Chapter 257 Wedding
The Xu Yonghuai now is different from when he first entered the junior year. After six months of training, he has grown a lot. Not only has his professional knowledge improved, but his ability to deal with problems in society has also been well trained. Can easily deal with the problems encountered in operating Internet cafes.

This is something that cannot be learned in college.

Moreover, he has also earned money that ordinary people cannot earn in their lifetime. His current social status is not comparable to that of ordinary people.

Xu Tingshan knew that his youngest son had become a small rich man now, and he also supported his son and Mo Qing to start a business together.

His eldest son has graduated from a military academy and served in the army for several years and is now an officer. In the future, his younger son will also be able to do business.He will not force the children to do what they want, and do things according to their own preferences, as long as they follow the right path.

What Xu Tingshan was worried about now was the marriage of his two sons.The eldest son is almost thirty and still has no one.My youngest son is about to graduate from college and has no one to date, which is really worrying.

Xu Tingshan's wife, Chen Yue, is of course more worried about her eldest son's marriage. After all, her eldest son is 28 years old. She has found a few blind dates for her son, and called her son many times to go home for a blind date.

After the freshmen of Jinping University entered school, the school began to organize military training for freshmen.There are many beauties and handsome men among the freshmen this year.It is said that there are two boys who are very handsome and attract many girls.

As a sophomore, Mo Qing didn't pay attention to these things. She was either in class or studying in the library every day at school, and even made drawing software when she got home.

She promised Liu Qixun that Mr. Liu would not break his promise if he made a drawing software.The drawing software she made should be simple and easy to understand, and fully consider the middle-aged and elderly people who have not had access to computers.The text in the software must use the native language.

The wedding of Xu Tingyan and Tong Hanyin is scheduled for October, and it will be here soon.Chen Yue asked her eldest son to come back on the grounds that she wanted her son to come back to attend the wedding.She is going to take the opportunity to arrange a few blind dates for her eldest son.

Xu Tingyan arranged a new house in his house, and after the wedding, he planned to live in his place for a month before returning to live with his daughter.The couple can also live a two-person world.

Although Xu Tingyan and Tong Hanyin received a marriage certificate, the two did not directly move in together, but planned to move in together after the wedding.

Mo Qing respects her parents' decision, and she supports them no matter what.

Xu Tingyan rearranged the house very carefully, and Mo Qing and Jiang Jingyuan also helped.Of course Xu Yonghuai couldn't escape either.

Mo Qing also learned from Xu Yonghuai that the hall brother whom she had never met was coming back.

Xu Tingyan and Tong Hanyin didn't plan to hold a big wedding, they decided to set up a few tables at home and invite their family members and good friends to have a meal together.

On the day before her parents' wedding, Mo Qing met Xu Yongming, who had been heard about for a long time.

When Mo Qing returned home from school and entered the door, she saw that her parents were at home, her uncle and his wife were also there, and there was a young man whom she didn't know.

After being introduced, she found out that it was Xu Yongming, the eldest brother.Mo Qing saw that this cousin was tall and straight, with a handsome face and a masculine temperament. Although he was not wearing a military uniform, he was upright.

Xu Yongming had heard his father talk about this cousin a long time ago, and when he saw him today, he felt very good-looking, and he quickly accepted this cousin in his heart.

He directly took out a rather thick red envelope and handed it to Mo Qing, "Here, my cousin doesn't know what gift to buy you, so I gave a red envelope as a meeting gift. You can buy what you like."

When I came up, I was stuffed with a big red envelope. Mo Qing was a little stunned, "No need, everyone is of the same generation, so there is no need to give me a red envelope."

Xu Tingshan smiled and said, "Mo Qing, take what your big brother gave you, and buy something you like."

Xu Tingyan also said, "Take what your big brother gives you."

Mo Qing didn't refuse any more, "Thank you big brother."

Chen Yue beckoned, "Mo Qing, come quickly and sit here with Auntie."

Mo Qing took advantage of the opportunity and sat beside Chen Yue.

Chen Yue took Mo Qing's hand and said, "Mo Qing, you often meet your second brother at school, do you know if he has a girlfriend at school? I asked him, and he said no."

Mo Qing thought that the matter of Xu Yonghuai and Lin Xiaoxuan had not been confirmed yet, so she didn't say anything, but said: "My second brother doesn't have a girlfriend yet. But don't worry, auntie, my second brother is such an excellent person, he will definitely not worry about finding a girlfriend of."

Chen Yue nodded, "Your second brother hasn't graduated from college yet, so I'm not in a hurry. I'm worried about your cousin's marriage now. He's already 28 and still doesn't have a partner. We'll have to wait until the year of the monkey to get married."

As soon as Xu Yongming heard it, he knew that his mother was going to urge him to marry again, "Mom, didn't you arrange a blind date for me? I promise you to go on a blind date."

Xu Yongming's face was a little hot, after all, he was a little embarrassed to say this in front of the cousin he just met.

Chen Yue was very happy when she saw her son let go, "That's great, tomorrow is the wedding of your second uncle and your second aunt, and I will arrange a blind date for you the day after tomorrow. You can see a few girls more often, and I promise to meet you." like."

Xu Yongming also knew that he was not young, and he didn't want to find him from the army, so he didn't reject the blind date arranged by his mother this time.His leader is also urging him to resolve lifelong events as soon as possible.It would be nice if it could be resolved this time.

The next day was Xu Tingyan's wedding.Of course Mr. Xu wants to participate.In order not to spoil the atmosphere of the wedding, Mr. Xu did not tell Mrs. Wang, nor did he intend to let her attend.

He didn't want the old woman to ruin his second son's wedding.So the whole family kept it from Mrs. Wang.

Mrs. Wang had been dealt with by Mr. Xu some time ago, and she became honest again, and she didn't act like a monster again.But Mr. Xu still didn't believe her.

Xu Tingyan invited several of his brothers to the wedding, as well as several good friends.Of course Jiang Jingyuan will also participate.

Tong Hanyin originally wanted to invite Ren Jiakang to her wedding, but Ren Jiakang went back to Country Y and couldn't come back for a while, so she didn't invite her.

Both Jiang Jingyuan and Mo Qing asked their nannies to come over to help with the cooking, even though there were not many people, they set up several tables.

There were even a few leaders who came uninvited to congratulate Xu Tingyan on his wedding.

Tong Hanyin is wearing a beautiful cheongsam today, her hair is pulled up, she wears a bride's festive head flower, and put on bridal makeup. She looks really beautiful.When Xu Tingyan saw it for the first time, he couldn't move his eyes away.

Since Mo Qing secretly gave her mother the body repair liquid, Tong Hanyin's skin has become better and younger.She thought it was because she was in a good mood when she was getting married and was nourished by love, and she didn't suspect anything else.

And Xu Tingyan's health is getting better and better, the fine lines on his face have also faded a lot, and he looks a lot younger.Moreover, Xu Tingyan also felt that his physical fitness had improved a lot. When exercising, he felt energetic, and his physical strength and endurance had also greatly increased.

He knew it was all the result of the medicine his daughter gave him, but he didn't expect that medicine to be so powerful.

Many people also felt that Xu Tingyan had become younger, and everyone thought it was because he was getting married and he was in good spirits on happy occasions.

At the wedding, Xu Tingyan and Tong Hanyin stood together and toasted everyone, looking really well-matched.Both of them have outstanding looks, and Tong Hanyin's beauty surprised everyone even more.

(End of this chapter)

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