Chapter 287 Emergency

The weapon was controlled by Xu Yonghuai, Jiang Jingyuan and the others had no scruples and quickly subdued several men in black.

Jiang Jingyuan hurried to Mo Qing and hugged her in his arms, "Qingqing, how are you? What's wrong?"

Leaning against Jiang Jingyuan's arms, Mo Qing was out of breath, and said in a low voice, "I have taken traditional Chinese medicine, and there is something wrong with the juice I drank just now. Zeng Jiajia must have colluded with these people to drug me."

Jiang Jingyuan's heart tightened when he heard that, of course he believed in Mo Qing's judgment, but the most important thing now is to detoxify Mo Qing, "I'll take you to the hospital."

Gao Junhui had already called the police from the sidelines, and Jiang Jingyuan and the others had also called the police before. At this time, the police came and arrested the men in black.

Jiang Jingyuan pointed to Zeng Jiajia and said, "She is an accomplice, and we were arrested together."

Upon hearing this, the police also handcuffed Zeng Jiajia.

Zeng Jiajia was terrified. She struggled and cried, "I'm not. It has nothing to do with me. Why arrest me? Don't arrest me."

But no one listened to her excuse.

Mo Qing felt that she couldn't hold on anymore, she didn't want to make a fool of herself in front of everyone, she grabbed Jiang Jingyuan's arm, "Brother Jingyuan, take me away quickly."

Jiang Jingyuan was terrified when he saw Mo Qing's face flushed and sweating profusely. He quickly picked up Mo Qing and said to Zhou Lixin, "I'll take Mo Qing to the hospital, and I'll leave it to you here. The cup Mo Qing used, eat it." Everything that has passed has to be tested."

Zhou Lixin said: "Go quickly, leave this place to me."

Jiang Jingyuan didn't care about other things and carried Mo Qing out of the box.

Mo Qing leaned her head on Jiang Jingyuan's shoulder, feeling the masculine aura on Jiang Jingyuan's body continuously drilled into her nose, making her blood boil even more.She pressed her forehead against Jiang Jingyuan's neck, feeling more comfortable and wanting more.

Mo Qing felt that the medicine in her body was overbearing, and it was probably useless to go to the hospital, after all, the current medical level is still very backward.

She said out of breath, "Brother Jingyuan, let's go to Yuejiayuan. Don't go to the hospital."

Jiang Jingyuan felt distressed when he saw Mo Qing's distress, "You look very bad, why don't you go to the hospital?"

Mo Qing said: "Going to the hospital is useless, listen to me, go to Yuejiayuan, I will prepare the antidote myself."

Jiang Jingyuan nodded, quickly left the Yueyang Hotel, put Mo Qing in the passenger seat of the car and fastened his seat belt, he quickly started the car and drove towards Yuejiayuan.

Mo Qing's body was terribly uncomfortable, as if her whole body was about to explode. She took out a medicine equivalent to a tranquilizer from the dimension space and drank it, but it could only provide some relief.

She has never encountered such a thing, so there is really no medicine to cure this aphrodisiac in the space.She had to go back to Yuejiayuan quickly to do a blood test on herself, and then prepare the antidote.

Jiang Jingyuan quickly brought Mo Qing to Yuejiayuan, and parked the car downstairs at Mo Qing's house.He carried Mo Qing upstairs and opened the door and put Mo Qing on the sofa.

He bent down and wanted to ask how Mo Qing was, when he was suddenly grabbed by Mo Qing and then kissed by Mo Qing.While Mo Qing was kissing him, both hands were still poking into Jiang Jingyuan's clothes, which made Jiang Jingyuan almost lose control of himself.

But he knew that Mo Qing had been drugged, and he couldn't take advantage of others.

He tried to steady himself, and then pushed Mo Qing away, "Qingqing, calm down and tell me what to do."

Mo Qing's cheeks were flushed, her eyes were watery, and her red lips were a little swollen from the kiss just now. At this moment, she exuded a coquettish and charming aura.

Mo Qing tried hard to suppress her desire, "Carry me to the study."

Jiang Jingyuan hurriedly carried Mo Qing to the study next to the bedroom, Mo Qing then took out many instruments from the dimension space, and then took out disposable needles and other things to ask Jiang Jingyuan to draw blood for her.

Under Mo Qing's guidance, Jiang Jingyuan drew blood from Mo Qing, and then put it into several instruments under Mo Qing's guidance.

Mo Qing's instruments were all very advanced in her previous interstellar era, and soon her blood test results came out.

Mo Qing cursed inwardly after reading the test results, those people are really vicious, they gave her such a heavy drug.Even if this medicine goes to the hospital, it is estimated that there is no way to solve it.If she didn't have a golden finger, she would have to find someone to give her the antidote.

Mo Qing suppressed the desire in his body and took out a medicine that could temporarily suppress the medicinal properties in his body and took it.

Mo Qing leaned against Jiang Jingyuan all the time, and Jiang Jingyuan hugged her all the time to prevent her from falling.

Jiang Jingyuan saw that Mo Qing had taken the medicine and asked, "How is it? Is this the antidote?"

Mo Qing shook her head, "The medicine I take can only temporarily suppress the properties of the medicine in my body. To completely remove the properties of the medicine in my body, I have to prepare another medicine."

Jiang Jingyuan said: "Don't worry, take your time, what do you need me to do?"

Mo Qing felt that Jiang Jingyuan's breath was really attractive to her. Although she knew it was because of the medicine, she didn't want to suppress herself too much. She turned around and put her arms around Jiang Jingyuan's neck, "Let me relieve it first."

As he spoke, he pulled down Jiang Jingyuan's head and kissed it.

Jiang Jingyuan's heart was beating violently, and soon he turned to the guest, and the two were inseparable.In the end, it was Jiang Jingyuan who pushed Mo Qing away, and said in a low and hoarse voice, out of breath: "Hey, Qingqing, hold on, I don't want to take advantage of others. I will help you with how to prepare the medicine."

Mo Qing was also out of breath, she nodded and began to take out things to dispense medicine.

Something happened to Mo Qing, and when Xu Yonghuai arrived at the Public Security Bureau, he quickly called his second uncle.

When Xu Tingyan heard that something had happened to Mo Qing, he was so anxious that he quickly called Jiang Jingyuan after learning about the situation.

Jiang Jingyuan heard the phone ringing in his pocket and took it out to see that it was Uncle Xu who quickly connected the phone.

"Jingyuan, where are you? How is Mo Qing?"

Jiang Jingyuan understood that Second Uncle Xu knew it as soon as he heard it, "Second Xu, we are in Qingqing's house in Yuejiayuan, Qingqing was drugged, but she is fine, she is preparing an antidote for herself.

Uncle Xu, this incident was premeditated, and someone targeted Qingqing.She's fine here for the time being, you'd better go to the Public Security Bureau to inquire about the situation.Find out more clues before the other party reacts. "

Xu Tingyan was relieved to hear that her daughter was fine, "Take care of Xiaoqing, I'll go and ask about the situation."

Xu Tingyan hung up the phone and Tong Hanyin grabbed her husband's arm and asked anxiously, "How is Xiaoqing? Is there anything wrong?"

Xu Tingyan comforted: "Yinyin, don't worry, someone has prescribed medicine to Xiaoqing, it should be that kind of medicine. Xiaoqing discovered it early, and nothing serious happened. Now Xiaoqing is preparing the antidote at Yuejiayuan, Jingyuan is by her side, nothing will happen."

Tong Hanyin became anxious when she heard that, "Who is so wicked to drug Xiaoqing, is this trying to destroy her? No, I have to go to Yuejiayuan to guard Xiaoqing."

(End of this chapter)

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