Yu Jun

Chapter 323

The panicked crowd stomped blood everywhere.

Wang Jinghua stared, his face frozen with shock. He didn't even cry out in pain. His body only had time to twitch before it quickly stiffened into a straight line in the cold wind.

Qi Chang was stunned and retreated involuntarily. At the same time, his heart beat wildly. In an instant, his chest and back were wet with sweat.

Who is the murderer?

Who wants to kill Wang Jinghua?
No, it’s not to kill Wang Jinghua, it’s to kill Wang Jinghua and him!
Death swept him into the icy waves, which would smash him to pieces at any time. Fear came over him overwhelmingly, his hands and feet became weak, and his brain turned into a puddle of mush.

He thought it must be the King of Wei. The King of Wei was afraid that he and Wang Jinghua would expose him, so he wanted to kill him and silence him!
Run away.

He was scurrying around like a headless fly, with the crotch on his head missing, and his coarse cloth shirt was wrinkled into a ball. The sleeves were too wide and the hem was too long, which kept pulling him. He simply tucked the hem into the silk ribbon and tied the sleeves. Wrap it twice around your wrist.

He thought he was running wildly, but in fact his body was hunched and softening into a puddle of mud. His clothes did not catch his feet, but his own bones were brittle.

And his mind was still spinning in confusion - maybe it wasn't the King of Wei. If it was the King of Wei, he would have been dead just after he came out of the King of Wei's Mansion.

Besides, who else could it be?
The answer was clearly on his lips, but it became unclear due to panic. He reluctantly raised his foot and took a step forward. As a result, he stepped on someone else's foot. He didn't know it yet and continued to step down.

The unlucky passerby kicked him into a snowdrift, and his mouth was full of snow. He forgot to look out for a moment, and opened his mouth wide, listening to the news of another death suddenly shouted from a high building - Prince Jiyang was dead.

Qi Chang spat out a mouthful of snow and thought, "What does this have to do with me?"

The only people who have anything to do with him are Wang Jinghua, Mo Lingfeng, and Wu Jin.

A thought emerged in his mind: "Run away."

Where to flee?
He knew nothing about it. He climbed up from the snowdrift and followed the crowd, his expression dull. From time to time, he heard the sound of talking in his ears - today was destined to be uneasy. After the death of Prince Jiyang, news came one after another in the palace. Later, the order to appoint Wu Jin as the general judge of Kuanzhou came out, and then the news quietly leaked that the emperor was ill.

None of this has anything to do with him.

As long as he sees someone coming, he will move from one dark corner to another, as if this can make him safe.

Little did they know that he was in a miserable state, no different from a beggar. The government officials passed by him several times without recognizing him.

The sound of the alarm sounded again and again. His legs were weak as he walked. He stood in front of a dilapidated house to take a breath. The strong wind was blowing on the ground. He was as cold as a green radish. He looked around at the road with a blank face, and suddenly heard something in his ears. The sound of "tapping" footsteps.

He turned to look.

Mo Lingfeng stopped five steps away. He was not wearing any armor. He was wearing a moonlight-colored collared tunic and a silver-gray cloak on the outside. He and Qi Chang were in the same darkness. He couldn't see his features clearly, but he could Noticed the indifference in her expression.

Qi Chang stepped back involuntarily, but there was already a wooden board behind him and there was no way to retreat, so he couldn't stop trembling.

An answer came out of his mouth: "You killed Wang Jinghua!"

Mo Lingfeng took a step forward: "Really?"

Qi Chang trembled like chaff in a sieve and said without hesitation: "You are coming to kill me!"

Mo Lingfeng took another step forward: "Really?"

With every step she took, Qi Chang became more and more breathless, her whole body became tense, and she almost collapsed.

There was a layer of sweat on his forehead and the palms of his hands were sweaty. His eyes were moving rapidly, wondering if he could escape.Nomadic Qing and Xiao Dou stood with their arms folded, calmly standing on the left and right, with the fresh smell of blood still on their bodies, and the long swords were unabashedly worn on their waists.

The heavy pressure left him breathless, his face was sallow, without any blood, and his body was shaking unconsciously, as if he was about to faint at any time.

He blinked hard and looked at Mo Liangfeng, who was gradually approaching him - he had always been afraid of Mo Liangfeng, especially Mo Liangfeng's eyes. When he saw these eyes, he became flustered and short of breath, and did not say a word. , already feeling guilty.

Being stared at by such a pair of eyes, he felt that part of his three souls and seven souls were scattered, making his mind dizzy and his body numb.

He fears.

If he were still a beggar, walking around and suffering, he would have died early and been reborn. But after he had lived a good life, his bones would become so soft that he could no longer straighten up.

He knelt down with a "pop" and banged his forehead on the ground: "I was wrong, don't kill me. I was forced to have no choice. Don't kill me!"

Mo Lingfeng had already walked in front of him. He saw the hem of Mo Lingfeng's clothes swaying toward him like a wave of water. He couldn't help but raise his head and look at Mo Lingfeng: "Don't kill me. For Mr. Zhao's sake, I am him too." Disciple."

Mo Lingfeng smiled: "But you deserve death."

Qi Chang reached out and tried to grab her ankle. Nomad Qing immediately stepped forward and kicked him. He rolled out in dust and quickly struggled to stand up.

He whispered: "I just want to live! What's wrong with this? If you want to kill, you should kill the initiator. I am also a human being. Do I have to live in the mud my whole life if I was born in the mud? Do I not deserve to live a better life?" Not worthy of climbing up? How come you deserve to die?"

He was aggrieved, his voice was filled with tears, and he screamed in frustration: "You have a high-sounding reputation, but you are fighting for glory and wealth, aren't you? Your methods are ten thousand times more vicious than mine! How come you are not guilty?"

He raised his hand to wipe away his tears with his sleeve: "Do ordinary people like me deserve to be trampled to death by you like ants? Even death must be silent!"

Wang Jinghua obviously had a life, but his death was not worth mentioning in front of the death of Prince Jiyang.

Mo Lingfeng smiled and revealed his true colors without mercy: "You are not a commoner, you are a villain through and through. You are just wearing this commoner's skin and you are pitiful."

She ignored his tears: "Common people may have a little greed and a little cowardice, but they also know their integrity and have a little courage. You don't have that."

"I do!" Qi Chang hurriedly defended himself, "I do! I didn't mention Wu Jin a word about him, I picked him clean!"

Mo Lingfeng sneered: "He is already clean, you are the only one who is deceiving yourself."

She turned to look at Nomad Qing: "Send him to Dali Temple Prison. King Wei is looking for him. After all, he is still very useful."

Speaking of the word "use", she looked at Qi Chang with an even more contemptuous expression: "He should take you to Kuanzhou, and I don't want you to die here."

She was worried that Qi Chang would become a lonely ghost if he died here, and she would not be able to let Zhao Shiheng see his end.

When Qi Chang heard the word "death", he twitched, and let Xiao Dou push him toward Dali Temple. After walking for dozens of steps, his soul gradually returned to its original state, and suddenly turned his head to look at Mo Lingfeng.

He thought that Wu Jin's death remonstrance was not successful.

The successful one was Mo Lefeng.

Power is gathering in her hands. She loses restraint and no longer has any scruples. With heavy power and soldiers in her hands, she will become a new evil person who can do whatever she wants, turning all obstacles in her way into powder.

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