Chapter 139 Electric Shock
Seeing Mo Qing wearing a down jacket, Lin Xiaoxuan asked, "Mo Qing, you want to go out? It's already this time, and the lights will be turned off in more than an hour."

Mo Qing said: "I'm going to the canteen to buy some snacks, I'll be back in a while."

Mo Qing thought for a while, wrote Xu Tingyan's phone number on a note, then called Lin Xiaoxuan out of the dormitory, she handed the note to Lin Xiaoxuan and whispered: "Xiaoxuan, if I don't come back for more than half an hour, you will Go downstairs and make this call, and tell me I'm in danger."

When Lin Xiaoxuan heard this, her heart fluttered, "Mo Qing, my heart is pounding when you say this. Why don't you go."

Mo Qing said: "I made an appointment with classmate Zhao Yi to talk about something, but I forgot about it because I was not feeling well. If I don't come back on time, you can tell the person on the phone that I will go to Zhao Yi Resolute."

Lin Xiaoxuan could only nod her head, "Then you go and come back quickly."

Mo Qing's spiritual power has been paying attention to Zhao Yi, and Zhao Yi is returning to the dormitory from the teaching building of their department.It was so cold at this time that no one was walking around outside.There was no one else around Zhao Yi, so it was really dangerous.

After Mo Qing confessed, she quickly went downstairs. She hoped to meet Zhao Yi before something happened to him.

When Zhao Yi walked to a relatively dark section of the road, the two people behind him suddenly moved.Two people quickly stepped forward, one suppressed Zhao Yi, and the other covered Zhao Yi's mouth with a handkerchief.

Zhao Yi didn't react at all to the sudden attack, and was soon stunned.Then, Zhao Yi, who was unconscious, was alone on his shoulders to cover himself.

Mo Qing was running fast, when she saw a boy riding a bicycle stop him directly, "Student, I'm Mo Qing from the biotechnology class, I need to borrow a bicycle for something urgent, and I'll bring it back to you later."

Before the boy could react, Mo Qing dragged the boy off, got on the bicycle and sped off.

The boy shouted from behind, "My name is Li Huidong, a sophomore majoring in mechanical automation."

Mo Qing waved her hand to show that she remembered, and then quickly left.

Mo Qing quickly boarded the bicycle with both feet, and ran towards the two people who were carrying Zhao Yi.Mo Qing's mental strength has been staring at Zhao Yi's side, and she still has to guard against someone responding. She can barely deal with the two of them. If there are more people, she will not be sure to save Zhao Yi.

Mo Qing rode her bicycle as if she was about to fly. There is no one on the road now, otherwise there would be a car accident.

Suddenly, Mo Qing's mental strength noticed a van driving out from behind the cafeteria. This van was not heading towards the school gate, but passing in the direction of Zhao Yi.

Mo Qing's heart tightened, she always felt that this van was to pick up those two people.If Zhao Yi was taken into the van, she would not be able to rescue Zhao Yi immediately.

Mo Qing is glad that her physical condition has improved a lot now, otherwise she really wouldn't have the strength to get on the bike.

Mo Qing is very close to Zhao Yi now, she can arrive before the van.

Mo Qing quickly thought about how to deal with those two people, and suddenly she remembered something in the dimensional space.

Mo Qing came to a corner, and it was Zhao Yi and the others who turned the corner.An electric shock rod suddenly appeared in Mo Qing's hand. This electric shock rod was retractable. At this time, the electric shock rod had already stretched a little.

Mo Qing controlled the speed of the bicycle and turned the corner when he saw two people carrying Zhao Yi on their backs.

Before the two people could react, Mo Qing's bicycle passed by them, and she tapped each of them with an electric shock rod in one hand, and then the two trembled and fell down.

Mo Qing quickly got off the bicycle and ran back to catch Zhao Yi while the bicycle was still on the side.

Zhao Yi was more than 1.8 meters tall and not too heavy, so Mo Qing carried it directly on his back.The van was driving over and would arrive soon, Mo Qing didn't have time to delay, so he ran away with Zhao Yi on his back.

As long as she ran into the nearest teaching building and ran to a crowded place, she would be safe.

Mo Qing was running with Zhao Yi on her back while monitoring the van. Sure enough, the van stopped in front of the two people who had been stunned by her, and then two people got out of the car and lifted the two people who were unconscious on the ground. got in the car.Then the car drove towards her.

Mo Qing estimated the distance to the nearest teaching building she knew she didn't have time to run to, because the speed of the car was much faster than her, not to mention she was carrying a big man on her back.

Mo Qing swept with her mental strength, suddenly turned a corner and ran into a small garden, then put Zhao Yi behind the green wall, and she also lay on the ground.

Covered by the green belt, now it is night and cars pass by the road and they can't see them at all.

In the dormitory, Lin Xiaoxuan anxiously waited for Mo Qing to come back, but Mo Qing never came back.

Lin Xiaoxuan knew that Mo Qing was probably in trouble, otherwise she wouldn't have told her to call when she went out.

Lin Xiaoxuan didn't wait any longer but took the note from Mo Qing and ran downstairs to make a phone call.

At this time, Xu Tingyan was processing some documents in the study, when the phone next to him rang, he picked it up, "Hello, who is it?"

Lin Xiaoxuan said nervously: "Excuse me, is this Mr. Xu? I am Lin Xiaoxuan, Mo Qing's classmate. It was Mo Qing who asked me to make this call."

When Xu Tingyan heard that it was Mo Qing's request, he immediately asked, "What's the matter with Mo Qing?"

Lin Xiaoxuan said: "Mo Qing went out more than 20 minutes ago, and she said to find Zhao Yi. Before she left, she asked me to call you if she didn't come back in half an hour, saying that she was in danger."

Xu Tingyan immediately stood up when he heard the words, "Did Mo Qing say where to go?"

Lin Xiaoxuan said: "She said to find Zhao Yi, but she didn't say anything else. But Zhao Yi is also a student of our school, so he should be in the school."

Xu Tingyan said: "Student Lin Xiaoxuan, thank you for calling me, I will go to your school right away."

Xu Tingyan quickly hung up the phone and called Jiang Jingyuan, "Hello, Jingyuan, something happened to Mo Qing, come and pick me up."

Xu Tingyan didn't have time to wait for his driver to drive over. Jiang Jingyuan was closer to his house, so he called Jiang Jingyuan directly.

A few minutes later, Jiang Jingyuan arrived at Xu's house. Xu Tingyan was already waiting at the door, so he got into the car directly, "Let's go, go to Jinping University."

Jiang Jingyuan was also very worried, "What's going on, what happened to Mo Qing?"

Xu Tingyan repeated Lin Xiaoxuan's words.

Jiang Jingyuan frowned, "Since Mo Qing asked her classmate to call you, it means that Zhao Yi is in danger, and Mo Qing is very likely to be in danger now."

Both of them were very anxious, not knowing what danger Mo Qing would face.

On the other hand, Mo Qing was nervous and didn't dare to move. The place she was in was relatively remote, and it was such a cold night, so few people passed by.

Even if someone passed by Mo Qing, he would not dare to act rashly. Who knows if this person is a member of the bad guys.

(End of this chapter)

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