The people below were chattering away, discussing the story just now, more enthusiastically than gossiping.

However, what they longed for most was to hear Song Hongguo continue talking.

Naturally, Song Hongguo would not go as they wished. She would not cherish things that were obtained too easily. Just like when she advocated class promotion, it was obviously for their own good, but how many of them really appreciated it?
They had to let her play tricks before they would take the bait. However, although she refused, she also gave them some sweeteners and gave them the opportunity to ask questions. In the process of answering, she reiterated the knowledge related to women's health. Deepen their impression, especially when it comes to pregnancy-related precautions in each period. Try to express them in a simple and profound way. If you still don’t understand or can’t remember anything, you can read the health guide printed and distributed by the factory. Yes, there is a very detailed description above.

Before tonight, few people could read the guidebook, but after listening to the story, everyone was so excited that they wanted to read it now and find out for themselves the answer to the methods used by the wives and concubines in the story.

It wasn't until the end of class that everyone woke up as if from a dream. They were shocked to realize that an hour had passed. The original time to stay up had turned into a reluctance to leave. Song Hongguo had a very good attitude when greeting her, and Dr. Song spoke with each mouthful. , so close that they seemed to have known each other for a long time.

Moreover, many people said that they did not learn enough in the last class and strongly requested to attend more classes.

At the very least, they had to listen to the whole story, otherwise it would be too heart-wrenching.

This time, a secretary from the Women's Federation came to attend the class. After listening to everyone's opinions, she said she would respond to the leader tomorrow. If the leader agrees, then another class will be held.

The employees have such a correct and enthusiastic attitude towards learning, which should be affirmed and encouraged.

After everyone got the answer, they left with satisfaction. On the way, people in twos and threes gathered together to discuss. Unknowingly, they thought they loved studying so much that they even thought about it after class.

Seeing this, some people couldn't help but sigh, "If I had had this energy when I was in school, I would have been admitted to college."

Some people lamented, "Dr. Song is indeed Dr. Song. This method of winning over people's hearts won't work even if they don't accept it."

Some people were dissatisfied and retorted, "What do you mean by winning over people's hearts? Dr. Song is smart and can teach students. Why does it sound so unpleasant to you? It sounds like they have ulterior motives. What are they trying to win over you? They want you to go." Are you looking for something to do for others when you see a doctor? Isn't it okay for them to just drink tea and read the newspaper?"

It won’t affect salary payment at the end of the month!
The man was so crowded that he quickly added, "You misunderstood. I'm not very good at talking. I actually wanted to praise Dr. Song for being great and capable. There are so many women here tonight, both old and young." It's not easy to control. I thought Dr. Song was just giving up her temper because she was angry. Who would have thought that she told a story and caught everyone? No, she was coaxed..."

She seemed to realize that she had made a mistake, and hurriedly corrected herself. She said with a smile, "Haha, look at the results of tonight's class. It was a great start and an instant hit. Doctor Song became even more famous in our aluminum factory..."

"Why doesn't this sound right? Isn't it a good start? Once it's a hit, work will be easier to carry out in the future. This is a good thing for the benefit of all female workers in the factory. Aren't you happy?"

"I'm not unhappy, I..."

"Stop talking, I can smell the sourness. You said you too. Who can be sour? I've deceived you to target Dr. Song. What do you have to compare with them? Comparing your looks or your figure? Comparing your academic qualifications or your ability? Even if you find a partner, he is the best in the whole factory. Are you jealous? Be practical and do your own thing well. Dr. Song is not on the same level as you. Hasn't he become famous a long time ago? It's still useful. So you can use your skills to make a name for yourself by taking classes?"

The man was so disgraced that he quickly found an excuse and ran away.

There was a burst of laughter from behind, which was a sign of shame for such people. Anyone can envy and envy others, but he is not a saint. How can he not have any emotions?But normal people will only compare themselves with the people around them who are similar to themselves. Whoever is more outstanding will make their eyes watery and sour. But for people like Song Hongguo who are out of reach, they will only compare themselves when they are full. That is not looking for Abuse, that’s self-harm.Song Hongguo didn't know that after attending a class, she gained a lot of goodwill for herself. After packing her things, she waited until most people had left before going downstairs.

After turning a few corners, she saw Huo Minglou and two little guys standing in front of a house waiting for her. A lamp was installed on the edge of the house, and the light cast on the three of them, leaving three shadows of different heights.

Ling Yuan was playing with shadows, jumping around and circling Huo Minglou.

Ling Zhi was talking to Huo Minglou, raising his face as if asking a question.

Huo Minglou listened attentively, his delicate eyebrows in the yellow halo of the light, silently spreading a fatal attraction, like tuberose, tempting people to come closer and be poisoned by it.

After a moment of trance, she seemed to have something in Huo Minglou. The moment she looked over, Song Hongguo met his eyes that suddenly became vivid due to her appearance, smiled, and walked quickly towards the three of them, like Go on a date you've been waiting for for years.


The two children also saw her and shouted in surprise. Ling Yuan rushed over like a cannonball, hugged her legs, raised his face and asked repeatedly, "Mom, are you finished class? Did the class go well?" Is anyone causing trouble?"

Song Hongguo pinched his face and said with a smile, "It went very well. Don't worry, everyone listened carefully."

Hearing this, Ling Yuan started to laugh, "I knew mom would be fine, mom is awesome!"

Ling Zhi also felt relieved, thinking to himself, she is great as a doctor, and she is no less generous as a teacher. In the future, he will also work hard to become a person like her. No matter what he does, he can do it with ease and be praised and admired.

Huo Minglou believed in her so much that he was not worried at all. In his opinion, letting her take such a class was overqualified. He took the bag on her shoulder and asked, "Stand for an hour. , Are you tired?"

Song Hongguo shook her head, "It's okay, but you three, where did you go to kill time?"

Huo Ming said, "I took them to the bookstore..."

Song Hongguo heard this and asked unexpectedly, "Don't the bookstores close at night?"

As the four of them walked to the carport, Huo Minglou explained, "It closes at nine o'clock, and it's eight o'clock in the winter. Many people want to read but don't have time, so they have to wait until get off work, so the bookstore cooperates and arranges people to work the night shift. In fact, There is also a reading room in the club in our factory. The books in it are no less than those in the bookstore. You can borrow them. However, they are not open at night. Let me go look for them and see if there are any books suitable for children to borrow. It would be wise to read more and we should encourage them more. read……"

"it is good……"

The three shadows turned into four. Under the dim light, the picture became warmer and more harmonious.

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