Chapter 113 Kidnapped

The next day, Mo Qing and Lin Xiaoxuan went to class together. During the break, a classmate from an unknown department came to tell Mo Qing that someone was looking for her at the school gate.

Mo Qing thought it was Luo Zhongyi or Jiang Jingyuan looking for her, so she greeted Lin Xiaoxuan and hurried to the school gate.She went to the school gate and looked around, but she didn't see Luo Zhongyi and Jiang Jingyuan.

She walked out of the school gate and came to the side of the road. At this moment, a van drove up in front of Mo Qing. The door opened and suddenly two tall and strong men came down and grabbed Mo Qing's arms from both sides and pulled Mo Qing into the car. .

Just as Mo Qing was about to struggle, a gun landed on her head, but Mo Qing immediately gave up struggling.

Mo Qing was terrified at this moment, who would make such an attack to kidnap her?She didn't offend anyone.

Mo Qing's current mental strength has not yet reached the level where he can attack others, so he can only catch him without a fight.

Before Mo Qing could see who was in the car, her head was covered by a black hood, and then a man took out a rope and quickly tied her up.

The other party, Mo Qing, didn't struggle anymore, but obediently sat in the back seat of the van.

Although she was covered with a mask, it didn't affect her in any way, and she could see clearly all the people in the car.

The two big men who grabbed her into the car were tall and strong, with muscles all over their bodies, and their thighs were thicker than their own waist. It looked like they had been exercising for a long time, and they should be very skilled. Mo Qing estimated that these two men were thugs. people.

And the man who put a gun to her head just now was the man sitting in the co-pilot of the van.The man was of medium build, with a beard, a pair of sunglasses, a thick gold necklace on his chest, and a gold ring on his hand. He looked like a nouveau riche.

With a fierce look on the man's face, Mo Qing could feel the evil spirit from him. She guessed that this man had probably killed someone before.

The driver in the driving seat is a man who looks very gentle.The driver had fair skin, a pair of red phoenix eyes, and a pair of gold-rimmed eyes covered the hidden fierceness in his eyes.

Mo Qing felt that the most difficult thing in this car should be the driver.

After observing the people in the car, Mo Qing stabilized her emotions and said, "Who are you? Why are you arresting me?"

The man in the sunglasses at the co-pilot's seat curled his lips and said, "Don't ask around, as long as you obediently obey us and follow us. You don't need to care about the rest."

Mo Qing flinched, showing that she was very scared, and didn't say anything else, she knew that even if she asked the other party, she wouldn't tell her.She might as well save some energy.

The driver of the car looked at Mo Qing from the rearview mirror, his eyes darkened and he didn't speak, but drove the car quickly towards the outside of Jinping City.

And Mo Qing also found out that these people were going to take her away from Jinping, and she didn't know where they would take her.

Lin Xiaoxuan didn't see Mo Qing come back after the second half of the class.

Gao Junhui looked at Mo Qing's book on the seat next to him and asked Lin Xiaoxuan in a low voice, "Lin Xiaoxuan, where is Mo Qing? Isn't she still in the last class? What are you doing in this class?"

Lin Xiaoxuan replied in a low voice: "Just now a boy came to tell Mo Qing that someone was looking for her at the school gate. Mo Qing told me that she went out to have a look and would come back to class soon. She probably will be back in a while."

But Mo Qing didn't come back after class was over at noon.Lin Xiaoxuan had no choice but to tidy up Mo Qing's books and help her take them back to the dormitory.

Gao Junhui also helped clean up, "It's already noon, why hasn't Mo Qing come back? Could it be something?"

Lin Xiaoxuan frowned, "Maybe the person looking for Mo Qing is in a hurry. But Mo Qing should also say hello to me."

Lin Xiaoxuan took her and Mo Qing's things and left the classroom.

Xu Tingyan didn't go to work today, but went to buy a lot of food, including pastries, bread, milk powder, instant noodles, etc., all of which were convenient and could fill Mo Qing's stomach when she was hungry.

He came to Jinping University after shopping, and was going to give it to Mo Qing after class at noon.As for whether Mo Qing would accept him, she didn't think about it.

This time Xu Tingyan drove directly into Jinping University. He had already found out which teaching building the biotechnology class was in, so he waited outside the teaching building.

After the get out of class bell rang at noon, the students were all out of class, and the students walked out of the teaching building to the cafeteria to have lunch.

Xu Tingyan looked for Mo Qing when he saw that so many students were out of class. He even grabbed a boy and asked, "Student, is the biotechnology class over?"

The boy who was stopped replied: "The one behind me is from the biotechnology class."

Xu Tingyan nodded, "Thank you."

Xu Tingyan saw many students coming out from behind and asked, "Classmates, are you from the biotechnology class?"

A boy replied: "Yes, uncle, what can you do?"

Xu Tingyan immediately asked, "Excuse me, is classmate Mo Qing over?"

The boy turned around and shouted: "Lin Xiaoxuan, someone here is looking for Mo Qing."

Seeing that it was a handsome and imposing uncle, Lin Xiaoxuan immediately stepped forward and asked, "Uncle, are you looking for Mo Qing?"

Xu Tingyan nodded, "Yes, Mo Qing hasn't come out yet?"

Lin Xiaoxuan said: "I don't know which department's boy came to tell Mo Qing that someone was looking for her at the school gate, so Mo Qing went to the school gate. But she didn't come back until the end of get out of class at noon. I don't know if it is Is there something urgent?"

Xu Tingyan frowned upon hearing this, "Didn't you come back to class after class?"

Lin Xiaoxuan nodded, "Her book is still with me."

Xu Tingyan felt that something was wrong, no matter what urgent matter there was, he shouldn't not come back to class.

He immediately took out his mobile phone and called Luo Zhongyi. He thought it was Luo Zhongyi who asked Mo Qing to help solve the case.

After Luo Zhongyi's call was connected, Xu Tingyan said in a rather forceful tone: "Hey, Luo Zhongyi, have you asked Mo Qing to help you solve the case again?"

It was strange for Luo Zhongyi to receive a call from Xu's second uncle. He was taken aback by Xu Tingyan's words, "No, I haven't been in Jinping these two days. I'm out of town. I didn't find Mo Qing."

Xu Tingyan immediately said, "That's all right, I'll ask someone else."

After Xu Tingyan finished speaking, he hung up the phone and called Jiang Jingyuan directly, "Hello, Jingyuan, is Mo Qing with you?"

Jiang Jingyuan replied on the phone: "No, I have been at the company this morning. Shouldn't Mo Qing be in class this morning?"

Xu Tingyan was very upset at this time, "I asked Mo Qing's classmates, and they said that someone was looking for Mo Qing at the school gate in the morning. After Mo Qing went to the school gate, she never came back to class. I have already called Luo Zhongyi No, he never looked for Mo Qing either. I don’t know where Mo Qing is now. Do you know anyone else Mo Qing knows in Jinping?”

(End of this chapter)

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