Yu Jun

Chapter 355

Mo Qianlan was in low spirits and could barely hold himself back from falling asleep.

"I have made arrangements for the peace talks in the future, and let Jinlu protect the Mo family for ten years. During these ten years, the emperor will not act rashly-"

He took out the handkerchief, covered his mouth and coughed. He felt the smell of blood between his lips and teeth, and his heart felt cold again.

He stuffed the handkerchief into his sleeve without hesitation, took out a small porcelain bottle, poured out the pills and took a handful: "Ten years later, the situation is unpredictable. I want to transport goods back from Jeju pier and set up a workshop in Kuanzhou. No matter what happens in the future, No matter what, you can save your life."

Cheng Taishan's tea was already brought to his mouth. When he heard the word "workshop", the tea trembled suddenly. The tea inside sloshed out of the cup and spread all over his hands. There were even tea stains on his clothes.

He put down the tea cup and wiped it with a handkerchief. He saw that Mo Qianlan's eyes were black and blue, and his face was green and white. He knew that his life was not easy, and he couldn't bear it.

You can build a workshop privately to make crossbows, armor and other items, which is a capital crime for rebellion.

No wonder Mo Qianlan wanted to apologize to him first.

He couldn't help but said: "Apart from this, is there no other way?"

Mo Qianlan shook his head: "After the peace talks, once the Jinlu are weak, the emperor will definitely take action against the Mo family. Without a workshop, they will be captured without mercy. If the Jinlu break the peace talks, the emperor will definitely abandon the fortress and ignore it. Without a workshop, they will be waiting for death."

He looked at Cheng Taishan's honest face and felt apologetic in his heart - he had to come and beg Cheng Taishan. Once he died, neither Ye Feng nor Wu Jin had the friendship to make Cheng Taishan take risks for the Mo family.

Hearing the noise outside the house, Cheng Taishan pursed his lips tightly and only felt two words - danger.

He and Mo Qianlan were well aware of this danger, and he was also well aware of Mo Qianlan's predicament, and he was even more aware of Mo Qianlan's character - unless it was a last resort, he would not come to beg him, he would I would rather dig a river by myself and let Kuanzhou have a dock than put the Cheng family into crisis.

Whether dead or alive, he cannot and should not refuse.

Mo Qianlan has been his friend since childhood. The Cheng family can prosper in Kuanzhou and he can be as stable as Mount Tai in the officialdom. Mo Qianlan is always there secretly.

Even if there is a mountain of swords and a sea of ​​fire ahead, he will jump down.

The smoke from the incense burner becomes a silent trap, the chrysanthemums have a faint fragrance that assaults people, the charcoal fire is most likely to burn hands, and the bells under the eaves ring like gold.

He calmed down and looked at Mo Qianlan, believing that the two of them could survive under the sword together.

"It's not easy," he took a deep breath. "It's too difficult. Money is the second most difficult thing. Concealing the truth on the pier is the most difficult. This is not something that a shipwreck dealer can fix with just a little money. If you are not careful, you will be shattered to pieces."

Mo Qianlan was silent for a moment: "So I need you to take control of Jeju. My people can go to Jeju with you and listen to your calls. The Liu family and Shi family on the dock are also available. The things bought are broken into parts and shipped again. Go back to Kuanzhou."

Cheng Taishan nodded: "You arranged it very well."

If something happens, the Liu family is a shipwreck merchant and can be sent out to take the blame. And as far as he knows, the Shi family's ships are scattered throughout the north and south. There are also some ships that many people don't even know belong to Shi Yuan.

He picked up the tea cup and drank it all in one gulp: "I will take a concubine in Jeju, and break off the relationship with my family in the name of spoiling my concubine and killing my wife."

"It's not necessary." Mo Qianlan stood up, stood in front of the window, opened the window, let the cold wind hit him, and woke up, "Trust me."

Cheng Taishan stood up immediately, closed the window with a snap, and pushed him back into the chair: "Why do you still pretend to be immortal at your age? Don't let it fall apart!"

Mo Qianlan said "haha" twice: "How can you be so old? I always feel that Grandma is still young. Besides, we are almost the same age."

Cheng Taishan looked at the gray hair exposed under his bun, and sighed: "My hair is all white." "If I die," Mo Qianlan paused, "you should treat Ah Gu as your sister."

"If you say less unlucky words, you can live two more years."

After a while, Mo Lingfeng came with the big yellow dog. The two of them and the dog said goodbye and left. Cheng Taishan did not see them off far, but stood at the door of the second hall, watching them clasping hands, walking through the dead trees, brushing against the chrysanthemums, and walking in In the cold wind of early winter.

This time his eyes fell on Mo Lingfeng. The cold wind rising from the ground rustled her clothes. The iron-green sky receded little by little in front of her, and several rays of sunlight broke through the clouds and fell on On her body, she was covered with a layer of golden light.

Whether it was Cheng Taishan, Mo Qianlan, or Zhao Shiheng, all of them who had rafted in the Xiongshi Gorge, watched the flowers fall like rain, and pulled slingshots on the horse farm with perfect accuracy, were all crushed under her feet.

She has grown up.

Suddenly, something moved in his heart. He ignored the countless guests outside and walked back into the house, closed the door tightly, sat back in front of the desk, took out the Bagua tray from the drawer and put it on the table.

He held his breath, took three more copper coins and clasped them in his palms, asked something in his mind, shook the three coins in his palms, and put them into the Bagua tray.

He memorized the line, and after six times, he put down the coins, leaned back on the chair, and closed his eyes.

Tun Gua.

Yuanheng, Li Zhen, don’t use it because you will have a future——

He spit out the remaining three words: "Yi Jianhou."

His heart skipped a beat, and he stood up to sharpen ink, lay out paper and pick up a pen, and drew the Tun hexagram.

The outer hexagram of this hexagram is "Kan", which means traps and dangers, clouds, rain and water, and the inner hexagram is "Zhen", which means thunder and vibration to stir up all things.

There is a desire to move within, but there are dangers outside. All things are born, there are many dangers, it is difficult to camp, the movement of thunder and rain is full, the grass is unknown in the creation of heaven, it is suitable to build a prince but not restful.

Only when things go well can we thrive.

His heart was pounding in his chest. He crumpled the paper into a ball and threw it into the brazier. He watched a wisp of green smoke rise and the bamboo paper gradually turn into ashes. Then he gradually calmed down, but still suspicious, and walked to the window. After listening for a long time, he didn't hear anything, so he came back and sat down.

Once a general succeeds, all his bones will wither, let alone the establishment of a princely state.

What Mo Qianlan said about establishing a workshop must be only a small part of his plan. I wonder what else he planned.

Cheng Taishan paced back and forth in the house, pondering the meaning of the Tun Gua. The Mo brothers and sisters had returned to Mo Mansion and no longer went out. They were killing time in the second hall compartment.

Mo Qianlan couldn't bear the fried rice balls sent by the Cheng family. Mo Lingfeng's right shoulder was in unbearable pain and he lay on the couch without moving for a long time.

Mo Qianlan took a hand stove for burning mugwort leaves and moved it back and forth over her sore areas, asking her if it hurt here and if it hurt there.

Mo Lingfeng nodded repeatedly, everything hurt. Mo Qianlan held the stove in both hands, moving up and down, busy. Mo Lingfeng finally turned over and laughed: "Brother, I lied to you, only in the gaps." It hurts a little."

She swung her right arm vigorously and shrugged her shoulders, trying to relieve the pain in the gap between her shoulder blades. After failing, she simply ignored it, picked up a fried rice ball from the table and took a bite. She ate salty black beans and meat. It didn't feel like an enema. She lowered her head. After taking a closer look, he showed it to Mo Qianlan: "There is chicken."

Mo Qianlan stared at her and smiled reluctantly. He didn't know how to remove the pain that penetrated into the gap between the shoulder blades, and he was afraid that she would notice the clues, so he lowered his head and took a small bite on the fried rice ball: "Yes, tasty."

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