The interstellar boss dressed as a poor ninety

Chapter 187 Mother and Daughter Meet

Jiang Chenghao was a little puzzled when he saw that the school had asked Mo Qing to participate in the reception.Mo Qing is only a first-year student. Generally, sophomores and juniors are involved in this kind of work.I don't know why the school let Mo Qing participate.

On weekends, the school didn't hang up banners to welcome visitors, saying that they asked to keep a low profile, and everyone knew that they didn't want to do it.

The school also tries its best to meet the requirements of others, so many people don't know that there will be Hong Kong businessmen visiting the school today, so everyone can do whatever they want.

The school leaders did not greet him at the school gate, but waited at the gate of the administrative building.When a high-end car drove into the school and stopped in front of everyone at the entrance of the administrative building, several school leaders greeted it.

The first person to get out of the car was a young man in a black suit, who looked like an assistant or bodyguard.He quickly came to the back door of the car and opened it, and then stepped out with a foot in black delicate high-heeled shoes.Then a woman in a suit got out of the car.

When the woman got out of the car, everyone felt their eyes light up, and people's eyes flashed with amazement, because this lady is so beautiful.

Not only is she beautiful, elegant and very charming, but she also has the aura of a superior person, like the queen of some country.

The woman looked like she was in her thirties and looked very young.

The moment Mo Qing saw the woman's face, her heart trembled. She had a feeling of deja vu to this lady.

Suddenly she thought that the lady's surname was Tong.You must know that the surname Tong is not common.She stood behind the crowd and carefully looked at the woman in front. She found that the two of them had many similarities, and she didn't know if it was what she thought.

At this moment, the gazes of Mo Qing and the woman met. Mo Qing clearly saw the woman's pupils shrinking, her eyes were full of excitement.At this point, Mo Qing probably knew the truth.

A young professor from the School of Chemical Engineering who had studied in country Y met Ms. Tong. The two reunited after a long absence, and then the young professor gave an introduction to everyone.

Then under the guidance of the school leaders, advanced to the reception room of the administrative building for a short rest and then visited the school.

The school leader waved to Mo Qing, "Mo Qing, come here, you are more careful, so just take care of Ms. Tong."

Tong Hanyin's heart was about to jump out of excitement when she saw Mo Qing approaching.This is the daughter she hasn't seen for almost 20 years.My daughter is so beautiful, she looks a lot like herself in some places.

Mo Qing stepped forward, "Ms Tong, hello, my name is Mo Qing, you can tell me if you need anything."

As soon as Tong Hanyin grabbed Mo Qing's hand, there seemed to be tears in her eyes, but because there were too many people present, she could only bear with it, "Hello, Mo Qing, then I will trouble you next."

After a short rest, the school leader accompanied Tong Hanyin to visit the school. Tong Hanyin pulled Mo Qing by his side the whole time, holding her hand all the time.The leaders of the schools that got them all looked sideways.

Although Mo Qing felt a little uncomfortable, she didn't break free from Tong Hanyin's hand, so she treated Tong Hanyin as a visitor to the school.

In the morning, she visited some facilities of the school and learned about the school history and current teaching conditions of Jinping University. Tong Hanyin generously donated directly to Jinping University, hoping to use these donations to help those students from poor families.

The reason why Tong Hanyin donated to Jinping University is also for her daughter.

When she returned to China last month, she first went to her hometown, Gufeng Village. She cried when she saw that the old house had collapsed and the home she remembered no longer existed.She didn't know if the mother and daughter were still there.

Tong Hanyin found the Guo family not far away, and learned about the situation of the mother and daughter these years from Guo Dalu and his wife.She felt sorry for her mother and daughter, she should have come back earlier, maybe her mother would not have passed away so early.

Tong Hanyin felt very proud when she learned that her daughter was the top student in the national college entrance examination last year and was admitted to the best university in the country.After learning that her daughter was studying at Jinping University, Tong Hanyin began to contact the school leaders of Jinping University, wanting to donate to the school, and wanted to visit the school.She wanted to see the school her daughter went to, and wanted to meet her daughter.

Now she got her wish and met her beautiful and excellent daughter.The moment she met her daughter's eyes, she had a feeling that her daughter might already know her identity.

Her daughter's attitude towards her was neither humble nor overbearing, modest and polite but alienated.The daughter was very calm, without any excitement or other emotions when the child saw his mother.She didn't know what her daughter was thinking, would she resent her, the mother who abandoned her since she was a child?

Tong Hanyin did not leave after completing the trip to Jinping University, but stayed directly at the Jinping Hotel.

Although Mo Qing knew Tong Hanyin's identity, she didn't take the initiative to contact her. She had no intention of identifying her mother.

If the original owner is still there, he may look forward to the love of his parents very much, but the original owner is no longer there.Although she inherited the original owner's memory and feelings, the original owner's memory has no memory of her mother at all, so what about feelings?

When get out of class was over on Tuesday afternoon, Mo Qing was stopped by Tong Hanyin's assistant, "Ms. Mo, hello, I am Ms. Tong Hanyin's assistant. Ms. Tong wants to meet with you, do you have time?"

The other party was very polite. Mo Qing thought about some problems and would have to face them sooner or later. Avoiding them would not be a long-term solution. "Okay, I'll go with you to see Ms. Tong."

Mo Qing got into the assistant's car and went directly to Jinping Hotel.

When the assistant knocked on the door of a guest room, the door opened immediately, and Tong Hanyin looked at Mo Qing excitedly, stepped forward and took Mo Qing's hand, "Mo Qing, you are here, come in quickly .”

As he spoke, he dragged Mo Qing into the room, and the assistant closed the door thoughtfully, leaving room for the mother and daughter in the room.

Tong Hanyin pulled Mo Qing to sit on the sofa, "Mo Qing, do you know who I am?"

Mo Qing nodded, "Your name hasn't changed, I guessed it."

Tears filled Tong Hanyin's eyes when she heard the words, and the tears flowed down her cheeks, "Mo Qing, I'm sorry, I didn't fulfill my responsibility as a mother, and I don't have the face to force you to recognize me. I just want to see how you are doing. I want to make up for my mistakes."

Looking at the beautiful woman in front of her with tears streaming down her face, Mo Qing felt sore in her heart.She learned a lot about Tong Hanyin from Xu Tingyan, and knew that Tong Hanyin had no choice at all in that situation.Only when she leaves will there be a chance for their mother and daughter.

Because of the interference of the bad guys, the family of three was separated, and Xiao Moqing also passed away.If Xu Tingyan and Tong Hanyin knew that their daughter was no longer alive, they probably wouldn't be able to accept it.

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