Chapter 142
As one of the most intelligent animals on earth, the black and white killer whale can easily understand the meaning of human beings.

He is obviously an ocean overlord, but the owner of this cuteness has unique conditions.

The big guy kept churning in the water, and from time to time he exposed his head and pushed the ball towards Wen Wanwan.

Wen Wanwan also took Bai Han to join him, sat by the pool to play with it, and at the same time introduced this extremely intelligent ocean overlord to the audience in the live broadcast room.

"Killer whales are mammals belonging to the genus Orca in the family Dolphinidae of the cetacean artiodactyl order, and are currently the second-class protected animals in my country."

"Adults usually weigh more than [-] kilograms and have an average body length of six to nine meters."

"The killer whale is an oceanic species with no fixed habitat. It mainly moves after the fish or other sea animals it eats."

"As a social animal, killer whales usually form groups of five to twenty, and there are as many as one hundred or more."

"However, a large part of the reason why this guy has become a protected animal is that the birth rate is too low."

"An orca can only give birth to a calf every five years. Even if they have a lifespan of 80 years, it is still difficult to expand their population."

"These guys are also one of the few animals that can match the spirit of our country."

"In the eyes of killer whales, as a population, we must uphold the principle of never abandoning or giving up."

"Regardless of the fact that one's own clan is weak or old, the whole group eats food together."

"Combined with their huge size and strength as the overlord of the ocean, the probability of accidents is much smaller, ensuring that most killer whales can go to the end of their lives."

Speaking of this, Wen Wanwan also paused for a moment, and turned to glance at the barrage in her live broadcast room.

Sisi wants to drink Dou: [This is our romance, don't give up, don't give up! 】

Lan Zhijun: [I really hope that the story of the killer whale can be known by more people. 】

Lin Xi'en: [I like this group of big guys even more. If I can ride in the sea, I am willing to exchange my roommate for 30 years of being single! 】

Seeing the barrage in the live broadcast room, the smile on Wen Wanwan's face became even more intense.

The romance of the Chinese is difficult for other countries to understand. In many countries, individual heroism is the romance.

Only Chinese people know that the true romance is the unity of all people.

Obviously, the survival rules of killer whales are in line with the romance of the Chinese people, which also made the audience in the live broadcast room even more fond of this cute black and white overlord.

"Speaking of killer whale predation, there is actually a very interesting thing."

"Obviously the strength is outrageous, but he likes to be the sixth child. This sentence has been perfectly applied to the killer whale."

"This group of guys will make a detailed plan before preying to ensure the success rate of their predation."

"For example, when a group of orcas find a seal resting on an ice floe, the head whale will issue an order."

"The second child smashes this piece of ice, the third child you jump up and let it chase you behind, the fourth child blocks the road so don't let him run away, the fifth child will be bitten to death."

After hearing Wen Wanwan's introduction, the audience in the live broadcast room also felt incredible.

Although it is said that the lion fights the rabbit with all its strength, this is the overlord killer whale!
What is the concept of a weight of [-] kilograms, which means that a killer whale has no natural enemies in the ocean.

With its huge size, all creatures in the ocean are on its diet.

It is obviously strong to this extent, but it still chooses to be a complete sixth child.

Fox Cub: 【I'm laughing to death, I don't know who would have thought that this group of big guys would be such predators! 】

Xuan Xuan: [It's so fun, it's obviously all cute, but this guy always feels unusually cheerful. 】

Mengmengmeng: [The country is working hard to bring down the protection level, I really want to raise one! 】

Pipe sugar: [You are crazy, the giant panda can still afford to work hard, this thing can eat enough for you for half a year, right? 】

"Speaking of the amount of food eaten by killer whales, it is actually a very small percentage among most carnivores."

"Like Amur tigers and Far Eastern leopards, most of them eat 20.00% to [-]% of their own body weight in a day, which is [-] to [-] kilograms."

"The daily food intake of killer whales is only 320% of their body weight, which is about [-] kilograms."

In a word, those viewers who fantasized about raising one were completely shattered.

For 320 kilograms of meat, even the cheapest fish would cost about [-] yuan, and it's impossible for this guy to eat all small fish.

If calculated according to the cost of breeding in the zoo, the daily food and beverage expenses of a killer whale are between [-] and [-].

This is just food expenses. If you want a killer whale to live well, the aquarium is indispensable.

To build an aquarium, even if it doesn't count things like land, just the equipment and seawater transported by air will cost hundreds of millions.

This kind of large animal is really beyond the reach of ordinary people.

Even if it is a zoo, raising a killer whale requires finding a sponsor for it.

Otherwise, it would be difficult to support this big guy just by relying on the ticket money of the aquarium.

Wen Wanwan glanced at the lively audience in the live broadcast room, and then continued to introduce the killer whale from another angle.

"When it comes to the protection of killer whales, we have to talk about the whaling industry. Before the emergence of conservation culture, the whaling industry was extremely developed, and a large number of killer whales were hunted and killed by humans every year."

"This also led to a rapid decline in their populations, and there was not even a single killer whale in the huge ocean."

"However, with the conscious crackdown on the whaling industry in recent years, this group of big guys has also got a chance to breathe."

"At present, except for the volcanic island country next door, the whaling industry in most countries has disappeared."

"However, the population of killer whales is still not optimistic. The main reason is that global warming has reduced their food sources, and marine pollution has caused a sharp decline in the number of these big guys."

"The biggest threat is oil spills. Many news about oil spills in the ocean focus on the damage to the environment, but few people know that most oil spills are accompanied by the death of killer whales."

"And the total concentration of PCBs in the ocean near many countries is very high now, and this substance can affect the reproductive system of killer whales, making it more difficult for them to reproduce."

"Besides, the biggest threat to killer whales is being stranded. Because of their huge weight, once stranded, it is difficult to return to the ocean."

Wen Wanwan's introduction also made the audience in the live broadcast room aware of the difficulty of survival for this group of ocean overlords.

(End of this chapter)

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