Chapter 338 Small Submersible

Today's harvest was huge. Mo Qing was very happy. When he returned to the boat, he was going to have some delicious food to celebrate tonight.

There were a lot of delicacies stored in the space, so she didn't waste time and energy to cook them freshly. She could just take out some food from the space.But it makes no sense to guard the sea and not get some seafood to eat.

The two of them picked up some fresh shellfish, prawns, crabs and some sea fish at the beach.

No one has ever visited this island. The coast is rich in seafood. The two of them also picked up a lot of sea cucumbers, which are good things.There were too many things to eat, so in the end I only packed some shellfish, shrimps and crabs, which were very delicious once steamed.

After the seafood was out of the pot, Mo Qing took out a few more dishes, including roast duck, diced chicken with peach kernels, and beef brisket with tomatoes. In addition to the meat dishes, Mo Qing also took out a dish of celery and lily, and a box of assorted vegetables, which was enough to supplement vitamins.

Mo Qing also took out a bottle of red wine, poured two glasses of wine, and handed one to Jiang Jingyuan, "Brother Jingyuan, let's have a drink today. I didn't expect that there would be such a big harvest here. Those energy crystals are very precious. , with these crystals, you can do many things. I don’t know if our planet has energy crystals.”

Jiang Jingyuan also attaches great importance to these energy crystals, "Is there any way to find them?"

There are detectors for detecting various energy crystals in Mo Qing's space, but she cannot take them out directly.

She could only pretend to say: "I will study to see if I can develop a detection instrument."

The two of them had a nice meal and rested for the night before continuing on to their next destination.

Although the next place to go is not far from the island, it is under the sea.They will then dive into the seabed to explore.

The two people once again experienced hardships and dangers when leaving the island.

After safely leaving the island, Jiang Jingyuan looked back in the direction he came from. Although they were not far from the island now, they could not see the shadow of the island at all.

He sighed: "It is estimated that we can find this island. It is impossible for others to discover that there is an island here, let alone take the risk of approaching it. If our people want to go to the island, it will be impossible without us."

Mo Qing nodded, "I guess this is also a defensive measure taken by the Kesha people after they chose this place. The magnetic field near this island is very special. The place we are going to will probably not go well."

Jiang Jingyuan raised his hand and held Mo Qing's hand, rubbing the back of her delicate hand with his thumb, "We have overcome so many difficulties, and future difficulties will not trouble us."

Mo Qing rested his head on Jiang Jingyuan's shoulder, holding Jiang Jingyuan's arm with one hand and looking at the sea ahead, "Don't worry, everything will go smoothly as long as I'm here."

Jiang Jingyuan knew that Mo Qing must have some trump cards.The things she took out during this period refreshed his knowledge time and time again, not to mention the things they found on the island.

He could tell that Mo Qing was no stranger to the things on the island, and could even be said to be familiar with them.He always unconsciously thinks about what Mo Qing has experienced before. Is she really the Mo Qing who grew up in Gufeng Village with difficulty?

Although Mo Qing once said that she gained some memories after experiencing that incident, Jiang Jingyuan always felt that things were not that simple.But if Mo Qing didn't tell him, he wouldn't take the initiative to ask.He thought that if the time came, Mo Qing would tell him.

The two people drove the boat towards their destination.Although the destination is not far away, the wind and waves on the sea become stronger as we get closer to the destination.Mo Qing's ship was swaying in the waves and there was a possibility of capsizing and sinking at any time.

Finally, the assistant system Mi Gao also warned Mo Qing that if they continued to move forward, the final outcome would be to sink to the bottom of the sea.

Jiang Jingyuan frowned as the situation got worse and worse, "Qingqing, we can't go any further. This is too dangerous, and we will undoubtedly die." Mo Qing didn't want Jiang Jingyuan to take such a risk, so he made a decision in his heart, "We Let’s return to the previous island and we’ll think of other ways.”

Jiang Jingyuan couldn't think of any other way, "I think we should go back to China and settle the matter on the island first. As for the next target, we can talk about it later."

Mo Qing doesn't want to miss this opportunity, and judging from the current situation, there may not be any good solutions in the future.It would be better to solve it once and for all this time, and she wouldn't have to worry about it all the time.

Mo Qing grabbed Jiang Jingyuan's arm, "Brother Jingyuan, can I trust you? If you know more of my secrets, will you betray me?"

When Jiang Jingyuan heard what Mo Qing said, he turned around and looked at Mo Qing intently. His heart beat faster. He always felt that this was Mo Qing further showing him another side of her.

He held Mo Qing's hand and said, "Qingqing, I didn't just say what I said before. You are more important to me than my life. I will protect you at any time. No matter what happens. , I will not betray you, even if it costs me my life."

Mo Qing believed Jiang Jingyuan's words.During this period, they encountered many critical moments, and Jiang Jingyuan was always there to protect her.

Mo Qing nodded, "I believe you. We can't get there from the sea, so we'll go through the bottom of the sea. Anyway, we will have to dive to the bottom of the sea."

Jiang Jingyuan didn't understand what Mo Qing meant, "From the bottom of the sea? You mean to ask the top to send a submarine over? But the distance is too far, that's unrealistic."

Mo Qing shook his head, "No need to bother, I have small diving equipment in my space. It's totally fine for the two of us."

Jiang Jingyuan knew that Mo Qing was about to show his trump card. He didn't ask any more questions, but said, "I will listen to you."

The two people returned to the island again and packed up the things on the boat.After all, the ship will be parked here for a while without anyone guarding it, so it would be better to put some things away.

After everything was packed up, Mo Qing said: "We will leave the boat here first. We will come back to pick up the boat when we are done."

With that said, Mo Qing took out the small submersible in the space.

Jiang Jingyuan looked at the strange thing that suddenly appeared on the sea. The shape of this submersible was different from the submarines he knew. It was pointed in the front and oval in the back.The overall exterior is silvery white, giving it a high-end feel.

Jiang Jingyuan asked: "Is this the small submersible you are talking about?"

But he didn't feel small at all.

Mo Qing nodded, "Yes. It can take us from the bottom of the sea to our destination."

Mo Qing used the remote control to open the submersible's hatch, and a ladder automatically extended from the hatch and set up on their boat.

Mo Qing looked at Jiang Jingyuan, "Let's go, Brother Jingyuan, I will take you to experience the charm of high technology and visit the underwater world."

With that said, Mo Qing stepped onto the ladder first, followed closely by Jiang Jingyuan.After the two people entered the submersible hatch, Mo Qing retracted the ladder and closed the hatch.

(End of this chapter)

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