or the King of Wei, in order to compete with the prince here and welcome the holy will, solemnly handed over his hand: "Your Majesty, since Wang Jinghua Laogu, Xuexian Wu has been jumping up and down in the court. , disrupting the inquiry at the censor's desk, all because the two had a deep relationship in the past. Now Xuexueshi Wu is cunning and admonishing Your Majesty. His heart is to be punished. Please ask Your Majesty to interrogate Xuexue Wu and take away his official belt and eighty stick as a warning to others. Let the three courts be tried together again."

Taking away the official belt is an insult, and the imperial staff of eighty means that the person who is being punished will be tortured to death.

Prince Jiyang knelt on the ground and smiled unconsciously.

It would be better if Wu Jin died. Only if he dies, everything that happened in this morning's court can be whitewashed, and he can escape unscathed in this dispute.

He Feng of Hanlin Academy looked at Ji Xiang out of the corner of his eye with a solemn expression. Ji Xiang noticed his gaze and shook his head slightly.

The three Hanlin bachelors respected Ji Xiang. Since Ji Xiang shook his head, He Feng had to swallow all his words.

The emperor said coldly: "Wu Jin, if you confess now, you will be spared eighty sticks!"

Wu Jin raised his head and looked at the emperor: "Your Majesty, now in the court there are greedy, incompetent and incompetent people. They are rich and powerful. Talents and talents sit with white heads. Their clan members are stigmatized and are still bad.

Your Majesty must not let the net slip and swallow the boat. He must listen to rumors and observe the affairs of government. He must cut off the tangled knots and clear the land. This can relieve the financial difficulties of the national treasury. This is the right path——"

The emperor's eyes were fixed on Wu Jin, his hands were in his sleeves, and they were clenched tightly. Listening to Wu Jin's firm and calm voice, he threw an inkstone placed on the plan in front of the throne to the ground angrily: "Drag Get out and fight!”

As expected, Wu Jin was speaking for the Mo family, ridiculing him for plotting to steal Shizhou's wealth as a crooked way!

The Imperial Guards standing inside and outside the hall heard the words, and the four of them stepped forward. In the Zichen Hall, which had never heard the sound of iron weapons, there was an inhumane "clatter" of armor.

Two imperial soldiers, one on the left and one on the right, bent down and stretched out their hands, passed under Wu Jin's armpits, and lifted him up with all their strength. The two people behind him stepped forward, took off the long-winged futou on his head, and took away the memorial book and the tablet of the wat. , untied the leather belt, peeled off the official robe, and placed it on the ground.

When he was about to carry Wu Jin out, Wu Jin shook his arms and broke free from the shackles. Wearing only a white middle coat, he did not shake, stagger, or tremble. He walked steadily towards the palace door, crossed the threshold, and stepped forward in one step. Into the clear light.

The sky is really beautiful today. The majestic golden light breaks through the layers of white clouds and is stained with the condensed water vapor in late autumn and early winter. It turns into ten brilliant colors, illuminates the colorful forbidden palace, and falls on the dark torture bench, making the torture bench float. layer of warm light.

Wu Jin looked beyond the execution bench and beyond the palace wall, but before his eyes he could see the beautiful mountain flowers, green weeds, gurgling water, and soft mist that he had seen.

He has met the most beautiful women in the world, kissed thousands of miles of spring breeze, embraced the fierce fire of sincerity, and has a heart full of passionate feelings that no amount of pen and ink can describe. How can a palace wall be able to trap her?

Under the bright golden light, the wind entered the room and blew over his face. He leaned over the torture bench. No matter how many pairs of eyes were staring at him and how many ears were listening, he remained calm and composed. He just held the edge of the torture bench tightly with both hands - - Still reluctant to give up, but life at this point is enough.The Imperial Guards stepped forward and held Wu Jin's shoulders, one on the left and the other on the right, while one of them raised the torture stick.

The chestnut stick was covered with iron sheets and landed on Wu Jin's waist. When the stick went down, it made a dull sound.

Wu Jin felt a huge pain coming, and a cry of pain surged out from his chest, sprayed through his narrow throat, and was lost in his clenched teeth.

"One of the sticks."



The sound of counting and the sound of sticks were transmitted into the hall together. After just counting the sticks, the smell of blood had already spread into the hall. The corners of He Feng's eyes became wet and he felt tears. He hurriedly lowered his head to cover them up.

He was also a bachelor of the Hanlin Academy. He read the same books as Wu Jin and served as the same official, but he did not dare to do the same thing as Wu Jin.

Wu Jin had countless reasons to compromise and join in the trouble - his family was poor, his parents were still alive, and his life was at stake, but he never made a mistake.

Some people in the hall were sad and some were secretly happy. Outside the hall, the sun was bright and bright. However, the executioners and the tortured were very calm and accepted the destined ending of death.

Wu Jin's skin was torn and his flesh was torn, and his white middle coat had turned into blood. The blood soaked through his clothes repeatedly. His whole body felt like he was falling into hell. When he reached the age of twenty sticks, his mind was already dim. He thought confusedly: "Will tangerines be sour? I should try them first." One taste.”

One stick after another, blood began to bleed from the corners of Wu Jin's mouth. It was not the blood on his teeth, lips and tongue, but the blood gushing from the damaged internal organs.

If the fight continues, even Daluo Jinxian will be unable to save his life.

He Feng, who was in the main hall, suddenly stepped out of the queue and held his hands in awe: "Your Majesty, good advice is bitter. Wu Jin dared to speak out. He made mistakes and did not deserve to die."

The small ripples that were already surging became more and more turbulent after he came out of the queue, just like the wind blowing water, the wind blowing paper into chaos. Although it was not an uproar, it was deafening.

Just as King Wei was about to open his mouth, the emperor rolled up his sleeves and shouted: "He Feng, go out and discuss the crime together!"

With a sad face, He Feng took off his black gauze hat, placed it on the gold bricks, and exited the hall.

Before he could step out of the threshold, he suddenly heard Ji Xiang's voice coming from behind him. He turned around and saw Ji Xiang coming out of the queue: "Your Majesty, Emperor Taizong has issued an edict to directly remonstrate. Don't kill the person who wrote the letter!"

Immediately afterwards, the Zuoban civil servants came out one after another and begged the emperor to be lenient and let the emperor give up his imperial staff.

The emperor, who was coerced, became even more furious and once again smashed a vase on the case.

The vase and the gold bricks resonated crisply, and when the lingering sound echoed around the beams, in the row of kings and nobles, someone suddenly came out holding a wat tablet, cupped his hands and said: "Your Majesty, Zi Chen is the place where you sit holding the sutra. Wu Jin's bad minister, order To avoid this, to raise his name and argue with him is to lose the power of Heaven. Your Majesty, it is better to hand it over to the Tribunal of Justice for trial and leave it alone."

This person has a solemn and steady conduct, and rarely speaks. He is the father of the empress, Duke Mingyuan.

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