The interstellar boss dressed as a poor ninety

Chapter 158 Living in a new home

After the exam, Mo Qing started to make things in the new home.To live in, you must prepare daily necessities and some food.

Of course Xu Yonghuai wanted to act together with his cousin.The two bought a lot of ingredients from the farmer's market, such as rice, white flour, various grains, oil, salt, sauce, vinegar, tea, etc.

The two of them filled Mo Qing's new house little by little like ants moving house.By the time Xu Tingyan and Jiang Jingyuan found out, Mo Qing had already prepared everything.

Mo Qing didn't want to wash clothes by hand, so she went to the mall to buy a washing machine, which she had ordered for a long time before buying.Now I have bought a TV, a refrigerator, a washing machine, and a rice cooker at home. With these appliances, I am almost done.I'm going to buy an air conditioner when the weather gets hot.If you can't buy it, she will secretly use the small air conditioner in the dimensional space.

Xu Tingyan is still looking forward to her daughter's winter vacation at home.Jiang Jingyuan hoped that Mo Qing would live at his house during the winter vacation.But the expectations of both of them were in vain, Mo Qing didn't go to anyone's house, and stayed in his own house.

Living in your own place is so casual, you can go to sleep when you want, and wake up when you want, it is very comfortable.

The newly renovated house did have a strong smell, so Mo Qing directly found air purifiers from the dimension space, and put them in an inconspicuous corner.This air purifier has a strong adsorption capacity, can absorb toxic gases and decompose them.

Mo Qing also has an air purifier, but it is too conspicuous in the room, and it is inconvenient for others to see it as soon as they enter her house.

Mo Qing also put air purifiers in the cabinets and other furniture, and after a day there was no smell in the room.

Xu Tingyan was really worried that his daughter would live in the newly renovated house, so he came here to take a look. When he entered the room, he really didn't smell anything, only a faint fragrance.This reassures him a lot.

He could tell that his daughter would not live at home, so he bought a lot of food.I bought some pork, mutton, and beef. I bought a lot of eggs, cooking oil, various candies, and pastries from Mo Qing's house.

Not to be outdone, Jiang Jingyuan sent Mo Qing several quilts made by Sister Tuolan, as well as two sets of pillows, sheets, quilt covers, and pillowcases.The rest Jiang Jingyuan bought back when he saw what was missing.

Fortunately, Mo Qing was almost ready. After the school holiday, Mo Qing moved into her new home.

The soft bedding exudes the smell of sunshine, and Mo Qing feels very novel to live in a new home for the first time while lying on the soft bed.

Although the house is small, it is her private space, a place that belongs to her alone. She feels relaxed and comfortable staying here, and has a sense of belonging to the world for the first time.

It was the first time Mo Qing lived alone. Xu Tingyan and Jiang Jingyuan were worried about her. They called Mo Qing at night and told Mo Qing to close the doors and windows and not to open the door to strangers.Call them as soon as possible.

Mo Qing agreed one by one, and promised to turn on the phone 24 hours a day, and call them immediately if there is any situation.

Mo Qing slept very well on the first night in her new home, and slept until dawn.On the contrary, Xu Tingyan was worried that her daughter didn't sleep well all night, and she would have dark circles under her eyes in the morning.

In the morning, Mo Qing woke up naturally after sleeping, and lay down in the warm blanket for a while before getting up.One advantage of this building is collective heating, the room is very warm, and Mo Qing doesn't feel cold even in single clothes.

When Mo Qing got up to wash up, she released Mickey, the housekeeping robot, to make her breakfast first, and then clean up.

With Mickey's help, Mo Qing only needs to take care of herself.

After Mo Qing finished washing and taking care of skin care, Mickey had already put the prepared breakfast on the dining table, "Master, please eat."

Mo Qing looked at the fried poached eggs, fried steak, fried steamed buns, and a bowl of steaming milk on the table.

Looking at the breakfast, Mo Qing felt hungry, "Oh, Mickey, it's great to have you, I can finally eat your cooking again. I want to eat your big meal in the future."

Mickey replied in a pleasant voice: "It's an honor to serve the master."

At this moment there was a knock on the door, Mo Qing was startled and immediately took Mickey into the dimension space, and then opened the door after calming down.

She asked at the door, "Who is it?"

Mo Qing heard Jiang Jingyuan's voice, "Mo Qing, it's me, Jiang Jingyuan."

When Mo Qing heard that it was Jiang Jingyuan who opened the door immediately, she wondered if Jiang Jingyuan heard Mickey's voice outside the door just now.

Jiang Jingyuan stood at the door and picked up the things in his hand, "I bought you fried dough sticks, sugar skins, and meat buns."

Mo Qing said: "I'm about to eat breakfast. Brother Jiang, have you eaten? If you haven't eaten, you can eat with me."

Jiang Jingyuan smiled and said, "I bought my own portion, and I will eat with you."

Jiang Jingyuan entered the room, and when Mo Qing went into the kitchen to get the dishes, he observed the room indiscriminately. The doors of the two bedrooms and the kitchen of Mo Qing's house were open, and the situation inside was clear at a glance. Although the door was ajar, Jiang Jingyuan was sure that there was no one inside.

So whose voice was the man's voice he heard at the door just now?He clearly heard Mo Qing talking to the other party.

But Jiang Jingyuan didn't ask Mo Qing directly, he was afraid of making things difficult for Mo Qing, and he didn't want to hear news that he didn't want to hear.Could it be that Mo Qing was on the phone just now?But the phone shouldn't sound like that?

Mo Qing took out the dishes from the kitchen and made a glass of milk for Jiang Jingyuan.

The two sat at the dining table, and Jiang Jingyuan took out fried dough sticks and steamed buns, "How did you sleep last night? Are you not afraid?"

At this moment, Mo Qing's cell phone rang, and when Mo Qing answered the phone, it was Xu Tingyan who called, "Mo Qing, are you okay tonight?"

Mo Qing said: "I'm fine, you don't have to worry, my anti-theft door is very strong, no one else can get in unless I open the door."

Xu Tingyan said: "Then you should also pay attention when you go out during the day, and pay attention to whether there is anyone following you."

Mo Qing could also understand Xu Tingyan's mood, and said obediently: "Okay, I will pay attention. Brother Jiang is here with me, and he bought me breakfast."

When Xu Tingyan patted himself on the head, why didn't he expect to buy breakfast to have breakfast with his daughter?He just thought that he couldn't disturb his daughter's rest, and it was a good time for Jiang Jingyuan to seize the opportunity.

This kid Jiang Jingyuan really knew how to do it, and even went to Mo Qing's for breakfast.

He was very worried that Mo Qing would be abducted by that boy Jiang Jingyuan before he knew him.

Xu Tingyan said: "Then you can have breakfast. If you want to go out, let Yong Huai accompany you. It is best not to go out by yourself. Last time only two people who kidnapped Zhao Yi were caught, and the others are still at large. You should also go out." Watch out."

Mo Qing replied: "I will pay attention. I don't have anything to go out, it's too cold outside."

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