Yu Jun

Chapter 384 Secret Message

Cheng Ting looked at Pang Dahai and said nothing for a while.

He knew that Huang Gou was getting old. When he was studying in Zhou Xue, Huang Gou was already an old face in Zhou Xue. Now that he has a son, Huang Gou's time has come.

Even though he was well prepared, he was still stunned because the yellow dog was no ordinary dog, it was his beloved dog.

He looked at his two friends and forced a smile: "This dog is old..."

Before he finished speaking, his smiling face turned into a crying face, and he began to cry with a loud voice, tears streaming down his face, and his nose followed. Pang Dahai quickly handed him the handkerchief, and he He took it in his hand and wiped his face. The tears were still uncontrollable and kept flowing.

The old yellow dog was brought out by him from the state school. He has grown up with them until now. He is part of them and even his good friend. Although Cheng Ting's growth is lackluster, he can still remember the trivial things and the insignificant happiness. The old yellow dog has his share of troubles and troubles, and the accumulated feelings are enough to make him collapse.

At the same time, there was an unspeakable sadness in his heart.

Mr. Zhao is dead, his uncle is dead, and the old yellow dog is dead - there are fewer and fewer old friends among them.

There were still diners in the foot shop, and they heard that the dog was missing. They looked at the grief-stricken Cheng San with sneers and disbelief.

Just a dog.

But the one who cried was Cheng Ting, so the level of unbelievability was much lower - Cheng Sanye was a simple and honest man, so it was not surprising that he would do such a thing.

Wu Jin stepped forward and patted him on the shoulder: "Let's go back and bury him first."

Cheng Ting sniffed hard, nodded, and followed Wu Jin out in a sloppy manner: "A generous burial."

Mo Lingfeng was so sad that he also walked out of the foot shop. Yin Nan led the horse over. When the three of them got on their horses, a rumble came from the direction of the castle outside the city gate.

Mo Lingfeng was riding on his horse, looking up, and saw a few fires exploding in the air, one after another, and thick smoke billowing, covering the blue sky in pitch black.

Cheng Ting turned to look at Mo Lingfeng - they had become accustomed to the attacks of the golden captives, and Mo Lingfeng was no longer the little girl who loved singing, dancing and eating sweets in the wars.

The war made her but also consumed her.

Mo Lingfeng turned his horse's head and waved goodbye to Wu Jin and Cheng Ting. The whip whipped in mid-air and the two riders galloped away towards the city gate.

The city gate opened wide, and Mo Lingfeng led Yin Nan through the shadow of the city tower, heading towards another world - in that world, all emotions were superfluous, and what was waiting for her was killing, blood, life and death.

In the whole year since then, wars of all sizes have continued, the forts have won and lost, Liu Boyu and Shi Yuan have continued to fight, the number of workshops in Kuanzhou has also increased, and more and more people have poured into the capital of Kuanzhou. Before the war, it was even worse.

Secret messages from Triangle Eyes are also sent to Kyoto from time to time, but there is not much useful information.

In November of the 32nd year of Yuan Zhang, Kuanzhou recruited 10,000 troops. Mo Lingfeng led his troops and drove the Jinlu out of Sanchuan Village in one fell swoop. They occupied Hengshan, Huluhe, and Yimachang, and captured thousands of Jinlu and Qiang people. With a war horse, Jin Lu was forced to make a truce and withdrew hundreds of miles away from Hengshan.

This "Yimachang" victory was known all over the world, and the Mo family's army was famous all over the world. Men who wanted to join the army flocked to Kuanzhou to support their families and make a name for themselves.

In the military report, Hou Fuzhong truthfully recorded the loss of soldiers, the food and fodder consumed, and the weapons and gunpowder used in this battle. Therefore, the news that Mo Lingfeng was besieged by the Jinlu at Yima Chang and broke out with serious injuries spread throughout the world.

In every state in the country and in every street in Kyoto, there are rumors about Mo Lingfeng's disregard for his own life and his daring loyalty to the country.

After the emperor read the military report, he remained silent for a long time in the Civil Affairs Hall. He put down the military report with both hands and looked down at his palms. These hands have never been worked and are still white, but the lines on the palms are as deep as ravines, and the details that were not noticed when they were young are clearly visible, one after another, each one is full of calculation, conspiracy, and blood.

The palms of his hands trembled uncontrollably in his eyes, not because he had lost control of the situation, but because he was old and frail, and his body was like a candle in the wind, swaying without the wind.

He couldn't even remember what Mo Lingfeng looked like. He only remembered that the face was exactly the same as Mo Qianlan's, and that the golden light shone brightly. He always wore a golden necklace and a longevity lock on his body.

His hatred for the Mo family is growing day by day.

Since the Mo family has surrendered to the country, they should give the wealth of the ten states together and keep it in their hands. It will burn their hands and fall into the state of withering. It is their own fault. However, the Mo family brothers and sisters actually broke free. This self-made snare is above the imperial power.

The prince personally held a cup of decoction and asked the emperor to introduce it - the country has powerful enemies outside and inside, and there is emptiness inside. The father and son of the Tian family can only work together to protect the world.

The emperor drank the medicine and took a long breath: "Has the imperial edict of the Hanlin Academy been drawn up?"

The prince stepped aside and let Zhang Chongfeng wipe the emperor's face: "Yes, but Ji Xiang has some complaints and thinks the reward is too meager."

The emperor waved his hand and sneered: "The Hanlin Academy literati are the best among scholars, but also the dullest. When it is easy to use, just use it. When it is not, just ignore it. Don't worry about him. Don't listen to the wind now." It has become a trend, and all the garrison troops outside Jeju have been placed?"

The prince nodded: "I have dispatched good generals to go."

"Mo Lingfeng's reputation is at its peak now. If we take action now, it will be suspected of forcing the death of loyal ministers, so we can't do it for the time being."

"I know."

A chamberlain hurried to the Wenzheng Palace and reported outside the palace that there were 100,000 urgent and secret messages from Kuanzhou.

Zhang Gongfeng took the secret letter, opened the mud seal, and quickly presented it to the emperor. The emperor opened the two-fold paper and looked at ten lines. Suddenly, his body went limp and he almost collapsed to the ground.

Zhang Gongfeng had quick eyesight and quick hands, and he supported the emperor. The prince hurriedly said: "Your Majesty! Call the imperial doctor quickly!"

The emperor was breathing heavily, had a splitting headache, his stomach was churning, and he vomited when he buried his head. The prince was so anxious that he called the imperial doctor again at the top of his lungs.

Zhang Gongfeng took out his handkerchief and wiped the emperor's face. Two chamberlains stepped forward and helped the emperor to the royal couch. The prince followed closely behind him. He could only hear the emperor's lips trembling, but ignored the fact that the emperor was covered in filth and hurriedly approached him.

The emperor put the bamboo paper into the hands of the prince: "Order... Privy Council Wu... to kill the rebellious ministers and traitors... Mo Lingfeng!"

There was a chaotic sound in the ears of the prince. The emperor's words were low and weak, but they were like a thunderbolt from the blue. He was stunned on the spot. He quickly raised his hand and opened the secret letter sent by Kuanzhou Xizuo. He lowered his head and looked at it. He looked as frightened and angry as the emperor.

There is gunpowder and thunder in Kuanzhou!

How can this be?

Sky-shaking thunder is powerful, sounds like thunder, can penetrate iron armor, and has a wide range. It is the top secret of the North and South workshops. How did they get through it?

No matter what the output in Kuanzhou is, we can no longer let it go.

The prince then frowned - Kuanzhou secretly made a thunderbolt and had to kill him. However, during the deadly battle, Mo Lingfeng never used the thunderbolt. The world would never believe this. Instead, they would say that the Tian family had nothing to do with it. In his name, he kills loyal ministers and hides good bows.

Once the army rises, the Mo family will be justified in turning the other way!

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