The interstellar boss dressed as a poor ninety

Chapter 168 Star Field Energy in Emerald

Jiang Jingyuan didn't expect that Mo Qing would not want to get married, and said with a smile: "If there is no relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, then you don't need to deal with the relationship between sisters-in-law?"

Mo Qing thought for a while and said: "I think it is easy to get married, but it is difficult to manage a good marriage. When two people who love each other fade away and only the trivial things in life are left, there will be many contradictions in life. If two people It is even worse if the personalities are inconsistent or the three views are not unified. It is estimated that it will end in divorce.

And if the unfortunate man changes his mind, it will be a lot of troubles, and the woman will be sad, sad, and even become a shrew or a bitter woman.This world is harsher to women than men, and it is harder for divorced women to survive than men.If a person is not married these things are gone.I still yearn for a more comfortable single life. "

Jiang Jingyuan didn't expect Mo Qing to be so resistant to marriage, which is not good news for him.

Jiang Jingyuan said: "Then how can you have offspring if you don't get married? Who will take care of you when you get old? Won't you feel lonely by then?"

Mo Qing smiled and said: "Lonely? To be honest, I have long been used to loneliness, and I also enjoy loneliness. I never feel that loneliness is a kind of suffering. As for the offspring you mentioned, if you want your children to adopt a That's it, it's not a problem.

If you can't adopt it, just give birth to one yourself.Can't have kids without getting married?This kind of thing depends on how one looks at it, and it doesn't matter if you look at it.The main thing is to have fun with yourself.

There is a high probability that I will not consider marriage, because I am not a very stable person, I don't want to be trapped in marriage, and I don't want others and myself to be hurt. "

Jiang Jingyuan did not expect that Mo Qing would have so many outlandish ideas, which were completely different from what the public thinks now.

Mo Qing felt that what she said was relatively conservative, she was afraid of frightening Jiang Jingyuan and did not dare to speak too far ahead.

In their interstellar era, not to mention that there are many single mothers, even artificial breeding, isn't there a lot of children conceived by using artificial wombs?

Just like she has no parents at all, she is just the product of the combination of the best genes of human beings, striving for perfection in all aspects.To put it bluntly, she is an experimental subject, but her experimental subject is very successful.

In the future, maybe if she finds enough energy in the star field and upgrades her spiritual power to open a higher level of dimensional space, then her life span will be much longer.If the marriage partner dies earlier than her, she is doomed to endure life and death.It would be better not to get married.

And she might find her way back.If she leaves, what about her other half?At that time, she still has to experience parting.

Still a person is chic and free, free to come and go, without any worries.

The more Jiang Jingyuan listened to Mo Qing's thoughts, the more his heart sank. If Mo Qing insisted on not getting married in the future, what would he do?Don't you want to be single forever?

Mo Qing has already lived in his heart, it is impossible for him to like others, he has to change Mo Qing's mind.It seems that his future road to chasing his wife will be very bumpy.

In order not to let Mo Qing alienate him, he had to hide his thoughts well, otherwise Mo Qing would probably avoid him.

Jiang Jingyuan felt that Mo Qing's thoughts might have something to do with her experiences over the years. Her mother gave birth to her before she was married, and then she was abandoned by her mother, which made her never get the love of her parents since she was a child, and she grew up in hardships. Very insecure.

Even though Uncle Xu was deceived, it is a fact that he did not fulfill his father's responsibility.No matter what reasons Mo Qing's mother had for leaving Mo Qing, she also failed to fulfill her mother's responsibility.

It is not easy for Mo Qing to get along with Uncle Xu now.She has been very forgiving.

It seems that there is a long way to go to get Mo Qing to change his mind, at least to make Mo Qing feel safe.

Jiang Jingyuan didn't continue this topic, and the two continued shopping.

Suddenly, Mi Gao, the assistant system who had been silent for a long time, had a reaction in Mo Qing's mind, "Master, I feel the energy of the star field. There is star field energy nearby."

Mo Qing's eyes lit up when he heard Mi Gao's feedback.She was wondering where to find the energy of the star field, but she didn't expect it to appear now.

Under the guidance of Mi Gao, Mo Qing came to a store and found that it sold jewelry.

At this time, Mo Qing also felt the existence of the energy of the star field.The higher her spiritual power level, the more sensitive she is to the energy of the star field.Now her mental strength is only level two, and the distance is too far to perceive the energy of the star field. In this regard, Mi Gao is much stronger than her.

Mo Qing followed the feeling and came to a counter.A salesperson greeted immediately: "Hello, little girl, do you want to buy a bracelet? The jade bracelets here are all old pits, and they are guaranteed to be genuine."

Mo Qing looked at the jade bracelets placed in the glass counter, only one of the bracelets contained star field energy.

Mo Qing looked at that pair of bracelets, which were crystal clear and emerald green, which made people fall in love with them.It turned out that this is emerald.

In the interstellar era, Mo Qing also saw all kinds of gems, including gems like emeralds.It turns out that this world also has this kind of gem called emerald.

Mo Qing looked at the price tag of this pair of bracelets and it turned out to be more than 2 yuan. This price can be said to be very expensive in this era when there are very few ten thousand yuan households.

There is not a lot of star energy in this bracelet, and she can't afford it.

Mo Qing looked at it and stood up, "I'll just take a look."

When Jiang Jingyuan saw Mo Qing entered the jewelry store, he went straight to this bracelet, thinking that she liked it very much, "If you like it, buy it. I can advance your dividend in advance."

Jiang Jingyuan wanted to say that he bought it as a gift for Mo Qing, but he knew that Mo Qing would not want it.

Mo Qing shook her head, "I don't like it very much. Besides, it's too expensive and not worth it."

Mo Qing turned her head and asked, "Brother Jiang, do you know where these emeralds come from?"

Jiang Jingyuan said: "This jadeite is also a kind of jade, which was highly praised in ancient times. It is produced in ore, so generally jadeite is wrapped in stone. Many people will buy rough stones. But because they can't see what's inside , some people will become rich overnight, and some will become poor overnight.

Most of the rough jadeite comes from our neighboring country to the south. Jinping also sells rough jadeite. If you want to see it, I can take you there. "

Mo Qing was very interested in this, "Then take me to see it when you have time. I will also go to see it."

Although Mo Qing wanted the star field energy in that pair of bracelets, but the price was too expensive, she couldn't afford it, so she reluctantly left.Only then did she have the idea of ​​desperately wanting to make money.If she has enough money in her hand, buying this bracelet is not a trivial matter.

But today's discovery also gave her a direction in finding the energy of the star field.

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