Yu Jun

Article 344 Bylaw 3

Mo Qianlan waved Liu Boyu away with a wave of his hand and said to Wu Jin: "Go back and rest. While I am still alive, take a good rest and don't come back again."

Wu Jin said: "Do you have anything else to say to me?"

"No," Mo Qianlan smiled, "There are those who are born in the morning and those who die in the evening. There are those who are born in the spring and summer and those who die in the autumn and winter. There are those who die in ten years, one hundred years, and one thousand years. Although there is a delay, how long have we been apart?"

His smile was rarely so relaxed.

Wu Jin stood up to say goodbye. When he walked out of the courtyard, Qi Chang chased him and called him. He didn't pay attention and didn't get on the sedan. Instead, he walked around the house.

This mansion, majestic and quiet, stands at noon in winter. In the eyes of people who know nothing, this mansion is declining. All that flashes inside are the shadows of ghosts. There is a bloody chasm between it and the living world.

The snow is on the ground, the cold wind is blowing by the side, the hem of the heavy cloak is swaying slightly, and the sound of this house can be heard as your fingers brush against the wall.

Prosperity, decline, fighting, blood splashed up, blood fell down, blood soaked into the soil, nourishing Mo Qianlan and Mo Lingfeng.

Wails, shouts, tears, and sobs dispersed into the blue clouds, struck into the ears, and swallowed into the stomach. This was the fate of these brothers and sisters.

Who is Ziwei, the star in this mansion, who is the assistant on the left and the right bi, who is Wuqu Pojun, who can seize all the secrets of heaven, who can hold the sheep in his hand, all this is the destiny of the emperor.

Wu Jin let go of his hand and stepped out step by step - when he came back, Mo Lingfeng would be Beidou Zhengzheng and Ziwei Emperor Star.

When he left, Qi Chang was still standing outside the Ertang courtyard, hungry and cold, waiting for Mo Qianlan to see him.

He waited until Mo Lingfeng came, waited until Mo Lingfeng returned to the fortress, and waited until night fell and the lights were dimming before anyone invited him in. By this time, he was already hungry and cold, with no heat in his body, and his legs were as heavy as lead. , shuffled inside.

The warmth in the room cheered him up a little, and he bowed and saluted: "Uncle."

Mo Qianlan was eating porridge at the table. The spoon stirred in the bowl and made a crisp sound against the porcelain bowl. He scooped up a spoonful and put it into his mouth. He swallowed it hard and glanced up at him: "Say."

Qi Chang said respectfully: "The King of Wei gave the villain a pill of poison and said that it would happen in three days. He asked the villain to come to inquire about the peace talks and also to pass the news to the people in the Wude Department outside. The villain was favored by the uncle and was willing to do so. Even if I die, I don’t want to betray you, so I came here to tell you.”

Mo Qianlan couldn't swallow the food: "Are you really not afraid of death?"

Qi Chang forced out a pitiful and wry smile: "I dare not hide it from you. I am actually very scared. I am brave, sir. Can you please ask Dr. Li to take a look at this villain and see if he can be saved?"

He was so hot that he always felt that the "poison" in his body was acting faster. He panicked and laughed: "It really can't be solved, so the villain has accepted his fate."

Mo Qianlan scooped up a spoonful of porridge and pursed his lips a little: "There is no need to invite Li Yitie, King Wei lied to you. There is no such poison in the palace."

When Qi Chang heard this, he immediately said "ah".

And Mo Qianlan tilted her head like a child: "If there is, I must have eaten it."

Qi Chang looked at him carefully and said in a low voice: "Uncle, I have an idea. I dare not say it for fear of dirtying your ears."

Mo Qianlan threw the spoon into the porridge bowl, and the sound of the collision became louder and louder in the room: "Go ahead."

"The villain just made up some words, told King Wei, and then sent the news out to lure the snake out of its hole. What do you think?"

Mo Qianlan pushed the porridge away completely, coughed, and wiped his mouth with a handkerchief: "Very good, tell King Wei that I will give the Mo family's treasure to Jin Lu, so that Jin Lu can contribute to the Mo family during the peace talks. As for him, It’s up to you whether you believe me or not.”

Qi Chang felt relieved: "I'll do it now, little man."

Mo Qianlan watched him leave. After he crossed the threshold and left the second hall, he immediately called Yin Bei: "Kill him as soon as he sends the message."

After the villain has used it, don't keep it for a long time.Yin Bei responded, and the master and servant waited quietly in the dark night for the moment when the blood flowers bloomed.

A chrysanthemum withered sadly in a deserted place.

At the same time, Huang Yiren, who escaped from Yin Bei, picked a frosty yellow chrysanthemum and sucked the nectar.

Throwing away the useless flowers, he picked another one. After picking all the wild chrysanthemums on the roadside, he ducked down and hid in the abandoned thatched shed.

The withered grass was wrapped in ice and the roots were lying down. A black shadow in the darkness was a naked corpse.

Wearing the clothes and pants stripped off the corpse, he rolled up the clothes around his waist, used a sharp knife to pierce the accumulated sepsis in his waist, and when the pus and blood were gone, he tore up his clothes and bandages again, gritted his teeth to hold back the pain, and walked in In the night.

The people patrolling the city passed by one after another. He couldn't tell whether these people were soldiers, government officials, or Mo Qianlan's private soldiers, so he could only avoid them one by one.

There was a lot of noise in the market during the day, and he couldn't move. He lay in the withered grass, covering his wounds and resting, while thinking about his actions.

King Wei's life is not in danger for the time being, he does not need to worry, the most important thing is to find what the emperor wants.

Apart from Wu Jin, Qi Chang also talked about Cheng San who was close to the Mo family.

From the dead man's mouth, he had already asked clearly about Cheng San's residence. At this time, he quietly sneaked into Baishi Bridge. He recognized the door plaque and quickly found the Cheng family - there were many Cheng family members. Cheng San and his wife did not live in the big house, but lived opposite the big house. In the small house.

The small house is easy to find, because the plaque is brand new, and the hanging lanterns illuminate the front porch with bright colors. Huang Yiren jumped up the wall and climbed up to the inverted house. The tiles under his feet were also new, the thickness was almost the same, they were easy to break, and the same color objects in the courtyard were also New, new vibrant and lively.

There is a fire in the kitchen, white steam is rising, oil is exploding, sparks are peeling off, and the aroma of meat is overflowing.

There were people in the house, the front yard was brightly lit, and Cheng Ting was entertaining guests here. His voice was loud and he smelled of alcohol. A small candle in the backyard was slowly swaying, and the fragrance was thick.

There are flowers in the courtyard. Chrysanthemums have large branches and thick leaves. The flowers lean half of the wall, like a marigold and silver platform.

Countless years have passed, but Cheng Ting has never been gloomy and depressed after going through all the world events.

Cheng Ting was not afraid of the cold. He was roasting lamb in the yard. He took out a large piece of lamb leg meat with a smoky blade. He handed it to Zell: "Eat, you won't be sad when you are full. One meal is not enough. I will try it again tomorrow." I’ll take you to a meal.”

Just when Zell wanted to refute that he was not sad, Cheng Ting picked up the wine cup, drank it all in one gulp, and then let out a "ha" in praise.

Zell stabbed the meat with a knife and took a bite. It didn't taste very good, so he thought he might be sick.

There was something growing on him that was blocking his throat and his stomach.

He needs his God to be high up, take pity on him, crush the disease for him, break him into pieces, and rebuild him from head to toe.

The servant came up and shook the mutton. Cheng Ting pointed at it, cut off a good piece of meat, and sent it to the backyard.

He motioned for Zell to drink: "I still have a chance of winning against Huzhou Douding, but you will be miserable against Wu Jin."

Zell's mouth was unconvinced and he spoke in a mess: "I'm better than him, but he can't carry it on his shoulders or lift it with his hands! In our tribe, such a person will be a bachelor for the rest of his life. You Han people are weird!"

Cheng Ting clicked his tongue twice: "Then how did you fall into the hands of the strange Han people?"

Zell was about to retort when his ears suddenly twitched and he looked towards the roof.

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