"As a tainted witness, tell me where are the people in the Kong family's forbidden area, especially the elders and family heads of the previous generation."

When they entered the Kong family today, they had already figured out the positions of most of the people. Now only the elders and the head of the family from the previous generation did not know their positions.

These two people are the main persons in charge of carrying out the artificial man project in the intelligence, and they are also the people who must find out the location and control the evil leader of this operation.

"Okay, good man, are you sent here from above?"

"Don't ask, tell me everything you know, and at least you can survive."

After hearing this, the Kong family member finally said everything he knew without hesitation like pouring beans.

In fact, as Wen Wanwan guessed, the Kong family was indeed using Kong Tian's blood as a template to continuously perform a gene purification operation.

However, unlike Wen Wanwan's guess, the black magic that the Kong family obtained was only part of it, not the complete version as imagined.

They have no way to control this kind of artificial human at all. They can only use chips to implant into the brain.

But this method of controlling a person who possesses magic cannot be said to be a joke, it can be said to be completely useless.

When the strength reaches a certain stage, it takes no effort to destroy this kind of chip.

It can be seen that the Kong family has no understanding of black magic. They think they have obtained some earth-shattering magic and have no idea of ​​its shortcomings.

"That's probably what happened. The two bad old men you guys are looking for are trying to control the monster in Laboratory No. [-]."

"Well done, but in order to prevent the news from leaking, we still have to torture our tainted witnesses first."

The great elder pinched the back of his neck with a smile, and his whole body went limp.

"It seems that these two old guys have made the Kong family a mess, and the people below are turning against them."

"You have created a monster to put pressure on everyone, and you have to drive the geniuses of the Kong family out of the house. Not all people nowadays are fools."

"Okay, our mission is completed, let's report."

A few old men quickly took out the reporting terminal dedicated to their special department, sent out all the detected information, and took a photo of the person who was unconscious on the ground.

"Lao San, you and Xiao Wu stay here, and the rest of us go watch the black magic, hide our figures, and prepare to enter the battle state."


After the task was issued, several people instantly recovered from their laziness and hid their figures.

Today they are only here to detect news and confirm intelligence. They are not needed for combat tasks at all.

Over the years, a large number of soldiers have been trained specifically to target the metaphysics sect.

A group of warriors with magical powers and armed to the teeth, as long as they are not at the level of the two Hu family members, have almost no resistance.

In the early morning, under the moonlight, a large number of men in black suddenly appeared outside the Kong family.

"Report, the fourth team has arrived at the designated location!"

"Report, the third team has arrived at the designated location!"



As the reports sounded, the entire Kong family was surrounded.

The figure standing at the front pulled the gun bolt: "Everyone turns on the safety, the list has been sent to the personal terminal, the anti-terrorism plan No. [-] is implemented, and any resistance will be shot without mercy."

"Now, start to act!"

As soon as the words fell, all the men in black rushed into the Kong family.

These men in black came from the Xuan group and practiced the techniques that had been carefully developed by their superiors for nearly 30 years. The weapon in his hand is the latest product produced by the laboratory, and each bullet has special runes engraved on it.

This thing can break the barrier between exerting force and condensing mental power. Most defensive spells can be said to be broken in front of this thing.

Soldiers who have undergone professional training can easily subdue these disciples of the Kong family without even using a gun.

Of course, a large part of the reason was that the disciples of the Confucius family simply did not dare to resist.

Anyone who can get weapons in this part of the country, without even thinking about it, can only be sent from above.

Except for a few people in the Kong family who knew about artificial humans, most of them were completely unaware of it.

No matter how strict the laws of metaphysics are, there is no such thing as sitting in a row.

Under a comprehensive investigation, the intelligence agencies could not hide whether they knew or not.

In just four or ten minutes, these disciples of the Kong family were completely under control.

"Surprise the forbidden area and end the battle within 10 minutes."


For this group of well-trained soldiers, 10 minutes is no use at all.

All their weapons were aimed at the Metaphysics Sect, and the battle ended in less than ten minutes.

The bodies of the great elders and family heads of the previous generation were all left behind in the gunfire.

The androids were controlled before they went on a killing spree, and the only tainted witness was intact.

It's just that what he faces is the future legal sentence. Although he has a tainted witness as a meritorious service, he is still a laboratory laborer for at least ten years.

But compared to most of the Kong family members who died at gunpoint, he was already considered extremely lucky.

Ten years in prison is actually not a long time. Judging from the current rate of breakthroughs in the laboratory, you can get a reduced sentence based on merit within two or three years.

If you're lucky, you can even be assigned a job and get royal food in the future.

By the time it got light, the battle was completely over.

The soldiers were counting the lists, and professional handlers sent the android corpses and black magic to the laboratory.

This is not the first time this kind of operation has occurred. There have been many people seeking death over the years, and most of them have been handled by the Xuan Group.

These messy things are usually sent to laboratories for research and processing by professional personnel.

The laboratory has collected a lot of things like black magic over the years.

80.00% of them come from such post-battle collections.

The battle here is over, and in the Triangular Primeval Jungle, Wen Wanwan and his group have just had breakfast and are heading deeper into the miasma forest.

The miasma forest was unusually thick. Wen Wanwan's face became solemn after the few people had walked less than two kilometers.

"Isn't the information provided by Qinqi Men a little too different?"

Xiaoyue smiled bitterly when she heard Wen Wanwan's words: "This is the limit we can find, it's too old."

Hearing this, Wen Wanwan didn't say anything more, and stood still and stepped up his mental exploration.

As a steady stream of spiritual power radiated into the distance, Wen Wanwan's expression became more and more solemn.

"Speed ​​up, there's something wrong with this forest!"

Hearing Wen Wanwan's solemn voice, Song Bingxu also narrowed his eyes: "What's going on?" (End of Chapter)

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