Chapter 278
Jiang Jingyuan hated Jiang Chenghao terribly now, looked at the two women in front of him with cold eyes, and his tone was even more indifferent, "Whoever told you, who do you go to, I definitely didn't tell."

Mo Qing knew at a glance that this was probably Jiang Jingyuan's rotten love.But it was Jiang Chenghao who provoked him. This Jiang Chenghao is really annoying.

Jiang Jingyuan didn't want to get entangled with these two women who appeared out of nowhere, just as he was about to pull Mo Qing over, he saw the door of a private room opened, and a middle-aged woman came out from inside.

Tao Min, a middle-aged woman, was Chu Ran's mother. Seeing her daughter still at the door, she asked, "Ran Ran, didn't you go to the bathroom? Why didn't you go?"

Chu Ran turned to look at her mother with tears in her eyes, "Mom, I met brother Jingyuan, he forgot about me."

Tao Min looked to the side and was also very surprised to see Jiang Jingyuan, "Yo, it's Jingyuan. You also come here to eat. Chu Ran just returned to China, and our family took care of her. Do you have a position? Let's have dinner with us. "

Jiang Jingyuan said expressionlessly: "I'm sorry, Mrs. Chu, I have an appointment with someone, so don't bother me."

Tao Min looked at Mo Qing who was beside Jiang Jingyuan, "It's rare for us to meet today, so let your friends join us."

An impatience flashed in Jiang Jingyuan's eyes, "I'm sorry, I'm dating my girlfriend, and I don't want anyone to disturb you. Excuse me."

As he spoke, he pulled Mo Qing past the crowd and went to the private room he had reserved.

Chu Ran was sad to see Jiang Jingyuan ignoring their persuasion and dragging the girl next to her away. She dragged her mother and said in a crying voice, "Mom, he doesn't admit the past at all. He even has a girlfriend."

Tao Min patted the back of her daughter's hand reassuringly, "Hey, don't be sad, mom will find out about this matter. You and Jiali go to the bathroom quickly."

Tao Min knew the status of the Jiang family in Jinping and Jiang Jingyuan's strength, so she didn't dare to make trouble.She knew that her daughter liked Jiang Jingyuan, and if she wanted to promote the marriage between the Chu and Jiang families, her father had to come forward.

Tao Min also saw the appearance of the girl next to Jiang Jingyuan just now, she has a sense of crisis.The girl's appearance is above his own daughter.Moreover, Jiang Jingyuan actually said that the other party was his girlfriend, which shows that the relationship between the two has been made public, and I don't know if the old man of the Jiang family knows about it, and what his attitude is.

If the daughter wants to marry Jiang Jingyuan, it seems that she has to start with the old man of the Jiang family.

Mo Qing followed Jiang Jingyuan to the private room he reserved, sat on the seat and looked at Jiang Jingyuan with a half-smile.

Jiang Jingyuan felt an invisible pressure, he met Mo Qing's eyes and said helplessly: "Qingqing, I really don't know them well, I hardly remember who they are."

Hearing Jiang Jingyuan address him more intimately, Mo Qing pouted, "Have I allowed you to call me Qingqing?"

Jiang Jingyuan was really afraid that Mo Qing would get angry, so he quickly took Mo Qing's hand, "We're already dating, can't I be more intimate? I don't want to call you Mo Qing anymore, it seems too unfamiliar. I think calling you Qing You are very kind. From now on, this will be my exclusive address for you."

Mo Qing raised the corners of her mouth and looked at Jiang Jingyuan teasingly, "Don't tell me what happened just now? You have a lot of love. Last time I met you on a blind date with someone else, and this time I met another person like this at dinner. woman. Do you have to explain?"

Jiang Jingyuan saw that Mo Qing didn't look angry, but the half-smile on her face made Jiang Jingyuan feel uncertain.

He said with a strong desire to survive: "I haven't met that Chu Ran a few times at all. Our two families just have some friendship. But she does pester me every time, which makes me very tired. And that Feng Jiali Didn’t I say it, it was Jiang Chenghao who told others, that kid must have framed me. I must deal with him when I go back.”

Jiang Jingyuan was very angry when he thought about it at this moment, that kid Jiang Chenghao might use him to gain something.When he goes back, he must give him a good meal, and he must spit out the benefits he got.How dare you take advantage of him.

Mo Qing thought it was better to take this opportunity to make some things clear, "Brother Jingyuan, I think I should make some things clear to you. I am a person who is mentally clean, and I will never forgive me once I have been unfaithful.

I only hope that you have been single-minded during the relationship with me.I also don't want you to have any ambiguity with others.I'm very straightforward, if you fall in love with someone else in the future, just tell me, I will never pester you. "

Jiang Jingyuan hugged Mo Qing in panic when he heard the words, and held Mo Qing tightly in his arms, "Don't say such things in the future. I will never fall in love with others. Only you can live in me in this life." In my heart. I will not engage in ambiguous affairs with others.

I promise that in the future, I will keep a distance of more than one meter from the women who leave, and I will never look at them more.I will never let you down, and please don't say leave me.I get flustered when you say that. "

Mo Qing leaned against Jiang Jingyuan's arms and felt his heart beating violently. She was not the kind to be unreasonable, so she raised her hand and patted Jiang Jingyuan's back, "I'm just telling you my bottom line. I also hope that we Don't have any suspicions, trust each other, if there is anything to communicate, it is best to spread it out."

Jiang Jingyuan hugged Mo Qing, rubbed his cheek against Mo Qing's cheek, and said softly, "Okay, let's be honest, communicate more, and trust each other."

Jiang Jingyuan felt Mo Qing's smooth skin with his cheeks, and gradually became distracted.The heartbeat increased a lot.The hands around Mo Qing's waist gradually tightened, and her cheeks gradually became hot.

Mo Qing felt Jiang Jingyuan's emotion and quickly raised a hand to push him away. Her cheeks were also hot. She cleared her throat, "Let's order, I'm hungry."

Jiang Jingyuan looked at Mo Qing's blushing cheeks and raised the corners of his mouth, "Okay, I'll let the waiter come in and order quickly, I can't make my family hungry."

Mo Qing felt that today's Jiang Jingyuan was very good at talking sweet words, and he seemed to be a different person compared to before.

Jiang Jingyuan hugged the beautiful woman just now and took it away as soon as he saw it, and he didn't dare to go any further. He called the waiter and ordered food with Mo Qing.

Jiang Jingyuan said: "Today is our second date since we established our relationship. Do you want to go somewhere after dinner?"

Mo Qing's mental age is not that of a real little girl, she doesn't have the playful mentality of a girl in her twenties.Getting used to it, the first thing she thought of was work.But she also knows that this is not the previous life, so she doesn't have to be so tired.

She thought for a while and said: "Why don't we go to Yuejiayuan to have a look. I haven't been there for a long time. I also go to clean up."

As long as he can be alone with Mo Qing, Jiang Jingyuan feels that he can go anywhere, "Okay, let's go to Yuejiayuan after dinner."

(End of this chapter)

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