A group of people lowered their heads and looked at their phones. Sister Mi lit a cigarette and spoke slowly.

"Everyone must have felt this nationwide cat plague in the past few days. I don't know how it is in other places, but our Jilin Province has the largest number of Siberian tigers."

"I met with several organizations in the province before I came here. Now basically everything is in chaos. If you have any ideas, please share your thoughts."

Explosive cat plague, this thing means widespread death when it appears.

Control must be done. Although it has spread now, it has not reached the point where it is uncontrollable. If it can be remedied early, there is still hope.

"The most troublesome part now is drugs. We must find manufacturers to mass-produce drugs to deal with it."

"Can you ask the pet hospital to help share the pressure? There are more than 40 lynxes in my jurisdiction and three populations. If there is a problem, there may not be a few left."

"Can you consider setting up designated hospitals to centrally manage severe cases?"


The people at the rescue station had a clear purpose for the meeting, or everyone knew that if they were delayed for a second, countless cats would be infected.

If a solution is negotiated early, countless lives can be saved.

"Wanwan, tell me, you are the one with the most ideas among us."

Hearing his name being called, Wen Wanwan nodded and spoke his thoughts.

"Our three northeastern provinces have many connections. What I'm thinking about is whether we can unite together?"

“Veterinarians and medicines from three provinces are all integrated, and then pet hospitals are also added.”

"Just like a census, just do a comprehensive sweep."

After hearing Wen Wanwan's words, Sister Mi also frowned and started thinking.

This is a good idea. The resources of three provinces are definitely much better than those managed by one province or city alone.

But a full sweep…

"Joining forces is possible, but pet hospitals and comprehensive cleaning are impossible, not to mention that there is no way to count the number of stray cats in the city."

Sister Mi's rejection did not surprise Wen Wanwan. There is always a big gap between ideal and reality.

The air suddenly became quiet, and everyone was thinking about how to deal with this outbreak of cat plague.

After a long time, Wen Wanwan rubbed her brows and spoke slowly.

"Actually, we can take this outbreak of cat plague apart and look at it."

"How to say?"

Wen Wanwan took four cups from the side and placed them on the coffee table.

"Those affected by cat plague can currently be divided into four parts."

"The first part is pet cats, which are by far the largest."

"The second part is stray cats, whose number is second only to pet cats and is also the main transmission route of the virus."

"The third part is protected cats. This part is mainly concentrated in zoos and is also an area prone to virus outbreaks."

"The fourth part is wild animals. They are the safest. As long as you don't come into contact with them, you basically can't be infected."

Having said this, Wen Wanwan took the cup representing the wild animals aside, then picked up the zoo cup and placed it on the table.

"We have closed the zoo now, disinfected it well, and not come into contact with the outside world. This can largely prevent the spread of cat plague."

"This is no problem. I will jointly issue a notice with the relevant departments when I get back."

After hearing Wen Wanwan's words, Sister Mi nodded quickly and confirmed this suggestion.

Although the rescue station does not have the authority to manage the zoo, the outbreak of cat plague directly affects the life safety of these cats, and it can be closed down for a few days with the cooperation of relevant departments. Wen Wanwan looked at the two remaining cups on the table, and then picked up the pet cat's cup.

"Pet cats will definitely be in trouble. My idea is to divide it into three steps. The first is to ask pet hospitals to cooperate in submitting the number of infections and deaths."

"Every city has set up cremation points, and try not to let pet owners bury themselves."

"The second is to set up cat plague testing points at rescue stations in various cities. They charge a fee to do cat plague testing. I guess most pet owners will not refuse."

"The third step is to control those large and small cat houses. If you control them, you can control a large number of pet cats."

The third cup was then buttoned down, and the group of people present also felt that the stone pressing on their hearts was relieved a lot.

Sister Mi looked at the remaining cups on the table, her eyes full of anticipation.

"Although stray cats are difficult to deal with, we can carry out regional isolation based on their characteristics."

"Most stray cats will not leave their territory if there is enough food."

"We use several communities as boundaries and let conservation organizations and volunteers help with feeding. Ultimately, we can accurately control the spread of cat plague in each area."

After dismantling the complicated cat plague, things became much clearer indeed.

But just thinking about the workload involved is enough to make one's head tingle.

Sister Mi squinted at the cup on the table, thinking about the feasibility of this plan.

"Does anyone have anything to add?"

"I have, but what about those who are infected now?"

Sister Mi glanced at the person who spoke, and then spoke up and gave a solution.

"I took the lead in establishing a critical pet hospital, and all protected animals infected with feline plague were centralized in the hospital for management."

"Where are the veterinarians? According to the current situation, there will definitely not be enough veterinarians!"

One sentence immediately silenced Sister Mi.

The shortage of veterinarians in this industry is not something that happens in a day or two. Before there was such a large-scale incident, women were used as men, men were used as livestock, and college students were used as cattle and horses, and they could barely survive.

But in this situation, there are definitely not enough veterinarians. Even if one is broken into eight, they will not be able to handle it.

And the most critical point is, who will be the person in charge of this critical hospital is the most troublesome thing.

If the person in charge does well, there will be no substantial reward, but if he does poorly, he will be 100% responsible.

Wen Wanwan glanced at Sister Mi and could understand her difficulty.

"The person in charge, please let me do it. I will bear the responsibility."

"Wanwan, listen to me, this..."

"I know, trust me!"

Being the person in charge is a thankless job for most people, but it is different for Wen Wanwan.

First of all, there is someone above her, and secondly, there is someone below her.

If you do a good job, you will definitely be able to get some funding from Changbai Mountain next year.

Even if things go well, it is not impossible to set up another protected area.

What's more, Wen Wanwan doesn't want the animals enjoying life in the zoo to die because of the lack of veterinarians.

Looking at Wen Wanwan's firm eyes, Sister Mi sighed immediately.

"Okay, that's it for the meeting. I'll arrange everyone's tasks first." (End of Chapter)

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