Yu Jun

Chapter 330

Outside the Tongpan Mansion Office, Wu Yi ran towards the southeast gate with a lantern in his hand.

When he approached the main road, he saw that there were still soldiers and government officials holding the handles, preventing anyone from approaching, so he stood on tiptoes outside and looked hard into the circle, trying to distinguish human figures from the darkness.

Why haven't you come yet?
He held the lantern and ran back to the Tongxuanfu Yamen.

Going back and forth, he was steaming and slowly walked towards the middle gate. He let out a breath of white air, lifted up the lantern, and looked at the "Wuzhai" plaque hanging on the four door hairpins in front of Guangliang Gate.

The plaque is brand new.

He looked at the plaque and thought about his experiences in the past few days, and he couldn't help but feel grateful to have survived the disaster.

On September 24, he received the divorce document urgently sent from the Shi family.

The Shi family's ship never stopped along the way and lived only on the water on board. This shows that this document written by Wu Jin was urgent and crucial.

He held it in his hand, but it was like a bolt from the blue, and he couldn't believe it.

The Wu of the Wu family is different because of Wu Jin, and because of this, Wu Yi attained enlightenment and ascended to heaven.

His sugar shop is booming, and his wedding is scheduled for the eighth day of next year. People and things that were originally out of reach can be easily touched after Wu Jin wins the top prize in high school.

He dressed richly and happily, ate well, and everyone he saw when he went out was smiling. No one was rude to him, and no one put him down. All of this was because of Wu Jin.

Once you go to the Yamen to break off the relationship, everything in front of you may disappear in an instant.

Can't break off the relationship.

But Wu Jin would not send divorce documents for no reason. What if he didn't go through it and missed something important?
Or what kind of county prince wants to punish Wu Jin, will his family be affected?
The pros and cons of severing the relationship were repeatedly weighed in his mind. In his entire life, he had never thought about something so over and over again. From morning to night, he had no intention of eating or drinking.

In the end, he decided to rot the divorce papers in his stomach.

When someone else tried to punish Wu Jin, the most they could do was demote him, which would not harm the nine clans. They were still a family of officials, so he could live a little easier if he took advantage of his elder brother.

If the relationship is severed, he will immediately be knocked back to his original form.

He was like a gambler, sitting at the gambling table. Even though he had placed his bet, his heart was still wavering and suffering.

It was not until the second day of October that the news of Wu Jin's death as a remonstration, angering the emperor, his imperial staff, and his imprisonment reached Kuanzhou.

It turns out that this is the usefulness of divorce documents!
The emperor's wrath will indeed crush the entire Wu family!
The praises of the literati could not suppress the fear in Wu Yi's heart. The disaster was imminent, and his heart went straight to hell.

Wrong bet!
Carrying huge fears and secrets, while taking care of his sick parents, he sluggishly responded to the various temptations of his future in-laws, sluggishly avoiding everything, and waiting for someone to save him.

Like the huge debt he owes, there will always be an end.

The nightmare ended on the sixth day of October.

On the morning of the sixth day of the sixth lunar month, Wu Jin sent the news that he would go to Kuanzhou and take office with the King of Wei. At noon, there was news that the King of Wei and his entourage had arrived in Jeju and would arrive in Kuanzhou on the seventh day of the lunar month.

The prefect's Yamen immediately sent the plaque and hung it here.

This plaque, and this dusty Tongpan Mansion, saved Wu Yi from eternal destruction. Because of this divorce document, he also went through a thrilling journey in Kyoto.

Looking at the plaque, Wu Yi couldn't help but smile, strode up to the porch, raised the lantern a little higher, and looked at the bird under the fang board.

After looking at the room, he put his heels together and measured the open space outside the central pillar. He thought that this was more spacious than the house he used to live in on Shishi Street.

It turned out that when the Cheng family lived in the back office of the prefect, he had also seen a veranda like this. It could stand four guards, one on the left and one on the left. It was so majestic!

He grinned and was about to sit on the exposed pillar to rest when the door suddenly creaked open.The light of the oil lamp poured out from inside the door. Wu Mu held an oil lamp and leaned out: "Your brother hasn't arrived yet?"

Wu Yi was startled: "Mom, you've asked me eight hundred times and it's still not here yet."

"Why haven't you arrived yet? Didn't you say you would arrive today?" Mother Wu stepped out and said, "I'll go take a look."

"I just came back," Wu Yi grabbed her, "Hurry up and make tea for Dr. Li."

Knowing that Wu Jin was coming back today, Wu's mother had planned to invite Li Yitie to look at Wu Jin's stick injury, but she never expected that Li Yitie would come on his own.

Wu Mu said, "The tea is ready. It's so late. Your brother must not have had dinner. I'll go and heat some soup for him."

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a rapid sound of horse hooves, heading straight for the Tongxuan Mansion Office. Wu Yi jumped down the stone steps with a lantern and ran forward several steps: "Here we come!"

Wu Mu also raised her feet suddenly, and with a shake of her hand, the hot tung oil in the lamp splashed all over the floor.

She couldn't close her feet in time and stepped on the lamp oil. She immediately fell on her back and fell straight to the ground. She couldn't make a sound for a long time.

"Auntie!" Wu Yi hurriedly turned back, avoided the tung oil on the ground, and helped Wu's mother up. Only then did Wu's mother say "ouch", her vision turned black, and she wanted to stand but couldn't.

The sound of horse hooves was getting closer and closer, and soon it was very close. With a "hush", the figure on the horse turned over, put down the old dog in his arms, inserted the riding whip, walked up the stone steps in one stride, and stepped on the tung oil. Sliding, he yelled, staggered forward and swayed before he stabilized his body.

The visitor is Cheng Ting.

After Cheng Ting learned that Wu Jin was imprisoned for death, he planned with Shi Yuan in Jeju to go to Kyoto to rescue Wu Jin. Shi Yuan listened for a long time and realized that Wu Jin was inevitably guilty of death. After Cheng Ting's plan, he immediately rushed to the implicated party. The Nine Clans have gone down this sinful path.

Shi Yuan thought that Mo Lingfeng was in Kyoto, so he decisively betrayed his friends and informed Cheng Taishan.

As a member of the Cheng Ting Nine Clan, Cheng Taishan was so frightened that he broke into a cold sweat and beat Cheng Ting back on the spot. He also wrote a letter home and sent it to Mrs. Cheng, asking Mrs. Cheng and Xu Huiran to keep him under strict supervision to avoid accidents.

It was not until yesterday that he was "released from prison" to help the Wu family move.

Cheng Ting carefully walked past Tung Oil, stepped forward and helped Wu Yi up together with Wu Yi, and then picked up the lamp that had fallen to the ground: "Auntie, did you drop it somewhere? Is it burned?"

Mother Wu took the lamp and shook her head quickly: "No, no."

She walked inside in shock: "I'm going to get a rag to wipe it clean. If the boss steps on it..."

She limped in. Cheng Ting patted Wu Yi on the shoulder, knocking Wu Yi down by half: "Why hasn't your brother come yet? I saw Ergou Yefeng leading the Detachment of Women back to the fortress."

Wu Yi accepted the slap as big as a cattail leaf fan, grinned and said, "That's right."

He suddenly slapped his head: "Could it be that my brother is injured and will arrive two days late?"

"Leaf is here, there's no way your brother won't be there." Cheng Ting picked up the old yellow dog from under the stone steps and stuffed it into the door, "Wait a moment."

The old yellow dog wandered to a warm and bright place.

Wu's mother took out the rag, and Wu Yi quickly escaped from Cheng Ting's hand and grabbed the rag: "I'll do it."

He put the lantern on the ground, knelt down and wiped the floor, saying as he wiped: "Mom, let's hire some servants tomorrow. If others see you working, they will say that I am unfilial."

"How can I summon people?" Wu Mu turned around and went in, "I'm going to see the fire."

Wu Yi wiped for a while, and when he heard the sound of a carriage, he immediately jumped up, casually put the rag on the exposed pillar, and ran down without even lifting the lantern.

"It must be my brother this time!"

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