idle mistress

Chapter 146 The Runaway Bride

Chapter 146 The Runaway Bride
He always felt in his heart that if his father and king hadn't been so ruthless and locked his queen mother in the dungeon that day, those villains would not have found a chance to take advantage of the loophole...

Xiao Yun, the maid at the side, couldn't see his young master's grievances, so he boldly opened his mouth to defend him: "Your Highness, the son of the world has not neglected his studies with his mother, he often stays in front of his mother to study..."

However, the Shizi didn't appreciate it, and glanced at her: "Xiao Yu, don't talk too much."

After hearing this, Zhao Yan looked down at Zhao Yi, and instead of approving, he said, "That's not going to work." After leaving this sentence, he didn't say anything, and walked away with big steps...

Zhao Yicai didn't care what his father said, as soon as he left, he went to his mother's bedroom, picked up a pen and ink, and began to write while leaning over the desk not far from the bed.

For the past ten days, he has been doing this all the time, because he feels that although his mother is not awake, as long as he is working hard, she will definitely know.

In this way, he kept lighting up the lamp and studying until late at night in the east courtyard, and Fang reluctantly left...

Today is the day when King Mausoleum goes to Beijing to report on his duties.

That night, the eldest son, Zhao Yi, stayed with his mother in the dormitory of the east courtyard to work hard as usual, and did not leave until Haishi.

As soon as he left, the east courtyard suddenly caught fire.

The fire was burning strangely, almost coming from all directions. When the guards on duty found out, the fire had already developed uncontrollably.

In November, when the autumn wind blows, the sky is dry and the things are dry, and the fire is like a hungry wolf and ghosts, and no one is spared wherever it passes.

The eldest son Zhao Yi rushed over after hearing the sound, and the entire east courtyard was already on fire.

Everyone who could escape escaped, only his own mother who was unconscious and the two maids who were close to him were still inside.

Hundreds of people in the palace carried water to put out the fire. However, under the encouragement of the autumn wind, the splashed water failed to extinguish the flames. On the contrary, it increased its power. Half the sky is burning red...

Zhao Yi just watched helplessly as his mother's residence was engulfed in flames, and there was a crackling sound in his ears, which was the clamor of flames.

His mother was buried in the sea of ​​fire just like that...
Lin County is a small county located in the west, where the mountains and rivers are poor, and it is a barren land with barren land and poor people.

It is also at the foot of the emperor, but this Lin County seems to have been forgotten by the court.

The gentry here are lawless and extravagant, while the tenant farmers are oppressed and impoverished.

They survive in the cracks, sometimes worse than a watchdog of a rich family.

In order to survive, they went to the ground before dawn, bowing their heads against the scorching sun, doing repetitive movements in the ground like ants.

In the distance, on a winding path ahead, a bright red adds a touch of vitality to this gray world. When the hard-working tenant farmers raised their heads, they were attracted by this red.

Upon closer inspection, it was a man and a woman pulling a mule, and a woman was sitting on the mule's back, wearing a red jacket and a red kerchief.

Following the jingle of snail bells, the three of them and one mule walked slowly on the road, and soon they left the crop field and headed south...

Lu Huijuan sat on the mule's back, shaking slightly as the mule moved.

Yes, today is the day she gets married.

There was no beating of gongs, drums and suonas, no bustling procession to see off relatives, not even a decent bridal sedan chair.

Some are just a dwarf mule sending off a relative. In order to show that this is a sending off team, a red ribbon is simply tied on the head of the mule.

There was only a bride and a porter leading a mule to welcome the relatives.

Lu Huijuan knew that if she hadn't been afraid of running away, her husband's family would have saved the bride and porter.

The red hood blocked her view, and she couldn't see the road ahead, so she could only lower her eyes and stare at the ground.

She saw the muddy path, the wasteland full of weeds, and the muddy feet of the porter and the bride who stepped on the ground.

Look at yourself again, a pair of brand new red cloth shoes on your feet are clean.

This was her last decency as a bride.

She was sold to someone else to fill in the house, and her father sold her without saying a word for five shillings; as for where she was sold, she didn't know what kind of person her husband's family was, and she even I don't know.

She has two elder brothers above her and two younger sisters below her. As the eldest daughter, she does almost all the heavy and dirty work in the house by herself.

She has long been disgusted with the days of endless work and three meals a day, and has long thought of escaping from this remote village.

After learning that she was betrayed, she tried to escape, but her two elder brothers were still caught.

On the way, she asked Xi Niang about the situation of her husband's family, and it was fine if she didn't ask, but she almost fainted from fright.

She endured being used as a house fill, but the man was already 67, he was almost the same age as her grandfather, she felt terrible even thinking about it.

She is only eighteen this year, and she is in her youth, no, she can't ruin her life in the hands of an old man.

After having this idea, Lu Huijuan has been waiting for an opportunity to escape.

After passing a hill, she looked at the tall bushes around and knew that the opportunity had come.

Thinking of this, she bit her tongue fiercely. Although she was mentally prepared, the severe pain still made her shudder, and she almost fell off the mule's back.

The porter in front of him had sharp eyes and quick hands, and reached out to support her. Just as his hand touched her armpit, he remembered the difference between men and women, so he quickly let go.

"Oh, bride, can't you sit still and be a little bit more stable?" Xi Niang accused angrily.

"Ma'am, I have a stomachache, can you stop so I can find a place to relieve my pain?"

"How can a bride put water on the way, it won't work, it's unlucky." Xi Niang vetoed it straight away.

Lu Huijuan leaned down, feeling painful: "I really have a tight stomachache. If I don't let me down, I'm going to pull my pants down."

Xi Niang lifted her red head cover, and saw that she was dripping with cold sweat, it didn't seem like she was faking it.She was also afraid that it would be unlucky for her to pull her pants down.

He said: "It's really annoying." He asked the porter to stop the mule.

"Be careful, don't get your wedding shoes dirty, these are new shoes." Xi Niang helped her off the mule's back.

Seeing the porter looking over curiously, Lu Huijuan nodded shyly: "I'll go back as soon as I go."

Along the way, she pretended to be obedient, but Xi Niang and the porter didn't see the clue, so they nodded and let her go.

Lu Huijuan hid behind a clump of bushes. She didn't unbutton her trousers. Instead, she turned her head and looked back a little. She saw that the bride and the porter were talking and didn't pay attention to her side.

When not to run at this time.

She took a deep breath and ran up the hillside.

On this side, Xi Niang realized something was wrong when she heard the movement, and she was startled when she looked back.

(End of this chapter)

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