Chapter 183 Encounter
Mo Qing collected some big snails to see that it was already afternoon, and it was time for her to go back, so she asked the mother whale to take her back to the shore.

Mo Qing was escorted by the whale mother and soon returned to the shallow sea area. After saying goodbye to the whale mother and her child, she swam to the shore.When she was about to reach the shore, she used her mental power to check whether there was anyone on the shore.

This inspection didn't matter, there were actually two people by the seaside, they were Xu Tingyan and Jiang Jingyuan, I don't know how these two people found here.

Fortunately, she didn't venture out of the sea rashly, otherwise she would have been discovered.

Of course, Mo Qing couldn't get out of the water here, she quickly swam to the side along the coastline in the water.She had to stay away from the two before going ashore.

Mo Qing swam on the bottom of the sea for about a kilometer before finding a place with a reef, and then quickly went ashore under the cover of the reef to change her clothes.Mo Qing breathed a sigh of relief when she stood on the beach wearing the clothes she wore when she came out yesterday.Fortunately, she was not found coming out of the sea, otherwise she would have been exposed.

She took out her mobile phone and checked that there was no signal at all.It is estimated that Xu Tingyan and Xu Tingyan couldn't get through with her mobile phone, and she couldn't get through. She was in a hurry and found this place.It probably took a lot of effort to find it here.

Mo Qing filled two large glasses with the blue blood of the horseshoe crab and put them in the backpack. After checking that there was nothing unusual about the whole body, he walked towards Jiang Jingyuan and the others.

Xu Tingyan and Jiang Jingyuan searched around for a long time but found nothing.Xu Tingyan looked at the footprints extending into the sea and was very scared, "Jingyuan, do you think Mo Qing will jump into the sea?"

Jiang Jingyuan looked helplessly at Xu Tingyan who had lost his mind and said, "Second Uncle Xu, Mo Qing has nothing to worry about. Why did she jump into the sea? Don't scare yourself. At most, Mo Qing has never seen the sea before coming here." Just for fun, it is absolutely impossible to jump into the sea to seek death. It is even more impossible to run such a long distance to seek death."

Xu Tingyan frowned and said in puzzlement, "Even if she wanted to see the sea, she wouldn't come here so far? Are we looking in the wrong direction?"

When the two of them were at a loss what to do, Jiang Jingyuan suddenly saw a figure approaching from a distance, his eyes lit up, and he fixed himself on the spot to watch carefully. The person approaching in the distance was Mo Qing.

He pointed to Mo Qing in the distance and shouted happily: "Second Uncle Xu, look, isn't that Mo Qing?"

Xu Tingyan saw that it was really his daughter who ran towards Mo Qing quickly, followed by Jiang Jingyuan.

Seeing that the two people found her and ran towards her, Mo Qing quickly went up to meet her. When she got close, Mo Qing asked, "Why are you here?"

Xu Tingyan said: "We didn't know you were out. Jingyuan and I couldn't get in touch with you, so we went to your house to look for you, but you were not at home. You haven't come home yet, so we came out to look for you in case something happened to you." .”

Jiang Jingyuan looked at Mo Qing up and down, "We couldn't contact you, and we couldn't find you, so we were so worried. We only found out that you came to Bincheng after asking the driver at the long-distance bus station, so we went all the way to find you."

Mo Qing was very embarrassed, "I'm really sorry, I should have told you. I just wanted to take a walk and look at the sea in the few days before school started, so I came to Bencheng, the coastal city closest to Jinping."

Jiang Jingyuan knew that Mo Qing was just an excuse, she came here to take risks for him.He took the initiative to take Mo Qing's backpack, only then did he feel that the backpack was very heavy.

Mo Qing said: "The things inside are very important, you should hold them well and don't drop them."

As he spoke, he winked at Jiang Jingyuan.Jiang Jingyuan immediately understood what was inside.This is indeed a very important thing, which Mo Qing managed to obtain, and it is also related to his future.He was ready to be by his side all the time.

He also didn't know how Mo Qing got this thing, he was afraid of embarrassing Mo Qing if he asked, so he didn't say anything.

Xu Tingyan said: "We drove here. It will be dark soon, let's go back quickly."

The three of them walked towards the car.After getting into the car, Mo Qing took the backpack and Jiang Jingyuan wanted to drive.

After getting in the car, Xu Tingyan called to make a reservation for a place to eat, so that his daughter could have a good dinner when he got back to Jinping.

It's fast if you have a car, and they arrived in Jinping after eight o'clock in the evening.Jiang Jingyuan drove directly to the hotel.

The three of them ordered a lot of dishes, Xu Tingyan and Jiang Jingyuan kept adding more dishes to Mo Qing, asking her to eat more.

Mo Qing looked at her bowl full of vegetables and said helplessly: "You can eat by yourself, I have hands and I can do it myself. Besides, although my appetite is a little bigger, it's not that I can't eat it no matter how much I eat. "

Hearing what Mo Qing said, the two of them smiled before they stopped picking up food and started eating by themselves.

It was already ten o'clock after dinner, and Mo Qing asked to go back to Yuejiayuan's home, Xu Tingyan had no choice but to send her daughter back to Yuejiayuan.

Before leaving, Jiang Jingyuan put the cakes he bought on the way on the dining table of Mo Qing's house and said to Mo Qing, "You should have a good rest tonight and sleep more tomorrow morning. I will bring you lunch at noon tomorrow. I don't want to cook in the morning Just have a snack and drink a glass of milk."

Mo Qing nodded, "I know."

Xu Tingyan also asked for a long time before leaving with Jiang Jingyuan.

At night, Mo Qing started to extract the blood of the horseshoe crab regardless of his fatigue.Fortunately, the weather is very cold, and the active ingredients in the horseshoe crab blood have not been destroyed.

As for the one in her dimensional space, she has to extract it as soon as possible, so that all the medicines Jiang Jingyuan needs are complete.

At night, Mo Qing was really tired, so she asked Mickey and Mi Xiu to help, and she slept for a while.

All the ingredients were extracted after five o'clock in the morning.This is also why Mo Qing's equipment is advanced and there are two robots helping him so fast.

After that, Mo Qing cleaned up everything, took a shower, and went to bed.This sleep went straight to noon.

She was still asleep when Jiang Jingyuan came to bring her food.She woke up only after Jiang Jingyuan knocked on the door.

Mo Qing opened the door for Jiang Jingyuan wearing home clothes with sleepy eyes, "You're here."

Jiang Jingyuan looked at Mo Qing who didn't seem to wake up and asked, "Did I wake you up?"

Mo Qing shook her head, "No, I'm already awake, it's just a lazy bed. Sit down, and I'll go wash up."

After Mo Qing washed up, she came out of the bathroom and Jiang Jingyuan had already prepared all the meals.

Jiang Jingyuan went to the kitchen to get the bowls and chopsticks by himself, "Come and eat, today Mrs. Liu made stewed chicken with mushrooms, shredded pork with fish flavor, tremella and lotus seed soup, and two vegetarian dishes, all of which you like."

Mo Qing slept in for breakfast, and was already hungry now, so she sat down and took the rice from Jiang Jingyuan and started eating.

Jiang Jingyuan ate with Mo Qing every time, and his appetite became much better after seeing Mo Qing's delicious food.

(End of this chapter)

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