Yu Jun

Chapter 379 False alarm 1 game

As soon as the New Year passed, it was the 31st year of the Yuan Dynasty. After the dragon raised its head, Li Yitie performed acupuncture on Wu Jin to draw out the evil heat in the body. His serious illness caused by the imperial staff gradually recovered. By September, I can now walk freely and ride horses.

The weather is prone to change in September. On the first day of the Lunar New Year, it was just like the hot summer. Wu Jin rode out of the city from the magistrate's office. Before the hour came, the heat became dense in the air and lingered, making it difficult to breathe. Angry.

Within a moment of Wu Jin riding the horse, his inner clothes were soaked due to the heat. When he was approaching the racecourse, his eyes were covered with sweat, so he got off the horse and walked to his usual foot shop to rest.

The guy with triangular eyes was also feeling hot. When he saw him coming, he quickly went over to lead the horse and invited him in.

Wu Jin ordered a pot of tea and drank it slowly. When he was about to pour tea, there was a rush of footsteps outside the foot shop, and Chang Long rushed in from the white sunlight: "Prefect Wu——"

He stopped talking, reached out and tugged on his sweat-soaked clothes, and asked the waiter for a large bowl of Jiandao lychee rock sugar water. Before the waiter put the pot down, he grabbed it in his hand and drank two gulps.

The waiter's eyes fell on the long knife placed by Chang Long on the edge of the table - this was the first time he had seen this knife in Kuanzhou. The handle was long, slender and hard, like a rod. It could be held by both hands. It had no sheath and the blade was short. It is wide, and there are three buckles between the handle and the body, which can be disassembled at any time. If the rod is removed, it can be hung on the belt, and when the rod is installed, it becomes a large knife.

It seems that this sword exists in Lingnan. When he was in Kyoto, he saw people in the workshops in the north and south practicing this sword. The sword was as powerful as a tiger and was very powerful.

But those who use the sword need to work hard to turn it. Most of the soldiers in the garrison are not good at using it. There are no workshops in the north and south that can forge such swords, and there is no business in Kuanzhou City. Where does Chang Long's sword come from?

Wu Jin took the fan from his waist and handed it to Chang Long. He opened it and fanned it wildly. After the sweating stopped, he quickly folded the fan and handed it back to Wu Jin, saying in a low voice: "The general will come to pick you up. ."

"The general is here?"


Wu Jin nodded, stood up and paid for the tea, and walked out with Chang Long. Chang Long took off the reins from the pillar and asked Wu Jin to get on the horse. After Wu Jin sat firmly, he turned over, raised his whip, and went to Run outside the city.

The guy with triangular eyes followed him out and looked towards the direction of the fortress. Under the scorching sun, there were fleeting lights flashing in the distance, like fireworks or sparks, dancing with scorching light.

After waiting for a while, he saw that there was no battle, so he sat down against the wine jar - it should be gunpowder. His colleagues had already gone to Hengshan to find out.

Wu Jin and Chang Long rode to Hengshan Fort. A knife workshop was built in Hengshan. The sound of forging continued all day long. In contrast, the gunpowder workshop was deserted.

The Fire Tribulus has been created, but the Sky-shattering Thunder has not improved. Halfway through, Wu Jin suddenly smelled the fragrance of osmanthus, so he left the path and walked a few steps in. He saw an osmanthus plant growing diagonally on the stone wall. The flowers were large but bloomed densely, so I stretched out my hand to break off a branch and hid it in my sleeve.

When we walked to Hengshan Fort with the fragrance all over our body, another cannon exploded from the gunpowder factory. The mountain was filled with saltpeter and sulfur gas, and the smoke was pungent. Near the gunpowder factory, there was no grass and pits.

Wu Jin saw that Mo Lingfeng was only wearing a moon-white gauze shirt, without any armor, wearing a hood, and two buns. Under the sun, it was as black as ink, glowing with a faint blue luster, and the gold collar around his neck reflected the sunlight. The eyelashes are scattered with golden light.

She rolled up her sleeves, exposing half of her arms, and stood with her hands behind her back. She lowered her head and stared at the scattered iron pieces on the ground. Yin Nan stood beside her, kicking the mounds of soil with his toes.

Wu Jin stepped forward, not looking at the iron pieces on the ground, but turned to look at her face. Seeing that her left cheek was red and swollen, he reached out and put the back of his hand on her face. It was hot to the touch. He quickly said to Yin Nan, "Twist a handkerchief." ."

Yin Nan walked in, and Mo Lingfeng asked vaguely: "Are you hungry?"

"Don't be in a hurry." Wu Jin led her inside and asked Mo Lingfeng to sit down. He took the handkerchief from Yin Nan, wiped his hands, took out the medicine jar, and dipped his index finger into the tooth-worm medicine: "Open your mouth."

Mo Lingfeng opened her mouth "Ah", Wu Jin bent down, looked at the teeth in her mouth, put his finger under the lower left tooth, and touched it gently. Mo Lingfeng shivered in pain and bit down. Wu Jin quickly applied the tooth decay medicine, took out his finger, looked at the red mark above, and said with a smile: "The teeth are not bad."

Mo Lingfeng caught his finger and saw the deep tooth marks on it, so he wiped his hands with a handkerchief, took the golden sore medicine from his waist, and applied it on him: "Yesterday, Cheng Ting sent a jar of wine to the castle. I I don’t know if it’s medicinal wine soaked in rock sugar, but I drank a little too much.”

She threw the handkerchief on the table, opened the food box, took out a sprig of sweet osmanthus, and stretched it out to Wu Jin: "Here."

Wu Jin lowered his head and looked at this sprig of osmanthus - the flower had been in the food box for a long time, with its wilted head and a few flower bones falling to the ground, but it was still fragrant.

He took it in his hand and thought of the letter Mo Lingfeng wrote to him when he was in Kyoto.

There would be a piece of feather or a flower in the letter. Through the tiny things, he could see her splendor and the vast world. However, after Mo Qianlan passed away, the flowers in her heart withered and she never paid attention to the things outside her body.

He hid the flowers in his arms and smiled at her: "I didn't know there were osmanthus flowers in Hengshan."

Mo Lingfeng took out a stack of pancakes from the food box: "I just saw it. The tree is still small. Yin Nan, go make tea."

Yin Nan took a pancake and walked away while biting it. The pancake was so hard that he was shaking his head. Mo Lingfeng gave Wu Jin a piece of pancake: "This pancake——"

There was a sudden "bang" from the gunpowder operation behind them, followed by a tremor that shook the earth. The roof tiles fell to the ground with a "crash", and the sun penetrated through the roof, illuminating the stunned faces of Mo Lingfeng and Wu Jinzheng.

"No!" Wu Jin grabbed Mo Lingfeng and ran outside, "Let's go!"

The people in the house were blown outside like the wind, and the air waves hit them close to their backs, mixed with hot sulfur and saltpeter powder, and knocked them to the ground.

The walls inside the house cracked, the wooden pillars rattled, and the entire Hengshan Fort was crumbling. There was another "bang", and the roof tiles, beams, and stones were knocked down. In desperation, Wu Jin pushed Mo Lingfeng hard. : "Go quickly!"

Mo Lingfeng couldn't hear clearly, and her ears were full of chaotic sounds. She staggered forward for two steps, then turned back and grabbed Wu Jin's hand without thinking - it couldn't be gone anymore. She couldn't save her brother. Can save Wu Jin.

A beam fell down, Wu Jin shouted something, and used all his strength to lift her out. He felt relieved when he saw her rolling around in the wide open space.

The Hengshan Fort fell apart. Mo Lingfeng was shaken by the scalding heat wave and was unable to stand steadily. Her eyes were filled with darkness. After a moment, she raised her head among the ruins and stood up in panic under the scorching sun, looking around blankly.

All order turns into chaos, all living things turn into nothing, all reality turns into emptiness.

"Wu Jin?"

Under the rubble, there was sudden movement.

One leg kicked open the beams and tiles, and then Yin Nan grabbed Wu Jin and staggered out.

Wu Jin looked at Mo Lingfeng and said with difficulty: "It's Zhentian Lei——"

Before he finished speaking, Mo Lingfeng rushed over to him, hugged him fiercely, and strangled him hard: "We are getting married!"

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