My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 110 I will ask you for an explanation

Chapter 110 I will ask you for an explanation

Well, you grandson Yan, this Haagen-Dazs has my members in it.

Now you don't know how to transfer Haagen-Dazs out?
Is it really unreasonable to put the Emperor Zhen in your eyes?

Ruian saluted tremblingly, and arranged for a carriage to take Li Zhi away from the palace towards Lan Kwai Fong.

Li Zhi got out of the carriage and rushed directly to the second floor of Lan Kwai Fong.

Pushing open the door of the private room, only Changsun Yan was drinking at the table.

"Long. Sun. Yan."

Hearing Li Zhi's low growl, Zhang Sun Yan trembled in fright, and spilled the wine in his hand.

"Mr. Li, Mr. Li."

Changsun Yan bowed to Li Zhi on his knees.

"Ann? Will I be able to go on? Changsun Yan, you dare to sell my property. Who gave you such courage?"

The blood spattered five steps when the husband was angry, let alone the emperor when he was angry.

Changsun Yan was also depressed.

Facing the angry Li Zhi, he really couldn't stop it.

Brother Li, where are you, hurry up and help me.

"I asked you something, tell me."

Seeing Changsun Yan pretending to be stupid, Li Zhi couldn't help but slapped the table.

"Mr. Li, it's not that I want to sell Haagen-Dazs, but that I really can't afford to mess with that person."

Changsun Yan immediately put on an aggrieved look, and replied to Li Zhi delicately.

"Put away your disgusting face, can't you afford to offend? There are people like you, a dude, in Chang'an who can't be offended?"

Li Zhi was disgusted for a while, and glared at Changsun Yan.

Besides Changsun Wuji, is there anyone in Chang'an that your eldest Sun Yan can't afford?
"I really can't afford it. The one who bought Haagen-Dazs was Empress Wu's elder brother, Wu Yuanqing. He threatened Empress Wu, and Brother Li had no choice but to sell it to Wu Yuanqing."

Changsun Yan lowered his head and lifted Wu Yuanqing out.

"So what about Wu Yuanqing, Xiao Li doesn't know my identity, don't you know, why don't you send someone to inform you and make a good decision? You are a crime of deceiving the emperor."

Hearing this, Li Zhi was taken aback for a moment, but immediately became angry again.

My second brother doesn't know my identity, don't you know?
Really a mallet.

"Mr. Li, Brother Li didn't let me tell you. He said that Haagen-Dazs is just a small amount of money. There is no need for you to confront Empress Wu because of such a small matter. A small loss is not worth it."

Speaking of this, Changsun Yan is even more wronged here, do you think I don't want to go to your thigh.

It's because your illegitimate son didn't let him go, because he was afraid of getting you into trouble.

"He is only a child of how old, can't you have your own ideas? Or do you also think that I will be afraid of the queen? Don't dare to tell me?"

Li Yanran can understand the general situation at such a young age, he is very pleased to take into account the overall situation, but you are an adult, do you have to listen to that child Li Yanran?

If you want to say incompetence, your grandson Yan has refreshed my three views.

"How could it be? You are the Son of Heaven, and you only have love for the Empress. How could you be afraid?"

Changsun Yan smiled flatteringly at Li Zhi.

Are you not afraid of the queen?
Isn't this a joke?Who doesn't know that you are afraid of guilt.

To tell you the truth, if you can do it, it’s okay, but if you can’t, you still don’t take it easy on me.

"Hmph, it's really unreasonable. I'll go to the queen to find out, and see how long Wu Yuanqing can be arrogant."

Hearing the insincere words of Changsun Yanyan, Li Zhi couldn't help it.

A man born between heaven and earth, does not fight for steamed buns or breath.

You fool actually look down on me, I insist on letting you know who is in charge of this Tang Dynasty.

"Mr. Li, don't get angry."

Changsun Yan looked at Li Zhi's back, and hurriedly yelled.

"Fuck off."

Li Zhi's voice came, and he had already left the gate of Lan Kwai Fong.


Seeing Li Zhi coming out in a hurry, Ryan was stunned.

Didn't His Majesty ask Haagen-Dazs about it? Why did he come out so soon?

"Go back to the palace immediately."

Without waiting for the servants to make stools, Li Zhi stepped into the carriage in one step, pulled the curtain and ordered to return to the palace.

Ryan didn't know why, so he sat on the top of the car and instructed the driver to drive back.

"His Majesty."

"His Majesty."

"His Majesty."

The palace people saw Li Zhi saluting one after another, but the other party didn't even look at them, and went straight to the outside of Wu Zetian's bedroom.

At the door, Li Zhi stopped suddenly, with a little hesitation in his eyes.

But thinking of Changsun Yan's words and the cash cow of Haagen-Dazs, he gritted his teeth and pushed the door open.

"His Majesty?"

Wu Zetian was reviewing the memorial, when he saw Li Zhi, he got up and saluted.

"Meiniang, I'm here to see you."

Li Zhi looked at Wu Zetian with a happy face, and sat directly beside her.

"Your Majesty came to find Mei Niang, what's the matter?"

Seeing Li Zhi's appearance, Wu Zetian was also puzzled, this Li Lang is a bit abnormal today.

"Actually...Actually, it's nothing. You can review the memorial, I'll go first."

Looking at the delicate and beautiful Wu Zetian, Li Zhi's words rolled around his lips and swallowed them back.

What Li Yanran said was right, it was just a Haagen-Dazs, if you give it up, you just give it up, it seems like nothing.

They can all admit it, and there is nothing they can't bear.

Besides, it was given to Wu Zetian's own brother, not to an outsider.

Thinking of this, Li Zhi gave Wu Zetian a sarcastic smile, got up and was about to leave.

"Li Lang, husbands and wives should treat each other honestly, you will be angry if you continue to be so charming."

Wu Zetian grabbed Li Zhi's sleeve, with a look of displeasure in his eyes.

"Today I received news that your brother Wu Yuanqing relied on your identity to forcibly buy a dessert shop called Haagen-Dazs. It's really too much."

Glancing at Wu Zetian, Li Zhi also sat down.

The words in his mouth turned several times, but in the end they still didn't harden.


Hearing this, Wu Zetian was also stunned. Isn't that the joint venture between his daughter and Changsun Yan?

I even invested [-] shares in it, why was it snatched by my elder brother?
It's really too much.


Li Zhi nodded like a chicken pecking at rice.

"Then what does His Majesty mean by telling Meiniang?"

Wu Zetian frowned and glanced at Li Zhi, did he deliberately point at himself?
The Wushi family is blessed by heaven, and it is indeed a little too much recently. The most important thing is that my elder brother actually wants to steal the property of my niece.

"Meiniang, actually I don't have any other intentions. You know the current situation. Haagen-Dazs is the property of Changsun Wuji's son, Changsun Yan. Doing so will definitely cause some disturbances.

If Changsun Wuji uses this to make a fuss, it will be very detrimental to us. "

Seeing Wu Zetian frowning, Li Zhi couldn't help but tremble.

He is not afraid of anything, but he is afraid of Wu Meiniang getting angry.

"What Li Lang said is very reasonable, the matter has already happened, so what can we do?

Everyone knows that my eldest brother went there under my banner. If Haagen-Dazs is returned at this time, it will weaken our morale to some extent.

Ethos is also very important, if people feel that we are afraid of the eldest grandson, it is not appropriate. "

Wu Meiniang sighed.

Although my elder brother robbed my daughter's shop, the palms and backs of his hands were full of meat.

She is also a bit embarrassed to be her elder brother on the one hand and her daughter on the other.

Now the court is turbulent, and one wrong step will set off a stormy sea, so she can't help but be careless.

"See if this works. You send someone to ask your elder brother to bring some more money out. I will send someone to send it to Changsun Yan. As long as the business is fair and reasonable, even if my uncle wants to make use of it, he can't use it." .”

A cunning flashed in Li Zhi's eyes.

It is not impossible for Haagen-Dazs not to return, but there must always be a charter.

It is my ability to ask for a sum of money from Wu Yuanqing.

Don't say anything else, at least it's enough to stop your grandson Yan's mouth.

"Your Majesty's words are very true. I'm going to send someone to find my useless elder brother so that I can reprimand him and ask him to come up with some money to settle this matter."

Wu Zetian nodded. She didn't know that Li Zhi was beating her up, but she understood how difficult it was for her daughter.

After finally opening the shop, he was robbed by his own uncle, so he had to give his daughter some compensation.

Otherwise, how can she feel at ease as a mother.

Li Zhi kissed Wu Zetian on the forehead, and left with a smile on his face.

"Come on, call Wu Yuanqing to meet me in the palace immediately, hurry up."


(End of this chapter)

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