Chapter 101 Weird

Seeing that Mo Qing was struggling, Jiang Jingyuan immediately stepped forward to help her up, and put a pillow behind her for her to lean on.

Jiang Jingyuan was amused to see Mo Qing's plump appearance in her pajamas.Mo Qing wore her own clothes like a child wearing an adult's clothes.Then he had a strange feeling in his heart.

Mo Qing was thinking about how to explain to Jiang Jingyuan, she couldn't tell everything but also couldn't say nothing.

Mo Qing thought for a while and said: "You should have guessed that yesterday's incident was related to that ancient knife. I went into the room to see the ancient knife. Who knew that I felt a burst of energy when I picked up the ancient knife Into my body, it drilled into my brain, I felt like it was trying to control my mind, I fought it, so you come in and see me like that. Finally I won but also exhausted, finally I couldn't bear it anymore and passed out.

I don't know what the hell happened to that old knife, but it sure is weird. "

Jiang Jingyuan was also shocked when he heard Mo Qing's story, but he was also worried about Mo Qing's body, "Is your body really okay? Do you feel any changes?"

Mo Qing shook her head, "I haven't felt anything yet."

Of course, Mo Qing couldn't tell the truth, so she could only perfunctory Jiang Jingyuan.

Jiang Jingyuan said: "Those people who stole this ancient knife probably know the secret of this ancient knife. I will find someone to check later. The ancient knife and the man in black must have been taken away by Luo Zhongyi. I don't know if Luo Zhongyi can find out." What.

Judging from the conversation between those two people yesterday, the Zhao family has already been involved. That's why I didn't let you and Zhao Yi get too close.The Zhao family's situation is very complicated. They have been targeted for a long time, and even Zhao Yi is not safe. "

Mo Qing heard the words and asked: "What exactly does the Zhao family do?"

Jiang Jingyuan said: "The ancestors of the Zhao family used to be related to the royal family of the previous dynasty. Later, the Zhao family has been in the antique business, and the Zhao family does have a lot of good things in their hands. This is why some people are eyeing the Zhao family. Like The key that those two people talked about yesterday is very likely to be of great use."

After thinking about it, Mo Qing told the thief about the treasure.

Jiang Jingyuan nodded after listening, "That's right. Although the rumors about this treasure may not be true, some people will believe it."

Mo Qing said: "That ancient knife is also related to the treasure, and it is so weird, maybe the legend about the treasure is true."

Jiang Jingyuan frowned, "Someone will look into this matter, you don't have to worry about it. I see that your body is still weak, so take a good rest today. I'll ask Mrs. Liu to get you some food later, if you want to eat What?"

When Mo Qing heard about eating, she felt that she was so hungry that she could eat a cow. She knew that she urgently needed food to replenish her energy.

Mo Qing looked at Jiang Jingyuan, "I can eat a lot now, I want to eat delicious food."

Seeing Mo Qing's pitiful eyes, Jiang Jingyuan raised the corners of his mouth unconsciously, "Then I'll go and pack a few dishes for you at the restaurant, and I'll ask Mrs. Liu to get you some simple stomach pads first."

Mo Qing was overjoyed when she heard the words, "Okay, I want to eat meat."

Jiang Jingyuan smiled and said: "No problem, I will have a portion of braised pork and big elbow. Your clothes were soaked yesterday, so I asked Mrs. Liu to change them for you. I don't have anyone else's clothes here, so I can only let you I wore mine. I bought clothes for you today, and I will ask Mrs. Liu to bring them back for you to change into later."

Jiang Jingyuan was so caring and Mo Qing was very grateful, "Thank you this time."

Jiang Jingyuan waved his hand, "Okay, I'll buy you delicious food. You clean up and rest on the bed if you feel uncomfortable."

After Jiang Jingyuan left, Mrs. Liu came in with the clothes, "Student Mo, these are the clothes Jingyuan bought for you, you can change them. I have washed the clothes you changed yesterday, but they haven't been dried yet."

Mo Qing took the clothes, "Thank you Mrs. Liu. Is the room I live in a guest room?"

Mrs. Liu said: "Oh, this is Jingyuan's room. There are few guests at home, so the guest room was not cleaned up yesterday, so Jingyuan put you in his room first. Yesterday I cleaned up the guest room, the guest room where Jingyuan lived .”

Mo Qing was a little embarrassed when she heard that, "Oh, I'm really sorry to take up Brother Jiang's room, I'll get up right away."

Mrs. Liu hurriedly said: "Oh, it's okay, Jingyuan said you need to rest, you don't need to change rooms. Are you hungry, I steamed egg custard to pad your stomach first, Jingyuan went out to buy food, and soon return."

At this moment, Mrs. Liu liked Mo Qing more and more. Such a beautiful little girl is still a student of Jinping University. If she were to marry Jiang Jingyuan, then Mr. Jiang would have something on his mind.

They all hope that Jiang Jingyuan's marriage will be settled soon, otherwise they will all become old leftover men.

Mo Qing picked up the clothes that Jiang Jingyuan bought for her, and bought a complete set from the inside to the outside. It was really meticulous and thoughtful. This time it was really thanks to Jiang Jingyuan.

After getting dressed, Mo Qing washed up and ate the egg custard brought by Aunt Liu, her stomach stopped growling from hunger.

Before Jiang Jingyuan left, he called the restaurant to order food. When he arrived, the food was almost ready, and he got it within a few minutes.

Mo Qing felt that Jiang Jingyuan would be back after more than half an hour.

Jiang Jingyuan asked Mrs. Liu to put all the food in the dining room and asked Mo Qing to eat.

Mo Qing came to the restaurant and saw a table of dishes on the table, and counted eight dishes, "Why did you buy so many dishes?"

Jiang Jingyuan opened the chair for Mo Qing and said, "I want to eat too, so I ordered a few more. Sit down quickly and eat while it's hot."

The two of them sat down, Mo Qing picked up the chopsticks and looked at the fragrant delicacies and said, "Then I won't be polite."

The corners of Jiang Jingyuan's mouth twitched, "Be polite with me, eat quickly."

Mo Qing was really hungry, and the egg custard just filled her stomach a little, and now she can finally have a proper meal.

Mo Qing feasted, and Jiang Jingyuan seemed to know her taste very well, every dish was her favorite.

The two chatted while eating, and before they knew it, the food on the table bottomed out.

Later, it was Jiang Jingyuan who watched Mo Qing eat, and used serving chopsticks to add food to Mo Qing from time to time.He already knew about Mo Qing's appetite, so he was not surprised by it, as if he was used to it.

Then the food on the table was eaten up, Mo Qing looked at the clean table and smiled shyly, "I've been hungry for too long, so I ate more."

Jiang Jingyuan smiled and said, "Are you full? If not, let Auntie Liu make some more food."

Mo Qing waved her hand, "No need, I'm full."

Jiang Jingyuan stood up, "Then let's sit in the living room."

Mo Qing felt that her body has recovered a lot after eating enough, and she should be fine if she rests.Fortunately, tomorrow is the weekend, so I don't have to go to school, and I can continue to rest.

(End of this chapter)

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