After contacting Sister Mi, the director glanced at the two veterinarians fiercely, then turned and walked outside.

The two veterinarians have an unshirkable responsibility for the conservation center to be in such a bad situation.

It is true that there is no way to predict the outbreak of cat plague in advance, but these two lazy dogs did not conduct comprehensive testing. That is a mistake and they must bear responsibility.

Moreover, the current situation in Black Province is complicated, and it is almost impossible to rescue these Siberian tigers by ourselves.

The shortage of medicines alone is a huge problem. A treatment hospital established at the breeding center has bought back almost all the medicines available on the market.

And now the hospital is also full, and it is impossible to have the spare capacity to take care of so many Siberian tigers.

The best way is to contact critical care hospitals to take them all in. For now, only critical care hospitals can spare most of their manpower to take care of these Siberian tigers.

Wen Wanwan, who was sitting in the medicine warehouse, soon received a call from Sister Mi.

"Wanwan, there is something wrong with the Black Province. It is estimated that about forty Siberian tigers should be delivered tonight, and there are also six albino Bengal tigers."

"But many of them are mild and not life-threatening at the moment. Can you accept it?"

After hearing Sister Mi's words, Wen Wanwan agreed directly without any hesitation.

"Take them, no matter how many there are, as long as they are infected with cat plague, we will take them."

After finishing speaking, Wen Wanwan also paused for a moment, and then his tone became much firmer.

"Sister Mi, no matter where the calls come from during this period, as long as there are animals infected with cat plague that cannot be rescued locally, all of them should be sent to me."

Wen Wanwan's words made Sister Mi silent for a moment, and then she spoke after a long time.

"Is it going to put too much pressure on you?"

"It's okay. Since it is a critical care hospital, it has to deal with difficulties."

Wen Wanwan's idea is actually very simple. She has druid pills, and with the help of mental power, she can maximize the survival of these animals infected with cat plague.

Now that the cat plague problem across the country is so serious, I am afraid that many places will be short of medicines or even give up on treatment.

These cats who grew up in human society have lost their strong bodies in the wild. Now that they are sick, someone must take care of them.

"Okay, since you said so, I will issue a notice to other provinces."

"Okay, but again, there must be no problems with logistics."

"Don't worry, I have already ordered a batch internationally through the Animal Welfare League, and it will be shipped by air in about ten hours."

With Sister Mi's assurance, Wen Wanwan felt relieved and synchronized a lot of information about the upcoming tigers to Ade.

There are not many seriously ill tigers in this batch, so there is basically no need to change the plan.

However, arrangements for ordinary wards must also begin, and the beginning of a difficult war has now begun to emerge.

As time continued to pass, night soon came.

After a day of hard work, the first batch of animals arriving at the hospital have now stabilized their vital signs and entered the ward.

But Wen Wanwan and a group of doctors were sitting in the lobby on the first floor, each holding a wooden box in their hands.

Here are the pills that Wen Wanwan spent an entire afternoon making. They are life-saving, hematopoietic, and hemostatic... We have prepared a lot of all kinds of pills.

Although these things do not have much effect on cat plague, preventing complications and increasing the chance of treatment also give the animals a little more hope of survival.

A few minutes later, a group of volunteers rushed into the aid station, and all the doctors present stood up. Wen Wanwan's face became more serious, and she looked through the glass door and saw a row of cars parked outside.


I don't know who muttered something in a low voice, and then the whole hall started to get busy.

This is the second batch of critically ill animals received by the hospital. The mildly ill animals from Black Province have not yet arrived, and they must complete the emergency treatment of these severely ill animals before then.

"Here is a lynx with kidney failure. Who is responsible?"

"Me, me, me, come and send two people to operating room three!"

"Whose is this Bengal tiger? The liver is damaged!"

"My, operating room seven!"


After Wen Wanwan observed for a while, he also found the animal assigned to him in advance.

An Amur leopard with an extremely weak breath of life.

After greeting the two volunteers, several people pushed the Amur leopard and rushed to the operating room.

The problem of this Amur leopard is almost the most complicated among this group of animals, including kidney failure, urinary obstruction, spleen damage, and loss of liver function...

Even this guy's cat plague has reached its most serious stage, and it can almost be said that he can die anytime and anywhere.

As for how an already scarce Amur leopard was infected with cat plague, I have to say that this guy was just unlucky.

It lives in a mountain forest next to a small county town. The forest is an artificial forest. Many people sow ginseng seeds in it and wait a few years to harvest it.

This guy has had a lot of contact with humans since he was a child, so naturally he is not afraid of people.

Perhaps because of the kindness of the nearby villagers, there is a place outside the forest specifically for feeding stray cats.

This guy found a very sick little stray cat. Perhaps out of sympathy for fellow cats, or perhaps out of the loneliness of being the only leopard in the area, he took the little guy back to take care of him.

Sometimes we have to admit that stray cats have tenacious vitality. This little thing managed to survive by relying on the ginseng dug out by the Amur leopard.

Although the little guy was healthy, the Amur leopard simply lay down due to daily contact and lack of time to hunt.

By the time the nearby villagers found out, this guy was already extremely weak.

The local rescue center gave him a nutritional injection and delivered it to him as soon as possible.

After changing into a set of surgical clothes, the medical staff also completed the preliminary preparations.
The hair on the stomach is shaved cleanly, the retention needle has been fixed, and even the examination results have been placed on the table nearby.

"Let's start with the spleen first. Show me the RST line chart."

After Wen Wanwan finished speaking, a volunteer on the side handed over an examination chart.

After staring carefully for a while, and with constant mental assistance, Wen Wanwan also determined the specific problem of this guy.

Because of the physical weakness caused by cat plague, coupled with the damage to the spleen caused by the bumps during this period.

It is estimated that there is a large amount of fluid accumulation in the abdomen. It is no wonder that this guy's vital signs are so weak.

"The anesthetist's work is expected to take three hours. He uses a lung tube to support him. This guy probably has a problem with his lungs." (End of Chapter)

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