My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 106 Wu Yuanqing

Chapter 106 Wu Yuanqing

Last time you imitated me, it’s fine, but this time, do you really think my grandson Yan is a vegetarian?
Changsun Yan frowned and growled at the three of them: "You three are still imitating me, do you want to die?"

"This time it's true, not to learn from you."

Li Siwen also turned his face away, do you think we want this?
I blame my father for being ruthless, the fight is really merciless.

"That's right, my father beat me harder than the soldiers who beat Sui."

Cheng Chubi was also depressed, his father was Shi Lezhi, and he didn't even blink when he beat him.

Otherwise, with our physique, as for walking on crutches?
"The same is the end of the world."

Hearing these elder grandsons, Yan leaned on crutches and approached the three of them, throwing away the crutches, the four of them hugged each other.

Li Yanran couldn't help shivering when she saw the four of them, she couldn't accept what kind of feelings this was.

Just as the four of them were talking about each other, a carriage slowly stopped outside Haagen-Dazs' shop, and a child stepped on someone and kicked off the carriage.

A middle-aged man hurried to the boy's side, flatteringly said: "My lord, this is the Haagen-Dazs the servant told you about."

"Well, I see, let's go in."

The child nodded, and went directly into the store, looking at the dazzling array of pastries, a little bit of starlight flashed in his eyes.

Although he has grown up with rich clothes and fine food since he was a child, such epoch-making desserts are still very attractive to him.

"Wu Qi, I want all of these."

The child embraced it with a big hand, Wu Qi smiled slightly, called the attendant woman, and ordered the other party to take all the pastries.

The children tasted one by one, and each time they ate one, they gave out heartfelt praise.

Only now did he realize his lack of vocabulary. Apart from delicious, he could no longer describe it in other ways.

After eating and drinking, the children packed a lot more, loaded them into the carriage and left.

The carriage stopped leisurely outside Wufu, and the child got out of the carriage and rushed in unsteadily.

"Father, father."

Hearing the call, a burly middle-aged man turned around slowly, saw the child rushing towards him, and immediately hugged him up.

"Think twice, why are you so happy today?"

If Li Yanran were here now, he would definitely call him a good guy, because this child is none other than the famous Wu Sansi in later generations.

Empress Wu's nephew, the man who almost became the heir of Wu Zhou, and the middle-aged man who picked him up was Empress Wu's elder brother, Liang Xianwang Wu Yuanqing.

"Father, my son found a good thing today. The pastries there are simply delicious, Wu Qi."

Hearing what Wu Sansi said, Wu Qi hurriedly took out the pastry.

"My son bought it, it's naturally delicious."

Wu Yuanqing picked up a puff and put it directly in his mouth.


The puffs melted in his mouth, and the taste really surprised him.

"Where did you buy these from?"

Wu Yuanqing stared at Wu Sansi in front of him, and asked about the origin of these pastries.

Wu Sansi also reported the dessert shop of Haagen-Dazs as a reward.

"Haagen-Dazs? That's a very unique name, so Sansi doesn't want to be the young owner of this dessert shop?"

Wu Yuanqing touched Wu Sansi's head, his eyes were full of kindness.

"Of course I did. This Haagen-Dazs dessert is so delicious. It would be great if I could be the young owner of this dessert shop."

Hearing this, Wu Sansi was so happy that he was about to fly.

If he could really become the young owner of Haagen-Dazs, wouldn't he be able to eat as many pastries as he wanted?

Isn't there a saying that no child can refuse the temptation of light, and no child can refuse to be the young owner of a dessert shop.

"Okay, then I'll send someone to bring Haagen-Dazs over and give it to my good son."

"Okay, father is the best."

Looking at the happy father and son, Wu Qi was dumbfounded.

Is it too reckless to bring Haagen-Dazs over?

There are rumors that this Haagen-Dazs is the property of Sun Yan, the rich man in Chang'an. Will the other party give up such a cash cow?
Anyway, if it was him, he couldn't do it.

"Wu Qi, make arrangements, prepare money, and buy me this Haagen-Dazs."

Wu Qi frowned and called "Master", with a perplexity visible on his face.

"what happened?"

Wu Yuanqing was taken aback for a moment, wondering why the other party had such an expression.

I told you to buy a shop, but I didn't want you to commit suicide. As for the picture of eating flies?
"Master, this Haagen-Dazs is the noble son of the eldest grandson's family, and the property of the eldest grandson Yan, I'm afraid."

After thinking about it for a while, Wu Qi still told about the relationship between Changsun Yan and Haagen-Dazs.

"The eldest grandson's family?"

Hearing this, Wu Yuanqing was also dumbfounded, why did he involve Changsun's family again, and it was Changsunyan, that well-known dude.

"So. Well, let's forget about it. There's no need to run into Changsun's family because of a dessert shop."

Wu Qi nodded, the current situation is like this, there is no reason to make a small mistake.

"Hehe, who said that there is no need to meet Changsun's family because of this dessert shop. If he is other princes and nobles, it would be fine, but he is Changsun Yan. I will make a decision on this Haagen-Dazs."

Wu Yuanqing sneered for a while. When his sister was the queen, she was hindered by Changsun Wuji, and now she is against Li Zhi and Wu Zetian everywhere in the court.

The younger sister's enemy is the enemy of his Wu family, he can't help his younger sister solve problems in the court, but in the market, he must help his younger sister to vent her anger.

Besides, this eldest grandson Yan is a well-known dandy, so if you add some material to the other party, you can also give the eldest grandson's family a big boost.

"Master, that's the eldest grandson's family."

Wu Qi was a little puzzled, knowing that the backstage of this dessert shop is so tough, she still insists on it.

Why did the master suddenly change his gender?

"I know, get ready and follow me to Haagen-Dazs."

"My lord, my lord."

Seeing Wu Yuanqing walking out, Wu Qi really didn't understand why the other party was doing this.

More than 20 guards escorted Wu Yuanqing's carriage to a slow stop outside Haagen-Dazs.

"This Haagen-Dazs chose a good place."

Wu Yuanqing got out of the carriage, looked up at Haagen-Dazs and nodded.

The geographical location of Haagen-Dazs is very good, with two main roads and convenient transportation, it is indeed a treasured place of geomantic omen.

"Get out of the way, get out of the way."

Wu Yuanqing's guards began to savagely drive away the customers in the store.

"Why do you want to drive us away?"

"This is the imperial city, at the foot of the emperor, is there any law for the king?"

"That's right, there are yamen guards patrolling the streets outside, believe it or not, they will arrest you all and put them in jail?"

There are not many ordinary people who can come to Haagen-Dazs, and they frown frequently when they look at the arrogant guards.

Just as everyone condemned, Wu Yuanqing walked in.

Looking at Wu Yuanqing, everyone gasped. This is the elder brother of the current Empress Wu Zetian. Why is he here?

"Shh, don't talk about it, this is Empress Wu's real brother, we can't afford to provoke you, let's go."

"It seems that Haagen-Dazs has a good show."

"Walk around, so as not to offend him because of this."

After recognizing Wu Yuanqing's identity, everyone turned around and left one after another. No one would offend the other party by buying a pastry.

Although Qiushuang didn't know Wu Yuanqing's identity, seeing this posture, he asked people to report to Changsun Yan next door, and at the same time came up to agree.

"Hey, what are you going to do?"

Glancing at the woman in front of him, Wu Yuanqing also nodded,

This Haagen-Dazs dessert is not bad, but this woman is also beautiful, she is a beauty.

Wu Yuanqing ignored Qiushuang and began to patrol, as if a tiger was patrolling its own territory.

"Young master, something happened."

When Zhang Si heard the report, he didn't dare to neglect and hurried upstairs, and patted the door of the private room.

"what happened?"

Changsun Yan and the others were depressed. When they heard that something had happened, they immediately opened the door.

"Someone is making trouble at Haagen-Dazs."


(End of this chapter)

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