Jiang Jingyuan felt awkward in the quiet atmosphere in the car and took the initiative to find a topic to talk about, "Mo Qing, didn't you want to start a software development company before? Can I become a shareholder? I can invest and provide office space. My company happens to have spare room."

Mo Qing blinked her eyes when she heard the words, "You want to join? Of course you are welcome."

Xu Tingyan said: "Didn't you want to start a company with Yonghuai before? Yonghuai is a computer student, so it's just the right match."

Mo Qing pondered for a while and said: "I thought about it later, it's not suitable to start a company with Xu Yonghuai, so I didn't mention it later."

Xu Tingyan knew it might be because of him, he sighed and said, "Is it because of me?"

Mo Qing turned her head to look at Xu Tingyan when she heard the words, she didn't expect Xu Tingyan to point it out so directly.

But Mo Qing didn't intend to make it clear, "No, I just don't think it's appropriate."

Xu Tingyan said: "Yonghuai is pretty good, and he is more down-to-earth and stable."

Mo Qing nodded, "I know, just starting a company involves involvement in interests, I don't think it's appropriate."

After hearing what Mo Qing said, Xu Tingyan knew that she didn't want to have anything to do with the Xu family, and felt very bitter.

There was another moment of silence in the car, and Mo Qing leaned against the car door and pretended to be asleep, not wanting to talk anymore.She tossed all night last night and fell asleep before she knew it.

There was silence in the car, and Mo Qing's even breathing told the two men in the car that the little girl was really asleep.

They also knew that Mo Qing must be physically and mentally ready after going through a thrilling event in the past two days and needed to rest.

The two of them didn't speak any more, Jiang Jingyuan focused on driving ahead.

Leaning against the car window was not comfortable after all, Xu Tingyan moved towards Mo Qing, then gently turned Mo Qing's head to let her lean on his shoulder, at least it would be more comfortable, and it would not So bumpy.

Jiang Jingyuan also deliberately drove the car a little slower, trying to drive as steadily as possible.

Xu Tingyan felt very happy to be in such close contact with his daughter, but it is a pity that he did not participate in his daughter's childhood. It would be great if his daughter was by his side since childhood, and he would definitely give her the best.

Mo Qing was indeed tired, and there were people in the car whom she was very relieved of, so she slept soundly. When she woke up, she found herself leaning against Xu Tingyan's arms.No wonder I didn't feel bumpy at all when I fell asleep.

Embarrassed, Mo Qing hurriedly got up, leaned against the car window and looked out the car window.

It was already evening at this time, the sun was setting, and a round of red sun gradually dyed the western sky red, and the clouds in the western sky were as bright red as if they were on fire.

Mo Qing was looking at the beautiful sky. If she had a shooting device in hand at this time, she would definitely take pictures of this beautiful scenery.

Jiang Jingyuan glanced at Mo Qing from the rearview mirror and said, "Mo Qing, we will arrive in Jinping soon, let's have dinner together and then take you back to school. Don't worry at school, we will greet your school teachers Yes, they won't say anything."

Mo Qing said: "Thank you. But there is no need for dinner, just take me back to school, I will go to the cafeteria to eat."

Jiang Jingyuan took another look at Xu Tingyan from the rearview mirror, waiting for his decision.

Xu Tingyan smiled bitterly, "Then let's send Mo Qing back to school first."

After entering the urban area, Jiang Jingyuan drove Mo Qing back to school first.

Xu Tingyan got out of the car and told Mo Qing to go back after a few words.

Pan Haixiang happened to see Mo Qing getting out of a car at the school gate, and a middle-aged man also got out of the car to talk to Mo Qing.

Pan Haixiang was afraid that Mo Qing would see her rushing into the school gate, but she didn't see Jiang Jingyuan coming from the other side of the car.

Pan Haixiang was walking on the campus thinking about how Mo Qing talked to that middle-aged man, and then thinking that Mo Qing didn't go back to the dormitory last night, she had a guess in her mind.

Mo Qing is so beautiful, someone must pay attention to her.Besides, both Mo Qing and her came from the countryside. Why is Mo Qing so rich?She never looked at the price when she ate, she ate whatever she wanted.The clothes she wears are not cheap, where does her money come from?

The more Pan Haixiang thought about it, the faster her heart beat. She felt that she had discovered Mo Qing's ulterior secret.

Pan Haixiang went back to the dormitory and saw Zeng Jiajia was the only one in the dormitory with twinkling eyes and said: "Jiajia, I saw Mo Qing at the school gate just now. She just got off a high-end car, and there was a middle-aged man in that car. "

Zeng Jiajia's eyes lit up, "Really? Is Mo Qing with a middle-aged man?"

Pan Haixiang nodded, "I really see it."

Zeng Jiajia snorted, "I knew Mo Qing was not a good person. Where did she get so much money from a rural village? The money must have come from an innocent source. Hmph, hang my cousin in the school, outside the school There are other men hanging around. I won’t come at night, who knows what I’m going to do.”

Seeing that she had achieved her goal, Pan Haixiang left the dormitory to study in the study room.She believed that Zeng Jiajia would not let her down.

When Mo Qing returned to the dormitory, there was no one in the dormitory. She was about to take the rice bowl to eat and Lin Xiaoxuan came back.

Lin Xiaoxuan was very happy to see Mo Qing came back, "Mo Qing, you are back. What's the matter, where have you been? You didn't even say hello to me."

Mo Qing didn't want Lin Xiaoxuan to worry, so she made up an excuse, "A friend suddenly asked me for something, so I didn't have time to say hello to you, I'm sorry."

Lin Xiaoxuan said, "Could it be your police friend again?"

Mo Qing had no choice but to let Luo Zhongyi take the blame, nodded, "Well, it's him, he has something to ask for my help."

Lin Xiaoxuan complained: "That friend of yours is really, doesn't he know that you are a student and want to go to class?"

Mo Qing hugged Lin Xiaoxuan's shoulders, "Okay, Miss Lin, I'm hungry, can we have dinner?"

Lin Xiaoxuan said with a smile: "Okay, let's go to eat, we can't let Miss Mo get hungry."

The two went to the cafeteria to eat while talking and laughing, and then Mo Qing came back to catch up with homework.

Zeng Jiajia finally found her cousin, "Cousin, I have something to tell you."

Zhao Yi said impatiently, "Tell me what's going on, I still have something to do."

Zeng Jiajia said: "Cousin, you will have less contact with Mo Qing in the future. She left the school at noon yesterday, and was driven back by an old man this evening. She was still reluctant to part with that old man at the school gate. Last night If she didn't come back, she must have been with that old man. Do you still want to associate with such a person? "

As soon as Zhao Yi heard that Zeng Jiajia slandered Mo Qing in front of him again, his face immediately sank, "Shut up, only people who are dirty in their own hearts see that others are also dirty. What are you thinking all day long. From now on you If you slander Mo Qing again, don't blame me for being rude to you."

After Zhao Yi finished speaking, he turned and left.

Seeing that her cousin didn't believe her at all, Zeng Jiajia scolded herself for not saying anything.Zeng Jiajia stomped angrily and went back to the dormitory.

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