Yu Jun

Chapter 381 Eat Crabs

Chapter 381 Eat Crabs

Mo Lingfeng gently put the marriage certificate back on the table, stood up and said, "I'll get the seal."

When she walked out of the door, it was already dark. As she walked towards the second hall, she was startled by the woodbirds perched among the branches. First, a bird called, and then it quickly spread into a chorus, making the noise a headache.

She picked up a branch casually and hit it hard on the branches and leaves. The bird flew away in fright, and her heart flew away.

She was too stable - Mo Qianlan's death took away the little emotion in her body, and she really became a wind, unable to reach the world or the ground, empty, and it was always difficult to fill the enthusiasm outside. Fill her hole.

Wu Jin's marriage letter made her quietly sink to the ground, and a heart blossom bloomed.

When she reached the second hall, she stood in front of the desk and saw the crane cloak placed on the armrest of the chair. She took it in her hand, buried her face and sniffed it hard, trying to find Mo Qianlan's scent.

After standing for a while covering her face, she put down the crane cloak in disappointment - the person was gone, and the smell on her clothes was only the aroma of agarwood, which was no longer popular.

She took out her private seal from under the desk, and when she walked to the door, she suddenly turned it back and replaced it with another seal.

She strode back to the front room, took the seal and put it on the ink pad, then slapped it on the marriage certificate, connecting two sheets, showing no mercy.

Wu Jin's heart dropped, and when she looked down, she saw Mo Qianlan's seal on the marriage certificate.

Mo Qianlan is Mo Lingfeng's brother, so it would be better to use his seal.

Before he could be happy, he heard Yin Bei announcing outside the door, "Mr. Cheng is here."

Cheng Ting's loud and powerful voice came in: "Listen to the wind! I'm bringing crabs!"

The ink on the marriage certificate was still wet, so it could only be spread out on the table for the moment. Wu Jin and Mo Lingfeng looked at each other, feeling a little guilty for no reason, as if they had done something shady behind their best friend's back.

Mo Lingfeng walked away with his hands behind his back, leaving the cubicle as if nothing had happened. Wu Jin followed closely behind, turning to look at the desk, feeling slightly reassured - Cheng Ting hated holding pens the most, and would not go near the desk if nothing happened.

Cheng Ting asked his servants to steam the crabs in the kitchen, boil them with a few pots of rice wine with rock sugar, and eat them here.

After giving instructions, he swung his thick waist and big hips and walked in, stepped over the threshold with one foot, and complained: "It's late at night, Hui Ran's mother is here again, and I still want to tease my son."

Lifting up his other foot and walking into the front hall, he saw the two people sitting upright.

The two people looked solemn, as if they were talking about world affairs, which was very consistent with the atmosphere of the front hall, which was like a mourning hall. His face was not obvious, but his voice suddenly became softer: "What are you doing here at night?"

"Waiting to eat crabs," Mo Lingfeng asked, "Why is Xu Huiran's mother going to your house so late?"

Cheng Ting sighed angrily: "I came to borrow money from Huzhou Douding. I want Huiran to turn the golden pig into a golden pig and send it to the emergency department."

He gritted his teeth: "Hui Ran was afraid that I would beat her, so she kicked me out. I was afraid that she would not be able to borrow money, so she would take away these baskets of fat crabs and bring them to us to eat."

He sat down in the chair and said with a sad face: "She is my mother-in-law, I can't really beat her."

Mo Lingfeng gave him an idea: "Go to your second sister for some medicine and poison her."

"That's okay," Cheng Ting glanced at Wu Jin, "No, Wang Fa is here, Wu Jin, don't you think so?"

"What is it?" Wu Jin was distracted, still thinking about the weight of Mo Lingfeng's seal.

Just like Mo Qianlan's weight in Mo Lingfeng's heart, he couldn't help but want to read the marriage document again.

Cheng Ting frowned, his eyes showing suspicion, and glanced back and forth between the two people - Wu Jin's soul was wandering in the sky, completely different from the two of them, while Mo Lingfeng lowered his eyes and concentrated on waiting to eat.

The big yellow dog walked in slowly, looked around, and lay down at Wu Jin's feet. There is something strange about it, but I don’t know where it is.

The crabs were quickly brought up and placed in the flower hall. Dishes of ginger and vinegar were placed around the crabs. The rock sugar and rice wine were warmed, and each person had a pot.

Cheng Ting filled a cup, gulped it down with a squeak, and let out a sigh. Then he watched Wu Jin open the crab as if he was doing a scholarly job, and sighed: "After so many years, I still haven't improved at all in my ability to eat crabs."

Wu Jin just smiled, took it apart cleanly, and ate gracefully.

Cheng Ting devoured a crab in two mouthfuls and continued to look left and right. He saw Mo Lingfeng nibbling the crab roe aggressively. His eyes were misty, as if he had drunk too much.

He was thoughtful, touching his chin with a pair of hands full of fishy smell, and opened a crab. He secretly thought that something was wrong between the two of them. Wu Jin opened the crab but didn't give it to Mo Lingfeng.

After a while, he drank another cup of rice wine, stood up and said, "You guys eat, I'll go to the official room."

He always came and went freely in Mo Mansion. Mo and Wu didn't even raise their heads when they heard this. Cheng Ting slipped out of the flower hall and went straight to the main hall. After walking around in the main hall and the partitions, he called Pang Dahai. , let Pang Dahai go out quickly.

At this moment, Mo Lingfeng licked his lips at Wu Jin and whispered: "Wu Jin, in the marriage contract, you showed weakness, do you regret it?"

Wu Jin lowered his head to peel the crab and said with a smile: "A marriage certificate determines my heart and yours."

Mo Lingfeng took a sip of rice wine and said, "You don't need to take it to the magistrate's office to use the seal to avoid others knowing."

Not getting married, but there is a marriage certificate for marrying into the Mo family. People in the world will be unscrupulous if they have such deviant talk, saying that Wu Jin is the guest of the bride and the face of the Mo family.

Wu Jin blocked her hand to prevent her from drinking too much to avoid toothache: "Idle words are just the breeze in my ears. I do not violate the law and I am not ashamed."

The lights are bright, the rice wine is warm in the urn, and the water vapor is flowing, which is mixed with the water mist in the cold wind, creating a strange and bizarre scene.

The meticulous Wu Jin sat in it, with light like stars and the moon flowing on her body.

Mo Lingfeng sat opposite him, looking stunned. He suddenly stood up and leaned towards his position. Before his lips came close, Cheng Ting strolled in: "What are you talking about behind my back?"

The beautiful scenery disappeared. Mo Lingfeng glared at him, grabbed a crab, and stuffed it into Cheng Ting's mouth: "Eat!"

The look was fierce, as if a beast was ready to bite at any time. Cheng Ting chewed the crab legs twice. He was surprised when he realized it, but he didn't take it to heart. He said "tsk tsk" twice.

Wu Jin poured wine for him: "Eat."

The three of them ate hard, facing the candlelight, and devoured a table of crabs to pieces.

Wu Jin stood up and washed her hands, wrung out the handkerchief and wiped her hands clean, put the handkerchief into the basin, turned around and said, "I should go back -"

"Mo Lingfeng!" A sharp roar came from outside the house, and the three people in the flower hall were all excited. Mo Lingfeng stood up quickly and ran out against the wall, but was stopped by the eldest sister of the Cheng family at the door.

Also accompanying me was Mrs. Cheng.

The eldest sister gave Mo Lingfeng a hard look, dragged her inside, pushed her into a chair with a slap, and poked her hard on the head with her finger: "I'll take care of you later!"

The eldest sister stared at Wu Jin on the spot with her eyes and gritted her teeth: "What a prefect Wu, he abducted our child without any notice!"

Mrs. Cheng sat high on the imperial chair with one hand on the edge of the table. She didn't look at the leftovers on the table and told Cheng Ting: "San'er, bring the marriage certificate!"

Cheng Ting ran out to get the marriage certificate and gave it to Mrs. Cheng for review.

(End of this chapter)

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