Chapter 141 Revealed
Zeng Jiajia was about to refute Lin Xiaoxuan's dormitory door when there was a knock on the door. Lin Xiaoxuan immediately opened the dormitory door and saw that it was the counselor, "Teacher Liu, why are you here?"

Liu Xuedong said: "Student Lin Xiaoxuan, I'm here to tell you that Mo Qing will not be coming back tonight due to something, so you don't have to worry about her."

Lin Xiaoxuan didn't expect the counselor to pass the message on behalf of Mo Qing. Mo Qing's face is really big enough, "Mr. Liu, I know, I'll trouble you to come."

Liu Xuedong said: "This is what it should be. Student Mo Qing did a good thing today and saved our school from a lot of trouble. It's nothing for me to run errands. Well, you guys should rest early."

After Liu Xuedong left, Lin Xiaoxuan said to Zeng Jiajia: "Zeng Jiajia, did you hear just now, Teacher Liu said that Mo Qing went to do good deeds, don't be so stinky in the future, and be careful to smudge others."

At this time, Zeng Jiajia was still immersed in the shock of the counselor delivering the message for Mo Qing.What is the relationship with Mo Qing, what is the origin, even the counselor runs errands for her?
Pan Haixiang was even more afraid of Mo Qing, thinking that she secretly used Mo Qing's things before, she felt guilty.

Everyone in the hospital was waiting for Zhao Yi's examination results.Mo Qing tugged at Jiang Jingyuan's sleeve.Jiang Jingyuan saw Mo Qing winking at him, and the two left everyone's sight and walked to a corner.

Seeing Jiang Jingyuan and his daughter leave, Xu Tingyan felt a little uncomfortable. He felt that his daughter was closer to Jiang Jingyuan than to himself.

Mo Qing looked at the people over there and whispered: "Brother Jiang, I don't want to publicize this matter today, can you tell the leaders of our school not to publicize this matter?"

Jiang Jingyuan glanced at Mo Qing and asked, "I haven't asked you yet, how did you save Zhao Yi?"

Mo Qing looked around and saw that no one had taken out the electric shock baton from the pocket of the down jacket, but she didn't show it to Jiang Jingyuan immediately, "Let me tell you first, you can't ask more about this, I can only show you. "

Mo Qing decided to reveal some things to Jiang Jingyuan, lest he guess randomly.

Jiang Jingyuan looked curiously at the black thing in Mo Qing's hand that looked like a pen and was slightly thicker than the pen, but Mo Qing said he couldn't ask more questions and he didn't ask.

Mo Qing held the electric shock baton and said, "Look, don't make a sound."

Mo Qing pressed the retractable button of the electric shock rod, and the small black rod gradually stretched out. Jiang Jingyuan saw the surprise in his eyes. He didn't make a sound, but watched quietly.

When the electric shock rod stretched to half a meter long, Mo Qing pressed the button to stop the extension of the electric shock rod, "See this, this is a retractable electric shock rod, and its maximum current can stun an elephant. I It was this thing that stunned the two kidnappers who saved Zhao Yi. I also stunned two people by surprise when they were not prepared."

Jiang Jingyuan knew that this thing was definitely not simple, and also saw that Mo Qing didn't want to spread it out, "Did those two people see your face and this thing clearly when you used this?"

Mo Qing shook her head, "Because of the cold weather, I put on a mask when I came out. The other party must not have seen my face clearly. As for this thing, I shot it suddenly, and the light was very dark at the time, so I probably didn't see it clearly."

Jiang Jingyuan nodded, "Try not to let outsiders see this thing in the future. I will tell them at your school, and I will not publicize this matter. I still don't know who kidnapped Zhao Yi and exposed you It's not good for you either, it's very likely to bring you danger.

Don't tell your classmates about this matter after you go back, just make up an excuse. "

Mo Qing nodded, "I understand."

Xu Tingyan kept looking at Mo Qing, wondering what his daughter and Jiang Jingyuan were muttering in the corner.He looked from a distance and felt that the two of them were very close, Xu Tingyan looked at it and wanted to drive Jiang Jingyuan away.

After discussing with Jiang Jingyuan, Mo Qing felt relieved, and left the rest to Jiang Jingyuan.

Jiang Jingyuan noticed that Mo Qing's face was a little blue, his lips were a little purple, and his expression was a little sleepy. He frowned and asked, "Mo Qing, you look very bad, are you feeling unwell?"

Before Mo Qing was in a hurry to save Zhao Yi, she left the dormitory in a hurry without a sanitary napkin, and even rode a bicycle quickly for strenuous exercise. After saving Zhao Yi, she ran for a while with someone on her back, lying on the ground in such a cold night. After suffering from the cold for a long time, her stomach hurts like hell.

But now everyone is waiting for Zhao Yi's test results and she is too embarrassed to leave, so she can only hold on
Now Jiang Jingyuan asked Mo Qing if his stomach hurt even more, Mo Qing gritted his teeth and said, "I'm really not feeling right now."

Jiang Jingyuan was very nervous when he heard that, "What's wrong with you, why don't you ask the doctor to check you too?"

Mo Qing quickly waved her hand, "No, I'll just rest and rest."

Just after finishing speaking, Mo Qing's stomach suddenly hurt so badly, Mo Qing couldn't help touching her stomach and hissing.At this moment, she felt her stomach was cold, as if there was a piece of ice in her stomach.

Mo Qing knew that she had caught a cold this time, it was really unlucky.

Seeing Mo Qing like this, Jiang Jingyuan hurriedly supported her and said, "How are you? Are you feeling bad? No, I have to ask the doctor to check you up."

As Jiang Jingyuan was about to call the doctor, Mo Qing quickly stopped him, "Don't call the doctor, I'm in my menstrual period, and I caught a cold again today, so my stomach hurts."

Jiang Jingyuan didn't understand at first, but then suddenly realized what Mo Qing said, he was also a little embarrassed, and his face turned red.

But he was even more worried about Mo Qing's health, "Then can you persist now? Let me send you back to rest first?"

Mo Qing said: "Wait a little longer, the Luo family and the leaders of our school are here, it would be bad if we left early."

Jiang Jingyuan nodded, "Then wait a little longer. Go sit down on the seat over there and rest for a while."

The two returned to Xu Tingyan's side, and Jiang Jingyuan and Xu Tingyan left the hospital as soon as they spoke.

He drove quickly around the neighborhood to see if there were any shops that were still open.There are actually small department stores open near the hospital, because there are more people shopping near the hospital, and most of them are from the hospital, so they have not closed at this point.

Jiang Jingyuan got out of the car and bought sanitary napkins for Mo Qing.

Although Mo Qing didn't say that she needed this, she would definitely need it to go to Xu Tingyan's place if she wasn't going back to school.He also specifically told the shopkeeper to pack it in a black bag.

Jiang Jingyuan quickly returned to the hospital, and took the thermos from his car to ask someone for a cup of hot water.

When he returned to Mo Qing's side, everyone was still waiting for Zhao Yi's examination results.

Jiang Jingyuan opened the lid of the vacuum flask and handed it to Mo Qing, "Mo Qing, drink some hot water to warm up."

Mo Qing really wants to drink some hot water now, at least to make herself more comfortable.Mo Qing was not too polite, took a few sips of hot water carefully after taking the thermos.

(End of this chapter)

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