Yu Jun

Chapter 338

Chapter 338
Mo Qianlan finally left the study and went to the front hall. The official invitations to pay his respects to the King of Wei were stacked in the box held by Yin Bei, silently and strangely.

No matter how complicated the forces behind them are, whether they are the prince or the king of Wei, a clan member or a high-ranking official, they can all see clearly that at this time, Kuanzhou has been guarded by Mo Qianlan, and no one dares to take risks at this time and become the second A drowned Tan Xuan.

Paying homage is a kind of surrender.

However, among this surrender, how many people were quietly moving behind the scenes, trying to put Mo Qianlan to death?

When Mo Qianlan walked to the second hall, he bent down and held on to the wall, vomiting out the little food and water in his stomach. He raised his head and panted and took a look at the sky. He saw that it was half past midnight, but the sky was still gloomy and the wind was blowing hard. It seemed like a heavy snow was about to blow.

Yin Bei handed the invitation to the servant who was following him, and supported Mo Qianlan: "Master, have a rest."

Mo Qianlan shook his head and walked forward slowly: "How many people are going to the delivery shop to send urgent deliveries?"

"Two of them, one is the transfer envoy Hou Fuzhong, and the other is Tan Xuan's subordinate Cao Guan Jigang, they are both sent to Kyoto, and their subordinates have already intercepted them." Yin Bei took out the intercepted memorial from his arms and handed it to Mo Qianlan.

Mo Qianlan leaned against the wall, opened it and took a closer look. Seeing that these two so-called memorials were not intended to be delivered to the emperor, he couldn't help but sneer: "Where are these two people now?"

"Waiting in the front yard with the others."

"Has Wu Jin's greeting card arrived?"

Yin Bei shook his head: "No, my subordinates sent someone to see him. He was at the burned-down Zhizhou Mansion Office to see the gang members and examine their injuries."

Mo Qianlan put the memorial into his sleeve and said calmly: "Ask him to come over and invite him personally."

Yin Bei wondered: "If he refuses to come, what will my subordinates do?"

Mo Qianlan felt a chill on the tip of his nose. A small snowflake fell on his nose. He stretched out his hand and touched it: "He is full of suspicion and will definitely come."

Yin Bei nodded in agreement and sent Mo Qianlan to the front hall first.

In the front yard, two officials, the magistrate of Kuanzhou, the pacification envoy, the transfer envoy, the punishment envoy, the warehouse secretary, the tea and salt envoy, and the magistrate of the prefecture were standing together, their faces livid from the cold, their hands in their sleeves, and their expressions were different.

King Wei was nowhere to be seen.

When Mo Qianlan arrived, the King of Wei was still not out. He had no scruples and stood at the head of the officials. He waited for the King of Wei to summon him before he entered the main hall and sat down at the head of the King of Wei.

The King of Wei looked panicked and tired. He hesitated for a moment, but he still followed Mo Qianlan's words: "Your Majesty has decreed peace talks. General Mo returned to the stronghold last night and defeated the golden captives. Today you will go to Gaoping Stronghold to deliver a message to the golden captives - —”

Mo Qianlan suddenly interrupted him: "Your Majesty, Hou Zhuanshi is not suitable for this purpose."

He looked at Hou Fuzhong: "Hou Fuzhong, you have been an official for many years, and you are now an important official, but you still don't know the laws of the court. As a transfer envoy, you are in charge of the finance and taxation of Kuanzhou. Now the King of Wei is the envoy of Kuanzhou, in charge of all important affairs. , if you have something to do, why don’t you ask King Wei to make a decision instead of sending a letter to Kyoto?”

Hou Fuzhong's expression changed instantly. When he saw Mo Qianlan pull out the sheepskin envelope from his sleeve and slap it on the table, he couldn't help but feel a tremor in his heart - Mo Qianlan no longer has an official status, but he has the ability to "hold the emperor and command the princes". He acted without any scruples and seemed to have no regard for what was behind him.

Did he know that his death was imminent and wanted everyone to become his accomplice and be buried with him?
"I... Your Highness, I made a mistake in lowering my rank." He stood up, carefully picked up the sheepskin envelope from the table, and threw it into the brazier to save his own life.

When the others saw this, they didn't dare to breathe.

Then Mo Qianlan took out another memorial letter and threw it on the ground. The three feathers on it fell off and were reflected on the blue bricks.

Mo Qianlan searched behind everyone and looked at Ji Gang, whose face was pale: "Chen Xi rebelled, and Emperor Gaozu used Yu Xi to recruit soldiers from all over the world. Ji Caoguan used the Yu Xi to summon soldiers under the guise to tell the prince who rebelled? Whose soldiers to recruit? ?”

Ji Caoguan really never thought that the dipu had fallen into Mo Qianlan's hands - or that it had already been in the Mo family's pocket.He saw that no one was paying attention, and Cao Guan who came with him also remained silent. He wanted to imitate Hou Fuzhong, but Mo Qianlan stepped on him.

His heart felt cold, and he gritted his teeth and said: "Mo Qianlan, do you think that by controlling the delivery shop, you can intercept the news? Apart from the delivery shop, who can't bring the news out? In less than half a month, your catastrophe will come! "

Mo Qianlan's expression was as cold as a stone statue: "You colluded with the prince and falsely accused the prince. The prince has his own instrument. Someone comes and kicks him out."

After saying that, he shook his head quietly.

Two guards came forward and held Ji Caoguan up. However, they did not hold him up and walked out. Instead, they banged his head against the wall with a loud "bang". Before everyone could recover, Ji Caoguan had already He fell to the ground, thick blood and brain matter bursting out from the top of his head, turning his face red and white.

All the officials screamed in surprise and stood up one after another and stepped back. King Wei covered his mouth, wanting to vomit but not vomiting.

One of the guards reported in a deep voice: "Your Majesty, Officer Ji Cao broke away from his subordinates and died by hitting the wall out of fear of sin."

The entire front hall was filled with dead silence. Someone quietly raised his head and saw Mo Qianlan motionless as a mountain. He finally understood that Mo Qianlan would not give up until he reached his goal, and anyone who stood in his way would be killed.

Hou Fuzhong was sweating profusely, and his face was earth-colored.

Mo Qianlan looked at King Wei: "Your Majesty, Official Ji Cao has died out of fear of crime, so he will no longer be handed over to the magistrate's office for detailed investigation, and his name will be cleared."

He has never been touched by blood. From the moment he was shattered to pieces and struggled to survive, any weakness or mercy on his part would lead to death, turn the Mo family upside down, and kill Mo Lingfeng.

The life he lost and the illnesses he endured were all due to cowardice.

The glimmer of hope that appeared on King Wei's face ended in an instant, he shuddered and nodded.

Mo Qianlan waved his hand: "Drag him away."

The guards quickly dragged away the body and cleared the ground. A human life seemed to be covered up as a farce.

The only thing that lingered was the smell of blood.

King Wei looked at Mo Qianlan and then at the "Prince's Guards" standing on the left and right. His nose was blocked and he could only talk about peace talks: "The fifteenth day is auspicious. If Jinlu is willing to negotiate for peace, he will go to Gaoping Village on the fifteenth day." Let’s talk in detail.”

After hearing this, Hou Fuzhong thought that today was the eighth day of the lunar month, and Mo Qianlan's plan should be finalized on the [-]th day of the lunar month - after the [-]th day of October, it would be difficult for the country to touch the Mo family.

Mo Qianlan killed Ji Caoguan precisely because Yu Xi was in a hurry and would be sent to Kyoto in a few days, thus disrupting his plan.

His heart moved slightly, and he cupped his hands and said: "Your Majesty, will the fifteenth be too hasty? Such urgency is not good for our government."

Mo Qianlan put down the ginseng tea: "Jin Lu's charge of the wind is weakening, and he can't raise feathers; the strong crossbow is at its end, and its strength can't enter Lu Zhen. They can't get peace talks early, and the oath and decree are there, so there is no need to delay."

He smiled at King Wei and said, "What do you think, Your Majesty?"

His smile did not reach his eyes. King Wei was covered in cold sweat as he gritted his teeth and said, "That's exactly it."

Mo Qianlan pointed at someone casually: "Leave it to Li Cangsi to deliver the letter."

Hou Fuzhong shut up in anger, and everyone else sat there for a moment, then dispersed tremblingly.

(End of this chapter)

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