Yu Jun

Chapter 396 Tang Chuan

In the thirty-third year of Yuanzhang, at three o'clock on the seventeenth day of the first month, Wangzhou led an elite army of 100,000 and a garrison of 50,000 to the outside of Jeju City.

Tang Baichuan mobilized his troops and dispatched generals. He first ordered Wu Tianyou, the commander of the imperial army, Li Shun, the commander of the Wangzhou army, and Wei Wenpeng, the deputy commander of Wangzhou, to command 20,000 troops each. Together with the army, they besieged Jezhou on all sides, making it difficult for everyone in the city to fly.

The troops and horses were moving, and dust was flying all over the ground. After being arranged properly, Tang Baichuan was not in a hurry to attack the city, and ordered the soldiers to set up camp on the spot.

Each camp cut down trees and erected fences, built barracks and dug latrine pits. They were busy until half past noon, burying pots and making rice.

After Tang Baichuan had a full meal, he ordered Sun Tzu Ming, the commander of the Fuzhou military capital, to be the vanguard, leading a thousand light cavalry and eight nesting vehicles, which were placed higher than the city wall and placed a hundred steps away from the trench to detect the enemy's situation.

At nine o'clock on the 18th day of the first lunar month, the first Chao chariot was built. Tang Baichuan led Zheng Lin, the commander of the Forbidden Army, to board the Chao chariot wooden house in person.

The wooden house was nine feet high and four feet square. It could have accommodated two people, but Tang Baichuan was also nine feet tall and had a huge back. He had to stoop when he entered, occupying most of the space. Zheng Lin had to stand against the wall, feeling frustrated.

The soldiers pulled up the pulley and raised the wooden house to the top. Tang Baichuan put his eyes to the observation hole to spy on the Mo family's army.

There is a man standing three steps away on the tower, his armor is shining, he is equipped with bows and arrows, and there are several catapults. They are all common things, nothing special about them.

He didn't dare to take it lightly - the Mo family could reach this point and should not be underestimated.

Now Mo Lingfeng is the only one left in the Mo family. She can still drive Jin Lu out of Yimachang, which shows that she has a fierce temperament.

"Which one is Mo Lingfeng?" He changed the lookout hole and looked carefully. After a while, he said "Oops", "I forgot, Mo Lingfeng is a female general."

When Mo Lingfeng was just starting out, he often talked about the name "female general". As she gradually became more powerful and held military power to compete with the Tian family, he gradually forgot that she was a woman, and even forgot her age. All I know is that Mo Lingfeng is a strong general.

There were three archers on the city tower who were women, and one could tell at a glance that they were not Mo Lingfeng.

Feeling a little disappointed, he stretched out a small flag from the lookout hole, and was about to signal the soldiers to pull the pulley and put down the cabin. Suddenly, he heard a "whoosh" sound, as if a sharp blade came through the air. It was too late to withdraw, and a wooden The arrow shot straight over and hit the small flag.

With a "click", the small flag broke. Tang Baichuan felt pain in his hand. He let go and the flag immediately flew away. However, the wooden arrow continued to move forward, piercing the rawhide covering the outside of the wooden house before stopping.

Undisguised sneers came from the top of the city. A young soldier put his hands to his mouth and shouted: "You useless people, do you dare to fight?"

The soldiers below were shocked, and hurriedly pulled the pulley and lowered the wooden house. Wangzhou was commanded by several troops and horses. They were all brave warriors and had always been arrogant. One of them rushed out of the barracks and yelled at the tower: "The traitor seeks death! Sooner or later, you will be decapitated!"

The wooden house on the chao cart fell down, and the soldiers opened the door. Tang Baichuan bent down and came out with a pale face. He jumped out of the chao cart. Zheng Lin then got out and jumped off.

Tang Baichuan stretched out his hand to stop everyone from yelling, ordered the soldiers to move the chariot fifty steps back, and asked again: "Where was the arrow just now?"

The guards around him quickly presented wooden arrows. Tang Baichuan looked closely at the tail feathers. They were wind-feathered arrows made by Owl Yu, which would not easily deflect when exposed to the wind.

Zheng Lin spoke up: "Our three hundred thousand arrows are made of goose feathers and are not as sophisticated as theirs."

Tang Baichuan shook his head: "I don't think so. The wind in Gaoping Village is strong, and the feathers of geese and geese are easily distorted by the wind. The feathers of owl and owl are slightly better. If they are really fine, they should use horned eagle feathers."

He threw away the arrow: "It's not easy to attack the city, don't fall into the trap, build fortifications first!"

The Yongzhen Army surrounding Jeju began to prepare wooden curtains, ladders, ramming vehicles, etc. in a hurry. The city of Jeju, which had been cut off from water and food, was in order and there was no sign of panic.

There were not many people in the city, with only one or two hundred old, weak, sick and disabled people left. Mo Lingfeng ordered the three state officials to strictly control the people, impose a spy-proof curfew, distribute food per person, and Cheng Taishan led troops to guard the wells in the city to ensure water sources. On January 20th, Tang Baichuan still did not attack the city.

At Chen time, the sky was cold and the spring rain was about to come. The middle tent was pitched at the burned-out Yan Hall. There was a long table with a map of the inside and outside of Jeju City spread on it. There was also a set of square tables, two chairs, and a bunk. Good couch.

A charcoal fire was lit under the Sifang table, and Wu Jin was reading the pornographic album at the table. He had already compared the appearance of the people in the city outside to make sure it was correct, and then took it back to take a closer look.

Mo Lingfeng came in quietly. He first stood in front of the long table and read the parchment map. After reading it, he walked over and sat down opposite Wu Jin. Wu Jin didn't notice it until he read the last page and wrote down three names on the paper. Put down your pen and look up.

He looked at Mo Lingfeng and said with a smile, "When did you come in?"

Mo Lingfeng took the bamboo paper and gave it to the soldier, asking him to send it to the prefect's Yamen: "Just arrived."

She warmed her hands: "What kind of person do you think Tang Baichuan is?"

Wu Jin put away pens, inks, papers and inkstones on the table: "Zhong Tao provoked him several times. The generals over there were obviously trying to add salt to the fire, but they could only swallow their anger. It can be seen that Tang Baichuan was very clever and could make these people surrender in a short period of time." , Furthermore, he remained calm in the face of provocation, and remained motionless for three days. Compared to Jin Lu's ferocity, people like him are extremely difficult to guard against."

Mo Lingfeng nodded, stood up, took the sheepskin map, and spread it on the table: "It will be beneficial to them to stop with silence. Our food and grass can only last for two months."

Wu Jin thought for a while: "The new empire's money is tight, and the food and fodder for an army of more than 100,000 people is not a trivial matter. Based on my understanding when I was in the government, I will do my best to support it for three months at most. It is impossible for the new emperor to let him continue to be under siege. He will definitely He will not remain silent forever."

"We are anxious, and so is he," Mo Lingfeng pointed at the moat. "The moat has dried up. We have to be careful about digging tunnels from outside the city to enter the city, so as to respond with surprise troops inside and outside."

Wu Jin stretched out his head to look at the map carefully, and suddenly there was a rapid knock on the door.

Mo Lingfeng turned around and asked, "What's the matter?"

The Nomad Qing pushed the door open and came in with a solemn expression: "General, the archers have seen that the fortifications outside the city have been completed."

As soon as he finished speaking, a soldier rushed over and reported loudly: "General, they are filling the trenches with trench-filling trucks!"

Nomad Qing was stunned. He did not expect that the slow-moving armies outside the city were suddenly so fast.

Mo Lingfeng stood up, his eyes suddenly sharp: "Who is fending off the enemy?"

The soldier said: "Control the capital."

Mo Lingfeng reached for the bag and put it on, then walked away. At the same time, he turned around and said, "I'll go take a look. You wait for me here."

When she finished speaking, she had already taken a few steps out of the central tent. Before she reached the city tower, she heard the "rumbling" sound of wheels. She took three steps at a time and then two steps up to the city tower. When she looked down, she saw dozens of trench-filling trucks. "Hang Bang" drove towards the trench, with shields on three sides of the car, and soldiers and soil bags inside.

"Jiang Shi," she was about to give the order when she suddenly grabbed the hand of Nomad Lord waving the military flag, "Wait a minute, there is an enemy attack."

A group of about four to five hundred enemy troops, wearing green sweaters with soft armor exposed underneath, carrying light bows and knives, were all lightly equipped. They pushed a catapult and aimed it at a hundred paces to the west of the city wall. A ladder was pushed behind it, ready to go at any time. Ready to set up.

If a large stone is smashed, it will immediately become a siege tool.

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