Mr. Jiang did not expect Mo Qing to have such a background, he was very surprised, "Oh, Mo Qing is actually Xu Tingyan's daughter? This is not to spoil that kid. Having such a daughter is worth other families Several of them. Didn't he know he had a daughter before?"

Jiang Jingyuan talked about Xu Tingyan's situation.

Mr. Jiang shook his head and said: "That old hag of the Xu family really committed a crime. For the sake of her own face and selfishness, she made her son lonely for half her life, and made her granddaughter drift away and unwilling to recognize her ancestors. Now that the matter has been revealed, I guess Xu Tingyan It's hard to forgive them."

Jiang Jingyuan said: "Second Uncle Xu hasn't been back to Xu's old house since he found out the truth of the matter. Now that Mo Qing doesn't want to recognize Uncle Xu, he must feel uncomfortable. But Mo Qing went to buy clothes for Uncle Xu today, which can be regarded as a kindness to Uncle Xu." Respond. I think Mo Qing will slowly accept Second Uncle Xu in the future. I am now the bridge between the two of them, so I should take care of Mo Qing more."

Mr. Jiang curled his lips and didn't pierce his younger son's thoughts. He had never seen his younger son care so much about a girl.He would never believe that the youngest son had no idea about that little girl Mo Qing.

But he didn't interfere with his son before, and now that he has Xu Tingyan's relationship, he is even more happy to see it succeed.

When Jiang Jingyuan was at work the next day, he called Xu Tingyan, "Second Uncle Xu, I'll go to your house after get off work today and bring you something."

Xu Tingyan asked curiously, "What? I don't need anything at home. You don't need to buy me anything, just come home for dinner after get off work. I happen to have something to talk to you about."

Jiang Jingyuan kept it mysterious and said: "You must be happy to see what I sent you. I want to tell you not to work overtime today and go home early. I will wait for you at your home."

Xu Tingyan laughed and scolded when he couldn't find anything to ask: "The brat is still keeping a secret with me, I really want to see what you want to give me."

In the evening, as soon as Xu Tingyan returned home, Jiang Jingyuan arrived.

Seeing Jiang Jingyuan entering the living room with several bags, Xu Tingyan asked, "What? It's mysterious."

As he said that, he went over to take a bag and opened it to see that it was clothes, "How can you buy me clothes, I don't lack these."

Jiang Jingyuan smiled and said, "I didn't buy this, someone gave it to you?"

Xu Tingyan frowned when he heard the words, "How can you collect other people's things for me? Isn't this giving others a handle. How could you make such a mistake."

A cunning flashed in Jiang Jingyuan's eyes, "Then you won't accept it?"

Xu Tingyan put the clothes back into the bag, "I don't want to accept them, you should return them quickly."

Jiang Jingyuan shook his head and sighed, "Mo Qing bought these clothes all morning. Since you don't want them, I'll return them to her."

Xu Tingyan was overjoyed when he heard that Mo Qing bought it, and snatched the bag from Jiang Jingyuan's hand, "Of course I want Mo Qing to buy it. You've turned bad, why didn't you tell me earlier and make fun of me, right?"

Jiang Jingyuan hurriedly said, "I'm planning to give you a surprise."

Xu Tingyan smiled happily and took out a bag of clothes. Seeing that it was a brown sweater, he quickly took off the sweater on his body and tried it on.Anyway, there was only Jiang Jingyuan in the living room and no one else.

Jiang Jingyuan said: "This is pure wool. I accompanied Mo Qing to choose it for you all morning."

Xu Tingyan grinned from ear to ear as he touched the very fitting sweater on his body. This was his daughter's heart, and it was her daughter's response to him. This dress is of great significance.This shows that the daughter began to accept him slowly.

Xu Tingyan tried all the clothes that Mo Qing bought, even tried on the tie, "My daughter has a good eye, every piece of clothing is very suitable for me, and it fits me well."

Jiang Jingyuan did not interrupt Xu Tingyan, who was immersed in joy.Ever since Second Uncle Xu came back from the countryside, it was rare to see him smile, and it is even better to smile from the heart like today.He thought this might be the happiest moment for Uncle Xu in the past 20 years.

Xu Tingyan turned his head and asked Jiang Jingyuan, "Did Mo Qing take the initiative to ask you to buy clothes for me?"

Jiang Jingyuan nodded, "Mo Qing is not a person without feelings, she knows that you are good to her. You bought her so many things and put so much thought into it, how could she be indifferent. Every piece of your clothes has Hundreds of dollars, this is not cheap. Mo Qing pays without blinking an eye, without any distress, which shows that she is really willing to part with you, and this kind of heart is more precious than these clothes."

Xu Tingyan was happy and moved, "My child, what are you spending so much money for? I'm happy if she just spends a few dollars to buy me a towel. I'll let the nanny cook your meal, so you can have dinner here."

Jiang Jingyuan had dinner at Xu Tingyan's place, and the two talked about some things before Jiang Jingyuan went back.The two families are not far from each other in the same area, and Jiang Jingyuan can drive home in a few minutes.

Mo Qing thought that it would be more convenient to buy a bicycle if she would go to the new house frequently in the future, so she approached Xu Yonghuai and told her about buying a bicycle.

She wants to buy an old bicycle. The new one is easy to lose. It is better to buy an old one for insurance. Even if it is lost, she will not feel bad.

Xu Yonghuai said: "You can ride mine first. I have other bicycles at home. I will ride another one from home. The old one is the best. It doesn't feel bad to throw it outside, and it is not easy to throw away. If you buy one The new ones will probably be thrown away in a few days. Even the old ones are often thrown away.”

The bicycles that students ride on the university campus are almost all old, some are even broken with only the main frame and two wheels left, and there are even many completely unusable bicycles in the shed.Every year the school clears out a batch of completely damaged unwanted bicycles.

Mo Qing was not polite to her cousin either, and rode a bicycle to the new house to clean up after class the next afternoon.

The sky-blue curtains had already been hung, and Mo Qing felt much more private when the curtains were closed.

Mo Qing put the iron pan on the gas stove, washed the dishes and chopsticks, and wiped all the cabinets in the kitchen.If you want to cook, you have to start adding various ingredients and seasonings.

Mo Qing is also planning to go to the mall to buy a rice cooker, it is very convenient to cook rice.

Mo Qing thought about it, she turned on the TV and wanted to watch TV, and learn more about the world through TV.

Suddenly Mo Qing thought of something in her dimensional space, and a robot about the same height as herself appeared in front of her.The familiar metallic luster and familiar appearance made Mo Qing feel very kind.

Turn on the switch of the robot and the robot greets Mo Qing, "Hi, master, Mickey is at your service."

Mo Qing laughed when she heard this familiar voice. This voice was set by herself, and now hearing this voice feels very cordial.

She said with a cheerful voice: "Hi, hello Mickey, I need your help, help me clean this house."

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