Chapter 108
"Brother Li, why did you stop me? Wu Yuanqing is really hateful and should be beaten."

When Cheng Chubi returned to the room, he punched the table directly, his eyes were full of indignation.

"Don't worry, listen to Brother Li."

Li Siwen pulled Cheng Chubi down, pouted his mouth to see what Li Yanran had to say.

"We originally said that the visitor was not kind. At first, I didn't know what the other party wanted to do. Now I should have guessed what he meant."

Li Yanran sat on the swing, her eyes were full of chills.

"Brother Li, hurry up and tell me, you're going to die of anxiety."

Changsun Yan came to Li Yanran's side, and now everyone is knocking at the door, so hurry up and tell me what you think, don't hold your breath.

"The purpose of his coming is to find fault, to provoke you guys to attack him with sticks. Once you really attack him, then he will definitely magnify this matter, and in the end it will definitely be brought to the court."

"If you are accused of a felony at that time, it will inevitably affect the family members behind you, especially the eldest grandson prime minister. Once it is affected, it is bound to let Empress Wu use the excuse to attack the eldest grandson prime minister."

Li Yanran gave Changsun Yan a blank look, and it's not like I didn't say it, you're in a hurry.

"That said, it's going to be difficult."

Sitting on the stool, Li Siwen felt a little numb.

He really didn't expect that such a small matter would be involved in the court.

If it is true what Li Yanran said, I am afraid this Haagen-Dazs will not be able to hold on.

"Prime Minister Changsun has scruples. At worst, Changsun Yan shouldn't do anything. I'll go and invite my father to see if he will break Wu Yuanqing's leg."

Cheng Chubi was too lazy to care about those things, no matter who wanted to touch Haagen-Dazs, he would not agree.

At worst, I'll invite Cheng Yaojin to come over here. With his father's temper, if Wu Yuanqing can walk out of Haagen-Dazs without hesitation, he will take the other party's surname as Wu.

"Yes, I'm going to ask my father to come over too. If you dare to cut off my money, see if my father agrees with the iron whip."

Yu Chihuan was also staring, and was about to go with Cheng Yaojin to invite his father over.

"Stop for me."

Li Yanran patted herself on the forehead again, these two silly criticisms are really worrying.

What a stick.

"Brother Li, what's the matter?"

"That's right, please invite my father to come here, and Wu Yuanqing will be scared to death."

Both of them were stunned, not knowing why Li Yanran stopped them.

"Because Haagen-Dazs directly confronts Empress Wu, it's a small loss, so give it up."

Li Yanran took out a yellow apricot from her pocket, and took a hard bite.

It seemed that the yellow apricot in front of him was the villain Wu Yuanqing, and he wanted to eat him in one bite, so as to relieve the dullness in his chest.

"I disagree."

Changsun Yan also gritted his teeth.

Brother Li, you are confused.

It is true that Wu Yuanqing is the Marquis of Wu, but behind us is the emperor. In the worst case, I will tell my cousin.

He still didn't believe that Li Zhi would give Haagen-Dazs away like this.

"Yanzi, there are many profitable deals. It's just a Haagen-Dazs. It's not worth it."

Li Yanran glared at Changsun Yan, why do she care about these things now.

Your father is about to be cornered by Marquis Wu, and now that Changsun Xiang is being relegated, if something happens here, it will be even more difficult for Changsun Wuji.

Once Changsun Wuji is defeated by Li Zhi and Marquis Wu, will he still have good fruit for his parents?

Also you do not agree, you do not agree a big elbow.

"No matter how many deals you have, Brother Li, Haagen-Dazs is not only related to us, but also Mr. Li and Mr. Li. Without Mr. Li's approval, if you sell this Haagen-Dazs, I can't explain it over there."

"That's right, why did I forget about Lao Li."

When Zhang Sunyan said this, Li Yanran also came to her senses, how could she forget about this great god.

After thinking about it, Li Yanran hesitated again: "But Wu Yuanqing is behind Empress Wu, telling Lao Li now, won't he cause trouble for him?"

After all, the opponent this time is not as good as before, and Empress Wu is formidable. Even if Lao Li really has all-hands and eyes, he might not be able to resist.

This will make Lao Li take another trip into this muddy water, is it really necessary?

That's the sworn brother who kowtowed to the ground with him, can he cheat his elder brother?


Besides, because of a small Haagen-Dazs, it is not worth it.

"Mr. Li is not an ordinary person. Even if he is the queen of the dynasty, he has to be given a three-pointer. If he goes out, Wu Yuanqing is just a clown."

Li Yanran didn't know Li Zhi's identity, but Changsun Yan knew.

He didn't take Li Yanran's worries to heart at all.

The emperor also dared to rob the store, I would like to see whether it is Empress Wu or my cousin who is the best.

"No, just do as I said. Haagen-Dazs will give it to Wu Yuanqing. We can't make trouble for ourselves, and we can't make trouble for Lao Li."

Li Yanran shook her head again, no matter how powerful Lao Li was, he couldn't compete with Empress Wu just because of this.

"Brother Li."

Changsun Yan is really dying of anxiety, what you said is not troublesome, it is just a matter of one sentence, don't complicate things.

Xiao Li, you really think too much.

"If you don't listen to me, we will go our separate ways in the future, and we will have nothing to do with each other."

Li Yanran gave Changsun Yan a gouged look, you have too many things to do, you know what the fuck, that's Empress Wu.

I am not ready to meet Empress Wu yet.

"However, I can't bear to give up Haagen-Dazs like this."

Seeing that Li Yanran was really angry, Zhang Sunyan could only temporarily give up the idea of ​​asking Li Zhi for help.

A sneer appeared on the corner of Li Yanran's mouth: "If you want to grab something from me, Li Yanran, I want to see how he can do it."

"How to say?"

Looking at Li Yanran's appearance, Zhang Sunyan knew that Brother Li would not let her down.

"Come here with your ears."

Several people gathered beside Li Yanran, even Li Feng on the side stretched out his ears, wanting to see what kind of clever plan his lady had in dealing with Wu Yuanqing.


"Brother Li is Brother Li, I am convinced."

"Me too."

After hearing Li Yanran's words, the few of them woke up like a dream, why didn't they think of it.

"Yanzi, after the meeting is over, we will discuss the price with Mr. Wu Yuanqing. Empress Wu has never been kind to her natal family."

Li Yanran smiled, Wu Yuanqing, you provoked yourself, so you can't blame me.

"Don't worry, let's go."

Changsun Yan nodded, and brought a few people to Haagen-Dazs again.

"Have you thought about it so quickly?"

Wu Yuanqing was also a little dazed when he looked at the group of four walking sticks who went back and forth.

Originally, he thought that several people would have to discuss it for a while, but he didn't expect it to be so soon.

"Wu Yuanqing, stop talking nonsense, how much are you going to pay for Haagen-Dazs?"

Changsun Yan's face was downcast, but there was a trace of playfulness in his eyes, looking at Wu Yuanqing as if he was looking at a fool.

You were not afraid of anything just now, but now you are going to sell it?
This change really made Wu Yuanqing somewhat unacceptable.

"How about [-] guan?"

"My Haagen-Dazs can be said to be making a lot of money every day, and I haven't paid attention to ten thousand."

Changsun Yan's eyes were full of coldness.

Anyway, you are also the elder brother of Empress Wu, how can you beg for such a small amount of money?

"Then how much do you want?"

"[-] guan, give me [-] guan. This Haagen-Dazs is your Wu Yuanqing's property. This is already a friendship price, understand."

 Thank you for the rewards of Qingshan and book friends 2022, thank you for your monthly tickets and recommendation tickets~
(End of this chapter)

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